Sword and Axe

The Anarea Combat System

A. Definitions and Concepts

Index to this Section

"A" (Attack Probability)
"ADS" (Armour Damage Subtraction)
"AMR" (Attacks per Melee Round)
"B" (Buckler Probability)
"Bd" (Build)
"Co" (Constitution)
"D" (Dodge)
"Dam" (Damage)
"Dis" (Disembowelling)
"Dx(Ph)" (Physical Dexterity)
"DxN" (Dexterity Needed)
"FtL" (Fighter Level)
"FRD"/"FRU" (Fractions Rounded Down / Up)
"General Plot"
"Hd" (Handedness)
"HitLoc" (Hit Location)
"HitLoc Area"
"HP" (Hit Points)
"IA" (Initial Accuracy)
"ML" (Monster Level)
"MR" (Melee Round)
"P" (Parry Probability)
"PD" (Parrying Defensive Modifier)
"PE" (Parrying Efficiency)
"RD" (Ranged Dodge)
"S" (Shield Probability)
"SM" (Species Modifier)
"Specific Plot"
"St" (Strength)
"StN" (Strength Needed)
"Sz" (Size)
"T" (Tilt Shield Probability)
"WS" (Weapon Specialisation)

"A" (Attack Probability)

A is calculated per Combatant per Weapon (or other mode of attack), as the sum of the following:

"ADS" (Armour Damage Subtraction)

The total ADS which is subtracted from the Damage resolved against a Combatant is the sum of the following:

"AMR" (Attacks per Melee Round)

The maximum number of AMR a Combatant may make is determined from the following table. Look up his St + Dx in the left-hand column, read along the row this gives to find the highest number which is less than or equal to his FtL, and read off his AMR from the head of that column. Monsters are deemed to have St + Dx = 25.

St + Dx

Attacks per Melee Round

1 2 3 4 5 6
0 cannot attack
1 to 5 0 8 11 14 17 20
6 to 10 0 7 10 13 16 19
11 to 15 0 6 9 12 15 18
16 to 20 0 5 8 11 14 17
21 to 29 0 4 7 10 13 16
30 to 34 0 3 6 9 12 15
35 to 39 0 2 5 8 11 14
40 to 44 0 2 4 7 10 13
per 5 more -1 to above, but AMR may not be < FtL
>=100 0 2 3 4 5 6

"B" (Buckler Probability)

= S-2 (i.e. base 8)

"Bd" (Build)

A Characteristic: the average of Size and Constitution (FRD) (see the Character System: section 2.3)

"Co" (Constitution)

A Characteristic (see the Character System: section 2.3)


Any participant in Melee, whether or not a Fighter or engaging in individual fighter combat (see section B.1.).

"D" (Dodge)

D is calculated per Combatant, as the sum of the following:

A Combatant who is not dodging (i.e. attempting to avoid being hit) has D = 0. This includes a Magic-User in the act of Spell Casting.

"Dam" (Damage)

Dam (in HP) is calculated per Combatant per Weapon (or other mode of attack), as the sum of the following:

"Dis" (Disembowelling)

The Melee Weapons Table indicates the maximum number (less are possible) and type of Dis Dam dice each Weapon may be constructed to do. If none are indicated, Dis versions of the Weapon may not be constructed. Some Alignments and Creeds may have moral difficulties with using such Weapons.

Each die of Dis which the Weapon is constructed to do adds 1 to its StN.

Dis Probability (being the %age chance of pulling out a Lodged Dis Weapon, and so causing the Dis Dam) is calculated per Combatant per Dis Weapon, as the sum of the following:

"Dx(Ph)" (Physical Dexterity)

A Characteristic (see the Character System: section 2.3)

"DxN" (Dexterity Needed)

The Weapons Tables indicate the DxN for each Weapon.

If the wielder's Dx(Ph) is > DxN for the Weapon by at least 3 he takes DxN bonuses as follows (FRD):

If the wielder's Dx(Ph) is < DxN for the Weapon he takes a DxN minus of DxN - Dx(Ph).


