Each Combatant who is Fighting will have Specifically Plotted Attacking, Parrying or neither for each sec of the MR, in accordance with Section B. Melee and Initiative. Each Attack Specifically Plotted is resolved in the following sequence:
2.1.1 A Combatant resolving an attack (the "Attacker") first specifies his target (the "Defender"). This should normally be part of the Specific Plot. In a Melee with multiple combatants, everyone specifies their targets simultaneously.
2.1.2 The Defender must be within reach of the Attacker's weapon. There are no specific reach rules for weapons, and this is ruled upon by the DM, having regard to the size of weapon, positioning of the figures and the progress of the Melee so far. It is permissible to take up to one sec's movement to close for the attack. If the Defender is also moving (for example by running away from the Attacker), this may still be insufficient to allow him to be targeted. If the intended target is out of reach, the attack may be delayed into the following sec, as per B.3.4.2 (Initiative permitting).
2.1.3 The Attacker then specifies his aiming point on the Defender's HitLoc Table. The DM should give him an accurate description of the HitLocTable from the side he is attacking, in order to enable him to choose his aiming point. The aiming point may be specified as a number (e.g. "the 05" or "the 50") or a position on the body (e.g. "mid-point in the head" or "mid-point on the body". If no aiming point is specified before the dice are rolled, the default aiming point is the mid-point on the body (even if previous attacks on the same target have gone for a different aiming point).
2.1.4 Where there are more than one of a specific HitLoc Area (e.g. People have two Arms and two Legs), the Attacker may specify which he is aiming for (e.g. "right arm" or "weapon arm"), unless he is attacking from the other side (e.g. an Attacker attacking a right-handed person from the left, shield side may only target the left, shield arm. If the Attacker specifies such an Area without saying which (e.g. "I aim for the 25" on a Sz 10 Defender), the DM will choose which was aimed for, usually depending on direction of attack and handedness of the Attacker.
The Attacker then rolls his attack on d100 (RUD).
2.2.1 Attacks with Melee Weapons are resolved as follows:
There are minuses to D for Melee Weapon attacks against the Defender's side or rear, as stated in the definition of D. For surprise attacks, use the Thievish Activities Attack from Behind, Attack from Side or Attack by Surprise.
2.2.2 Attacks with Ranged or Thrown Weapons are resolved as follows:
There are no minuses to RD for Ranged or Thrown Weapon attacks against the Defender's side or rear. For surprise attacks, use the Thievish Activity Snipe.
2.3.1 If the Result = 0, the attack hits the aiming point.
2.3.2 If the Result of an attack with a Melee Weapon is negative, the Attacker may choose either to hit the aiming point, or to move the attack to hit a point on the Defender's HitLoc Table up to the amount by which the Result < 0 away from the aiming point (in either direction). E.g. the Attacker aims for the 50 on a Sz 10 Defender (HitLoc Table of 01-100), and gets a Result of -45: he may hit anywhere between the 05 and the 95 (inclusive) at the Attacker's option.
2.3.2 If the Result of an attack with a Melee Weapon is positive, the Defender may choose either to be hit in the aiming point, or to move the attack to hit a point on the Defender's HitLoc Table up to the amount by which the Result > 0 away from the aiming point (in either direction). If the Defender moves the attack outside the range of the HitLoc Table, the attack misses. E.g. the Attacker aims for the 50 on a Sz 10 Defender (HitLoc Table of 01-100), and gets a Result of +55: he may hit anywhere between the -04 and the 105 (inclusive) at the Defender's option, and will therefore normally miss (unless the Defender chooses to be hit for some reason).
2.3.3 If the Result of an attack with a Ranged or Thrown Weapon is negative, the attack hits the aiming point. The Attacker does not have the option of moving the attack. (However, some Magic Arrows may automatically move a negative Result towards a specific aiming point.)
2.3.4 If the Result of an attack with a Ranged or Thrown Weapon is positive, the attack scatters by the amount by which the Result > 0 away from the aiming point. The direction of scatter is determined by rolling d4:
As HitLoc Tables are two-dimensional, if the scatter is in a direction not followed by the HitLoc Table, the Defender chooses the direction. E.g. a standing Person has an Up/Down Hit Loc Table, so on a roll of 2 or 3, the Defender can choose a scatter direction of Up or Down. The side profile of Monsters is typically a Left/Right HitLoc Table. If the attack scatters outside the range of the HitLoc Table, the attack misses. E.g. the Attacker aims for the 05 on a Sz 10 Defender (HitLoc Table of 01-100), and gets a Result of +10: he will hit the -04 and so miss on a scatter roll of 1, 2 or 3 (unless the Defender chooses to be hit for some reason) or will hit the 15 on a scatter roll of 4.
