* Restricted Information: denizens of Harrig only
Harrig is an Orcish Land on the Eastern border of Hell, under the effective rule of the Temples of ALTIS and of HAERIM. Although the largest city is Harrikesh, the Land is ruled from Kesh-na-ALTIS and Kesh-na-HAERIM by the High Temples of ALTIS and HAERIM respectively. Harrikesh and the other towns have Governors, but they are strictly subservient to the local High Priests, each town being controlled by either the Temple of ALTIS or that of HAERIM. Rule is enforced by the Inquisitions; the Most Unholy Inquisition of ALTIS and the Most Hateful Inquisition of HAERIM, each of which has its own Army of the Inquisition. The Grand Inquisitors are answerable only to the Highest Priests.
Daily worship in the Temples is compulsory (and enforced by the Inquisitions), but orcs are permitted to have Faith in and worship daily at the Temples of Allied Evil Gods and Demigods. However some of the more zealous junior Inquisitors take action on their own initiative against the supposedly Allied Faiths, and a blind eye is usually turned to such excesses by the Temples of ALTIS and HAERIM. Most orcs therefore profess Faith in ALTIS or HAERIM.
The bodies of the dead belong to the Temples of the Gods in which they had Faith, and many are shipped to the Catacombs of Larnhâk, to supply the incessant demand for zombie slaves for the mines and other hard work that orcs shirk whilst living. Those adjudged by the Inquisitions to have committed various relatively serious offences in their lives (for which the penalty is usually death - the only issue being how slowly and painfully) are also Ghosted. The Catacombs are ruled by the High Temple of SOROK, but the other Temples are also present and Create and Control their own Undead. Undead are Sacred to their Controlling Temples, and the penalty for taking one out is to be made into its replacement (usually after extraction of bodily organs for Spell Materials whilst the offender is still alive). It is proper to bow respectfully when one passes - or prostrate oneself before a particularly sinister one.
There is occasional fighting between the ALTIS and HAERIM factions, but generally they co-operate. The Temple of HAERIM rules Kesh-na-HAERIM, Zirizh, Tâkh and the central zone, ALTIS is dominant in the South and North.
Harrig is an introverted and secretive Land, where foreigners are viewed with suspicion. There is some trade, principally by river with Kargen and across the Broken Teeth passes in summer with Trikāf, but foreign traders stick to their own enclaves and rarely venture further South than Gorrh. Humans or dwarves, without a trader's licence or other compelling authority from Hell or a slave collar and a good story why they are out alone on their master's business, are liable to summary torture and execution by the Inquisitions.
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