Light and Time

Underworld version

The Sun

CAERULAS spends the Night in Heaven, a place of paradise somewhere between Hell and the House of Karma. Before He is due to Rise He leaps into His flying chariot, which is pulled by the Eight Golden Horses of the Sun, and accelerates up the great Shaft from Heaven to Hell. First light occurs as His sunbeams become visible, shining out from the bottom of the Pit of Hell. As Dawn approaches they quickly grow in brightness, and illuminate a larger area of the sky. At Sunrise CAERULAS bursts out into the Pit, where He rests for the Day.

At Sunset He leaps back into His chariot, and descends to Heaven once again; there to spend another Night.

The full cycle of one Day followed by one Night is known as a Caeriad.

CAERULAS is at His dimmest at Midwinter, average in Autumn and Spring, and brightest at Midsummer. The Year is based upon one such Solar Cycle.

The Moon

MIRIMI is a Chaotic cursed with a Lawful cycle. She goes from New Moon to Full Moon to Old Moon to New Moon again in a period of 25 Caeriads. This period is a Lunar Month, and it corresponds to the menstrual period of Her fellow women.

MIRIMI's movements are erratic. She often takes to random flight across the night sky (and occasionally by day) in the form of a huge sphere, or in the Lunar Chariot, which is pulled by the Silver Unicorns of the Moon. Sometimes She does not even bother to appear at all. It is said She may only walk the surface of the World at New Moon.


RAYLIT, EvenStar, is rarely seen. When He does appear, it is usually as a bright light or shooting star in the South Western sky, shortly before Sunrise. His brightness is half dependent upon that of His father, the Sun, and half dependent upon that of His mother, the Moon.

The Calendar

The years are numbered, from the Beginning of the World, which was Year 1. Creation myths vary, but KOROS usually gets the credit.

The days of the year are usually numbered consecutively, by those who bother. Most people only really pay attention to the passing of the Seasons.

Day 1 is New Year's Day.
Spring begins Day 45.
Summer begins Day 133.
Midsummer's Day is Day 177.
Autumn begins Day 222.
Winter begins Day 310.
Midwinter's Day is Day 353 / 354 (odd numbered years have 353 days / even have 354).

The Clock

The Caeriad consists of a Night followed by a Day, each of 12 hours. The Night is subdivided into 3 Watches of 4 hours each. These periods are constant throughout the Year, CAERULAS being Lawful.

One hour is made up of 60 minutes, of 60 seconds each.

The Night begins at Sunset (One o' clock o' First Watch: 1.1.00), and ends just before Sunrise (3.4.59).

The Day begins at Sunrise (One o'clock: 01.00), and ends just before Sunset (12.59).

Midnight is at 2.3.00, and Midday, or Noon, at 07.00. The first 6 hours of the Day are morning, the last 6 afternoon.

This counting of the hours is that used in Hell, and is therefore known as Hellish Time.

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