Sex: m
First appeared: c700, conceived 14 X 631 (when Sun rose late)
Neutral / Neutral
EvenStar, Elf-friend
The brightness of RAYLIT is half dependent upon that of His father, the Sun, and half dependent upon that of His mother, the Moon. He usually appears as a bright light or shooting star in the South Western sky around Sunset and in the evening (First Watch of the Night), illuminating the forests of His elven friends.
Clerical God
Takes the form of an exceedingly fair High Elf, and (like that race) dresses in the cool shades of woodland, meadow and stream. To cover His light His clothes wrap Him from head to foot and His face is covered by a blank mask contoured to fit his features. He rides a winged steed of silver and gold. When armed He wears soft leather armour and carries elvish weapons and a shield shaped like the Evening Star Himself.
RAYLIT lies towards the Good / Chaotic corner of the Neutral / Neutral section of the Alignment chart. His is the most tolerant and moderate of Creeds, and is often criticised for not really believing in anything at all. But this is unfair. RAYLIT teaches that self-expression and free will are important virtues, but carrying them to excess is a vice. There are benefits in co-operation and society, but they must not be allowed to stifle individual freedom. Pursuing one's self interest is only natural, but to deliberately harm others in doing so is wrong.
Such values are appealing to the Elves, who have a similar laisser-faire attitude to life. They have also won Him worshippers amongst dissident minorities in other societies, even amongst the Dwarves.
Much use is made of light and darkness in His rituals. Candles are often lit to show devotion, especially at eventime.
Temple of Peace on Earth from 24 XIII 2500
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