HitLoc Tables give the maximum HitLoc of a Target (the minimum HitLoc always being 01) and the maximum and minimum HitLoc of each HitLoc Area.
The individual HitLoc Tables for People by Sz are as follows:
HitLoc Area |
Sz 0 |
Sz 1 |
Sz 2 |
Sz 3 |
Sz 4 |
Head |
Physical body does not exist. Cannot be hit. |
01 |
01 to 03 |
01 to 04 |
01 to 06 |
Arms (*2) |
02 to 04 |
04 to 09 |
05 to 13 |
07 to 18 |
Chest |
05 to 09 |
10 to 18 |
14 to 27 |
19 to 36 |
Abdomen |
10 to 12 |
19 to 24 |
28 to 36 |
37 to 48 |
Legs (*2) |
13 to 15 |
25 to 30 |
37 to 45 |
49 to 60 |
HitLoc Area |
Sz 5 |
Sz 6 |
Sz 7 |
Sz 8 |
Sz 9 |
Head |
01 to 07 |
01 to 08 |
01 to 08 |
01 to 09 |
01 to 09 |
Arms (*2) |
08 to 22 |
09 to 24 |
09 to 25 |
10 to 27 |
10 to 28 |
Chest |
23 to 45 |
25 to 48 |
26 to 51 |
28 to 54 |
29 to 57 |
Abdomen |
46 to 60 |
49 to 64 |
52 to 68 |
55 to 72 |
58 to 76 |
Legs (*2) |
61 to 75 |
65 to 80 |
69 to 85 |
73 to 90 |
77 to 95 |
HitLoc Area |
Sz 10 |
Sz 11 |
Sz 12 |
Sz 13 |
Sz 14 |
Head |
01 to 10 |
01 to 10 |
01 to 11 |
01 to 11 |
01 to 12 |
Arms (*2) |
11 to 30 |
11 to 31 |
12 to 33 |
12 to 34 |
13 to 36 |
Chest |
31 to 60 |
32 to 63 |
34 to 66 |
35 to 69 |
37 to 72 |
Abdomen |
61 to 80 |
64 to 84 |
67 to 88 |
70 to 92 |
73 to 96 |
Legs (*2) |
81 to 100 |
85 to 105 |
89 to 110 |
93 to 115 |
97 to 120 |
Hit Loc Area |
Sz 15 |
Sz 16 |
Sz 17 |
Sz 18 |
Sz 19 |
Head |
01 to 12 |
01 to 13 |
01 to 13 |
01 to 14 |
01 to 14 |
Arms (*2) |
13 to 37 |
14 to 39 |
14 to 40 |
15 to 42 |
15 to 43 |
Chest |
38 to 75 |
40 to 78 |
41 to 81 |
43 to 84 |
44 to 87 |
Abdomen |
76 to 100 |
79 to 104 |
82 to 108 |
85 to 112 |
88 to 116 |
Legs (*2) |
101 to 125 |
105 to 130 |
109 to 135 |
113 to 140 |
117 to 145 |
Hit Loc Area |
Sz 20 |
Sz 21 |
Sz 22 |
Sz 23 |
Sizes >23 |
Head |
01 to 15 |
01 to 15 |
01 to 16 |
01 to 16 |
10% of H |
Arms (*2) |
16 to 45 |
16 to 46 |
17 to 48 |
17 to 50 |
30% of H |
Chest |
46 to 90 |
47 to 93 |
49 to 96 |
51 to 99 |
60% of H |
Abdomen |
91 to 120 |
94 to 124 |
97 to 128 |
100 to 132 |
80% of H |
Legs (*2) |
121 to 150 |
125 to 155 |
129 to 160 |
133 to 165 |
H = 5(Sz+10) |
Monsters have their own individual HitLoc Tables as specified in their respective Monster Specifications by Monster and direction of attack.
Direction of attack has no effect on HitLoc Areas for People, even if they are lying down, curled up, or whatever, except as stated in Combat Procedures paras. 2.1.4 & 2.3.5.
General Damage is caused by various area Spells and other effects, rather than by weapons in Melee. General Damage taken does not count towards Specific Damage taken in any HitLoc Area, but as it reduces HP it lowers the thresholds at which the effects of Specific Damage apply.
