1-off H: Return to the Deep Forest

Monster Specification

The Thing That Yells

The Thing That Yells

Monster Level ("ML"): 6

Number Encountered: 1

Alignment: N/C, Minion of ULULO

Description: an amorphous black and green mass, made up of thousands of mouths

Habitat: the Domain of Frenzy (Level of Madness 3): one wandered out into the Deep Forest (where it was killed by the party in the Return to the Deep Forest 1-off)

Language: all: each mouth speaks a different language, and they may all babble simultaneously, but say nothing but gibberish

Chars: Co 28, Wp 10


Rate Melee Travelling
Creep 1 ft/sec 2/3 mph
Slither 4 ft/sec 2 2/3 mph
Bound 9 ft/sec 6 mph

Fighter Abilities:

d6 AMR    D = 55 %    RD = 35 %    53 HP

May make multiple attacks in same sec if Initiative rolled, ignoring rule to contrary in Ft System.

Attack Modes:

Bite @ A = 63%, DAM = d6 (if penetrates Causes Madness by Touch as per Note 3 below) + d6 Acid Damage (doesn't Cause Madness by Touch)

Spit @ A = 50%, Range = 32 ft, DAM = d6 Acid Damage

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area





01 to 126

01 to 126

01 to 126


HitLoc Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


  d10, where 10 = ADS 0

Effects of Specific Damage:

Hit Loc Area

%age HP Damage taken




63% Yells increase to BTS33%, Bleeds d6 HP of Ld6 Acid / MR, and tries to run away into Domain of Frenzy
126% Emits 1 sec Death Yell of BTS63% and then dies

Regenerates at (d4-2)HP / MR (degenerates if 1 rolled), starting MR after 1st takes Damage.

All Damage taken destroys mouths.

Thievish Abilities:


Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Yells on hilltops and other open places, especially at night.
  2. Yells Cause Madness @ BTS 23% (Wp), decreasing by n(n+1)/2% @ n miles distance.  Earplugs can reduce BTS by up to 10%.
  3. Touch Causes Madness @ BTS 33% (Wp)
  4. Establishing Charm Link to it Causes Madness @ BTS 63% (Wp)
  5. Madness caused is Domain of Mania, unless subject is already in another Domain.  Can cause max Level of Madness 3: just triggers hallucination check on those at Level of Madness >= 3.
  6. Immune to Acid and Madness.
  7. Fire Vulnerable.
  8. Has eyes, ears and noses on various tongues.

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