Animal Specification



Animal Type: Mammals - Monkeys

Typical Animal Level ("AL"): 3 to 11

Typical Number Encountered: d6

Usual Alignment(s): N/N

Description: as per their meta equivalents

Habitat: Jungle and adjacent Green Areas

Language: none

Chars: Co 3d8, Wp 3d8


Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 3 ft/sec 2 mph
Scamper 6 ft/sec 3.5 mph
Run 10 ft/sec 7 mph
Charge 12 ft/sec n/a

Fighter Abilities:

AL/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5AL) %    RD = 5 + (5AL) %    5 + (5AL) HP

Attack Modes:

Claw @ A = 10AL %, DAM = d10, Reach = 0 to 2

Bite @ A = 8AL %, DAM = 2d6, Reach = 0 to 1

Big Bone or Stick Club @ A = 10AL , DAM = 2d8 +1 vs Chain / +2 vs Plate, Reach = 0 to 4

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area


Side / Erect



01 to 30

01 to 15


Arms (*2)

91 to 120

16 to 45



61 to 90

46 to 90

01 to 10



91 to 120

11 to 30

Legs (*2) n/a 121 to 150 61 to 80


HitLoc Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


2 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 2


4 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4


2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2


2 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 2
Legs 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4

Effects of Specific Damage:

Hit Loc Area

%age HP Damage taken




15% Unconscious, Co check vs Death
30% Decapitation, Death

Arms (each)



25% Co check vs Arm Crippled
50% Arm  Crippled, Co check vs Arm Severed
75% Arm Severed



80% Incapacitated, Co check vs Death, Bleed 5%/min, Co check vs Bleed 5%/MR
160% Death



60% Co check vs Death/MR, Bleed 5%/MR
120% Death

Legs (each)



25% Co check vs Leg Crippled
50% Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed
75% Leg Severed

Bleeding effects from Crippling, Severance and Decapitation of Legs are as for People.

Thievish Abilities:

M on Th Activities:

Defensive ThL = AL/2, FRU

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1.  Gorillas occur naturally in the Jungle of the Overworld, especially the Heart of the Jungle, and amongst the wooded foothills of its surrounding mountains.  They are a popular Totem Animal amongst the Beastmasters of the Jungle.
  2. The Dream Kingdom of Monkeys (including Gorillas) is The Simian Empire, ruled from its Sacred Heart by HANDAMAN the Monkey God (a male Aspect of TIPRE) as a Giant Gorilla.  Monkeys also roam the Tree Kingdoms in their Dreams. The Dark Simian Empire is ruled by HANDAMAN, as an Aspect of CORNUTUR, or by THE BLACK GORRILA, as an Aspect of TERRIK.
  3. Lycanthropy can occur amongst Monkeys, producing Weregorillas from Gorillas.
  4. Giant Gorillas, which are Simian Monsters, dwell in the Heart of the Jungle.

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