2.3.5 The Defender can choose to modify attacks into any of multiple HitLoc Areas, unless the attack came from the other side so that the Attacker could not have specified that Area as an aiming point (see 2.1.4 above). But if the aiming point was in one of multiple HitLoc Areas, then the Defender can only modify into the other such Area(s) by modifying out of the one aimed for and back into the other (e.g. an attack aiming for the 25 in the weapon arm of a Sz 10 Defender with Arms 11 to 30 which misses by 10 could be modified by 6 into the 31, then back by up to 4 into the 30 to 27 of the shield arm). A succesful Shield attempt makes no difference to this, as it is assumed to deflect off the Shield into the hitting point.
3.1.1 A Combatant resolving a parry first specifies the target Attacker whose attack upon him as Defender he is seeking to parry. This should normally be part of the Specific Plot. In a Melee with multiple combatants, everyone specifies their targets simultaneously. If another Attacker attacks the Defender that sec, but the Defender did not specify he was parrying that Attacker, the Defender may not parry an attack from that other Attacker, even if the Attacker he specified he was parrying does not in fact attack him that sec, or misses.
3.1.2 If the Attacker whom the Defender Specifically Plotted he was Parrying does not Attack the Defender that sec, the Defender may delay his Initiative into the next sec as per B.3.4.2 (Initiative permitting).
3.1.3 If a Parry which is Specifically Plotted proves unnecessary due to the attack which was to be parried missing, the parry may be converted into an attack in the next second only, even if that is second 1 of the next MR (in which case a General Plot of Fighting, not Full Defensive, must be specified and one AMR is lost by taking that attack). If another attack / parry is already Plotted for that next second (but not if one was originally rolled for that second, but has previously been delayed), the parry to be converted is lost, even if the attack / parry already Plotted is then delayed. A parry may not be converted into another parry, or delayed beyond that next second.
3.1.4 The Defender rolls his parry on d100 (RUD), and it is resolved as follows:
Result = d100 - (P of Defender's Weapon) + (PD of Attacker's Weapon)
3.2.1 If the Result of the parry is <= the Result of the attack being parried, the parry succeeds. A successful parry gives an additional ADS against the attack of 2 * the maximum Damage of which the Defender is capable of doing with the Weapon he is using to Parry (including all pluses and minuses to Damage). If this ADS does not prevent all the Damage from the attack, the attack may still be Shielded, and if not Shielded (or that still does not prevent all the Damage), the attack does its remaining Damage in the original hitting point determined as per 2.3 above. The parry does not change the hitting point.
3.2.2 If the Result of the parry is > the Result of the attack being parried, the parry fails, and therefore has no effect.
4.1 A Combatant who has a Shield ready for use may make up to a number of Shielding attempts per MR equal to his AMR. These are in addition to the attacks / parries or other actions which he may make with those AMR. No Initiative is required to Shield. A General Plot of Fighting is required, but no Specific Plot is necessary. After a successful attack has been resolved against the Combatant as Defender, and any parry attempt has been resolved, the Defender always has the option to attempt to Shield. Only one attempt to Shield may be made per sec. The Defender may select which attack he is attempting to Shield against after all attacks have been resolved against him, but before any Dam has been rolled (See the Combat Sequence in 1 above.).
4.2 An attempt to Shield may only be made against Melee Weapon attacks from the front or the side of the shield arm. Shields may not be interposed against attacks from the opposite side to the shield arm or against attacks from the rear.
4.3 Shields may not be used to make Shielding attempts against Ranged or Thrown Weapons, but a Combatant may Specifically Plot that he is holding his Shield so as to cover certain HitLocs in a certain direction. The number of HitLocs covered is as stated for that type of Shield in the Armoury (section E.3). The Shield will then automatically give its ADS against Ranged or Thrown Weapon attacks from that direction. Note that a Shield held to protect the head can significantly obscure visibility.
4.4 The Defender rolls his Shielding attempt on d20 (RUD), and it is resolved as follows:
Shield interposed if d20 >= (S, B or T of Defender's Shield)
4.5 A successfully interposed Shield gives an additional ADS against the attack of the ADS stated for that type of Shield in the Armoury (section E.3) less any reductions to ADS for shattering (see 6.3 below) as a result of attacks in previous secs or Melees.
5.1 When an attack hits a target, the Attacker rolls the Dam for that Weapon, and the Damage is resolved as follows:
Specific Damage taken by Defender in HitLoc Area = Dam - ADS
5.2 A (non-berserk) attacker may attempt to hold back his blow by Specifically Plotting a maximum amount of damage he intends to do. E.g. he may attempt to put his sword at the Defender's throat to force him to yield by aiming for the highest ADS in the head and specifying he is intending to do 0 Dam. The DM may at his discretion adjust the amount of damage actually done, depending on the circumstances of the melee.
