Sex: m

First appeared: c1200

Died: 24 XIII 2500, now Undead


Evil / Lawful



Clerical God to 24 XIII 2500


A tall, thin man with white skin shrunk tightly over His bones, long, thin black hair and sunken red eyes. His lips and nails are painted, and His eyebrows appear to be pencilled in. His voice is a cracked whisper. Dresses completely in black robes, with a huge black cloak with a high collar reaching above His head. His sword appears to be a stiletto the size of a broadsword, with a thin black blade. On ceremonial occasions He wears a silver mask in the form of His skull symbol.


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God of Hell

God of Heaven and Hell from 24 XIII 2500

old Triumdeate 2297 to 24 XIII 2500

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