People taking the %ages specified below of their total HP in General Damage suffer the following effects:
%age total HP |
Movement Allowance |
St & Dx loss |
Other Effects |
25% | * 1 | -1 | |
50% | * 3/4 | -2 | |
75% | * 1/2 | -3 | |
90% | * 1/4 | -6 | Co check vs Unconscious |
100% | n/a | n/a | Death |
Specific Damage is allocated to HitLoc Areas. It is usually caused by weapons in Melee, but may also result from certain Spells and other effects. Specific Damage taken does not count towards General Damage taken, or to Specific Damage in any other HitLoc Area (each Arm and Leg being a separate HitLocArea).
People taking the %ages specified below of their total HP in Damage to specific HitLoc Areas suffer the following effects:
Hit Loc Area |
%age HP Damage taken |
Effects |
15% | Unconscious, Co check vs Death |
30% | Decapitation, Death | |
Arms (each)
20% | Co check vs Arm Crippled |
40% | Arm Crippled, Co check vs Arm Severed | |
60% | Arm Severed | |
80% | Incapacitated, Co check vs Death, Bleed 5%/min, Co check vs Bleed 5%/MR |
160% | Death | |
60% | Co check vs Death/MR, Bleed 5%/MR |
120% | Death | |
Legs (each)
25% | Co check vs Leg Crippled |
50% | Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed | |
75% | Leg Severed |
Bleeding results in General Damage of a %age of total HP. As with all General Damage, this has the effect of lowering the thresholds at which the above effects apply.
Crippling results in the loss of use of the limb (bones are broken), and Bleeding of 5% immediately, then 5%/min.
Severance results in the loss of the limb (it is cut off), and Bleeding of 10% immediately, then 10%/MR.
Decapitation results in loss of the head (it is cut off), and Bleeding of 20% immediately, then 20%/MR. Although decapitation also results in death, the Bleeding effects are relevant if the Combatant is Regenerating.
Incapacitation results in physical collapse and inability to carry on combat or other physical activity (bones are broken). Word and thought Spells may still be cast.
2.3.1 Combat Damage effects cause Pain Levels as follows :
+1 per Bleeding effect in different Hit Loc Areas
+1 per Crippling effect in different Hit Loc Areas (cumulative with Bleeding effect)
+2 per Severance effect in different Hit Loc Areas (cumulative with Bleeding effect)
+3 per Incapacitation effect (no additional Co check vs Incapacitation)
2.3.2 The effects of Pain Levels are as follows:
Pain Level | Effects |
1 | -1 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt) |
2 | -2 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt) |
3 | -3 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt), Co check vs Incapacitation |
4 | -4 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt), Co check vs Incapacitation |
5 | -5 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt), Co check vs Incapacitation |
6 | -6 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt), Co checks vs Unconsciousness & Incapacitation |
7 | -7 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt), Co check vs Unconsciousness & Incapacitation |
8 | -8 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt), Co check vs Unconsciousness & Incapacitation |
9 | -9 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt), Co check vs Unconsciousness & Incapacitation |
10 | -10 on all Chars (except Sz, Co & Bt), Co check vs Death, Unconsciousness & Incapacitation |
2.3.3 For more details on Pain Levels see the Cause Pain Clerical Spell Specification.
Damage heals naturally at the rate of 1HP every other Caeriad of complete rest, starting with 1HP on Cd 2, then 1HP on Cd 4, etc. The Quickheal Spell increases the rate of healing. Crippling and Incapacitation effects may be healed naturally with skilled medical treatment to set the bones, failing which permanent St & Dx minuses will be suffered. Severance cannot be healed naturally.
Cure Wounds Spells immediately restore lost HP, but not Crippling, Incapacitation or Severance effects. Heal Spells immediately restore lost HP, and cure Crippling and Incapacitation effects on restoring the HP losses which caused them.
Set Bones Spells immediately cure Crippling and Incapacitation effects. Regrow Limb Spells cause Severed limbs to be regrown with the restoration of the HP losses which caused them.
Regeneration Spells restore lost HP and cure all side effects (including Severance, Decapitation and Death) with the restoration of the HP losses which caused them. Regeneration Spells only affect living bodies.
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