5.3 The effects of Specific Damage are given in Section D.2.2.
Weapons, armour and shields become damaged in combat as follows. See the Spell Specification for Strengthen Metal for the effects of Magically Strengthening such items (generally it makes them more brittle).
Non-magical weapons are destroyed on having ≥3 * their normal max DAM before Ft bonuses ADS'd by any combination of methods (whether Parrying, Shielding, Armour, or hitting a corporeal Being which is immune to attacks by non-magical weapons). E.g. the DAM of a Short Sword is 2d4, so if it deals a blow of which ≥24 Dam is ADS'd, it will be destroyed.
Non-magical weapons are destroyed on Parrying a blow of ≥4 * their normal max DAM before Ft bonuses. E.g. the DAM of a Dagger is d4, so Parrying a blow of ≥16 Dam will destroy it.
Non-magical weapons are destroyed on having ≥6 * their normal max DAM before Ft bonuses ADS'd by any combination of methods, or on Parrying a blow of ≥8 * their normal max DAM before Ft bonuses.
Non-magical Armour is destroyed on taking a blow of ≥6 * its max ADS, irrespective of the point at which the blow is taken. The blow is calculated after deducting any amount ADS'd by a Shield and/or Parried. Only the Armour covering the HitLoc Area where the blow was taken is destroyed. E.g a Leather Byrnie has max ADS of 2, so a blow of ≥12 Dam in the chest will destroy its chest protection.
Magical Armour is likewise destroyed on taking a blow of ≥12 * its max ADS, irrespective of the point at which the blow is taken. E.g a Magical +1 Platemail breastplate has max ADS of 6, so a blow of ≥72 Dam will destroy it.
The Armour still subtracts its current ADS on taking a blow which destroys it.
Non-magical shields take -1 to their ADS for every 2 points of Dam (FRD) they take in excess of their ADS. When they reach ADS 0, they are destroyed. E.g. a Standard Shield has ADS of 6, so a blow of 9 Dam will reduce its ADS to 5, or a blow of ≥18 Dam will destroy it in one go.
Magical Shields do not suffer any reduction to their ADS, but are destroyed on taking a blow of ≥6 * their ADS. E.g a +1 Magical Buckler has ADS of 4, so a blow of ≥24 Dam will destroy it.
The Shield still subtracts its current ADS on taking a blow which reduces its ADS or destroys it.
7.1 Before a Ranged Weapon can make an attack, it needs to be loaded or reloaded. Loading takes one AMR (except as stated in 7.2 below) and must be Specifically Plotted as an action using one Initiative die.
7.2 Crossbows may be loaded with a 1-handed pull in one AMR or with a 2-handed pull in two AMR (both to be Specifically Plotted as an action using one Initiative die). To make a 1-handed pull, the Combatant must have at least the StN given for a "1/H pull" with that Crossbow in the Weapons Tables, and that StN is also used as the StN for the subsequent attack.
7.3 Thrown Weapons must be drawn and in the hand before they can be thrown. Once one has been thrown, one AMR is required to draw another.
8.1 Dis Weapons do not do their extra dice of Dis DAM on the initial hit with the Weapon, but only when they are pulled out of the Defender's body (which requires an extra AMR).
8.2 When a Dis Weapon causes >0 DAM after ADS, roll d100.
8.2.1 If the result is <= the % chance of Lodge for the Dis Weapon and HP of DAM caused, the Dis Weapon Lodges in the Defender's body at the point of hitting.
8.2.2 If the result is > the % chance of Lodge for the Dis Weapon and HP of DAM caused, the Dis Weapon fails to Lodge, and there is no effect beyond the DAM already caused.
8.3 The Attacker must then plot a further AMR as an attempt to Disembowel the Defender. To do so, he rolls d100.
8.3.1 If the result is <= his Dis Probability with the Dis Weapon, he pulls the Dis Weapon out, doing its Dis DAM (see Weapons Tables) to the Defender at the original point of hitting. Only the Dis DAM and not his normal DAM for the Weapon are done. D, ADS, Parrying and Shielding are all inapplicable to a Disembowelling attempt.
8.3.2 If the result is > his Dis Probability with the Dis Weapon, the Dis Weapon remains lodged in the Defender's body, doing no Dis or other DAM. (It is painful, but has no systems effect.) Further attempts to Disembowel may be made, provided the Attacker retains hold of the Dis Weapon.
8.4 If someone other than the Attacker attempts to pull out the Dis Weapon (for example if the Attacker is killed whilst it is still Lodged, and the Defender wishes to remove the Weapon), it can only be removed as per 8.3 above. Recalculate Dis Probability for whoever is attempting to pull it out, and halve Dis Probability if the Defender is trying to pull it out of himself. The full Dis DAM iss done when it is pulled out.
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