Sex: m

First appeared: c100


Evil / Neutral



Clerical God


A grey-haired young man, with a vicious scar on the right-hand side of his face, from chin to black eyepatch. His hair is cut short on the left but long on the right, so as to half cover the scar and eyepatch. Has a thin smile, twisted up on the right towards the scar. The gaze of His single eye can be worse than that of ALTIS, for when it is fixed upon you, you feel the specific target of all the God's malevolence, whereas ALTIS' malevolence is of a more general nature. He dresses ornately in doublet, hose, codpiece, high boots, and short cloak, all in dark, contrasting colours decorated with silver. Favours scimitar and super-heavy crossbow as weapons, and glittering chainmail that looks as if it is made of diamonds. His helmet masks the right-hand side of His face.


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God of Hell

God of Heaven and Hell from 24 XIII 2500

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