Sex: m

First appeared: 1 I 0


Neutral / Lawful


The Sun

CAERULAS spends the Night amidst the fires of Hell. Before He is due to Rise He leaps into His flying chariot, which is pulled by the Eight Golden Horses of the Sun, and accelerates up the great Shaft from Hell to Heaven. First light occurs as His sunbeams become visible, shining out from Heaven. As Dawn approaches they quickly grow in brightness, and illuminate a larger area of the sky. At Sunrise CAERULAS bursts into the sky from the top of Mt. Anar, and light sweeps over the land as He hurtles higher into the heavens. He slows as He goes, so as to become stationary on His reaching perihelion, high up above the World. The time from Sunrise to perihelion is about three-quarters of an hour.

About the same amount of time before Sunset CAERULAS drops again towards the Mountain, accelerating as He falls, and re-entering the Shaft at Sunset, after which His sunbeams soon die away in red and gold in the skies above Heaven, whilst the Sun God heads for Hell; there to spend another Night.

The full cycle of one Day followed by one Night is known as a Caeriad.

CAERULAS is at His brightest at Midsummer, average in Autumn and Spring, and dimmest at Midwinter. The Year is based upon one such Solar Cycle

Clerical God amongst the Kayani, and in the rest of the World from 24 XIII 2500


Appears as the Sun, but is usually depicted as a classically handsome, strong-jawed man with golden hair, dressed all in white. His arms are strong and bare, and He wears large golden bracelets. Round his head is a golden circlet bearing a jewel on the forehead that is too bright to look at. He wears a long white cloak and riding boots. He carries no weapons, but is depicted in combat as throwing sunbeams like spears. His chariot is fabulously wrought of solid gold, has great golden wings, and stands on smooth golden runners. It is pulled by eight fiery golden stallions: the famed Golden Horses of the Sun.


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Temple of Peace on Earth from 24 XIII 2500

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