Sex: m

First appeared: c1600 (though suspected of having been around considerably earlier)


Evil / Lawful



rumours persist that He is a Clerical God


A study in grey: everything about Him, from skin to weapons, is of a neutral mid-grey. Yet He is charmingly handsome, with a roguish (grey) glint to His eye. His hair is short, and He sports a curled moustache and a goatee beard. His clothes are tight-fitting, with grey velvet trousers tucked into grey suede boots. He seems to wear a grey cloak, but it melts away into shadows and is difficult to focus upon. No weapons or ornaments can be seen upon Him, but He produces such things from about His person when required.


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God of Hell

God of Heaven and Hell from 24 XIII 2500

old Triumdeate 2297 to 24 XIII 2500

Not Clerical

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