A Being having a FtL.

"FtL" (Fighter Level)

Fighters have a FtL given by their Experience.  On completing Fighter Initial Basic Training, a Fighter has FtL = 1.

Non-Fighters have FtL = 0.

Monsters have FtL = ML.

"FRD"/"FRU" (Fractions Rounded Down / Up)

Where FRD or FRU is not specified, fractions are not rounded.

"General Plot"

A Plot specifying the general nature of a Combatant's actions for the MR (see section A.2.).

"Hd" (Handedness)

A Characteristic (see the Character System: section 2.3)

A Combatant using a Weapon in the "wrong" hand (i.e. the left hand for a right-handed person, and vice-versa) takes his Hd Minus to St in that hand and 2 * his Hd Minus to Dx(Ph) in that hand.  For use of Shields in the "wrong" hand (which is the normal way to use them), see "S" below.

The Both Handed may specify in their General Plot for each MR whether they are favouring the right or left hand (the default being that specified last MR, failing which the right), and will take the Hd Minus in the hand not favoured.  The Ambidextrous do not take Hd Minuses.

"HitLoc" (Hit Location)

Hit Loc is the division of a Combatant's body into HitLoc Areas for the purposes of assigning Damage.

"HitLoc Area"

HitLoc Areas are the different parts of the body on which a hit may be scored. The HitLoc Area of a hit is determined from the HitLoc Tables.

"HP" (Hit Points)

A Person's HP are calculated as the sum of the following:

A Monster's HP are calculated as 5 + (5 * ML).

HP for other Beings may be calculated in other ways.

"IA" (Initial Accuracy)

The Weapons Tables give the IA for each Ranged and Thrown Weapon.


The means of determining in which second of the MR Combatants make their attacks (see section B.3.).


The % chance of a Dis Weapon Lodging in the Defender's body depends on the type of dice of Dis DAM it does and the amount of DAM it did (after ADS) to the Defender's body in the initial (non-Dis attack), as follows:

This is a change from the 2nd edition of the Ft system, in which % chance per HP depended on the no. of Dis dice, which were always d6s.


Any combat situation which is resolved using the rules for individual combat (see section B.1.).

"ML" (Monster Level)

All Monsters have an ML. The minimum and maximum usual ML for each kind of Monster is specified in its Monster Specification. Monsters do not earn Experience, and attain ML by growth. Immature specimens may therefore have lesser MLs.

"MR" (Melee Round)

Combat is resolved in successive MRs of six seconds each (see section B.1.).

"P" (Parry Probability)

P is calculated per Combatant per Melee Weapon (other modes of attack may not be used to parry), as the sum of the following:

"PD" (Parrying Defensive Modifier)

PD is calculated per Combatant, as the sum of the following:

"PE" (Parrying Efficiency)

The Weapons Tables give the PE for each Melee Weapon.

"RD" (Ranged Dodge)

RD is calculated per Combatant, as the sum of the following:

There is no variation to RD against an attack from the side or behind (change from previous system).

A Combatant who is not dodging (i.e. attempting to avoid being hit) has RD = 0. This includes a Magic-User in the act of Spell Casting.

"S" (Shield Probability)

S is calculated per Combatant, as the sum of the following:

Shields may not be interposed against attacks from the opposite side to the shield arm or against attacks from the rear (variation from previous system).

"SM" (Species Modifier)

SMs are specified in Appendix 2 by Species and Weapon Class.

"Specific Plot"

A Plot specifying the exact nature of a Combatant's actions for a second of the MR (see section A.2.).

"St" (Strength)

A Characteristic (see the Character System: section 2.3)

"StN" (Strength Needed)

The Weapons Tables give the StN for each Weapon.

If the wielder's St is > StN for the Weapon by at least 3 he takes StN bonuses as follows (FRD):

If the wielder's St is < StN for the Weapon he takes a StN minus of StN - St.

"Sz" (Size)

A Characteristic (see the Character System: section 2.3)

"T" (Tilt Shield Probability)

= S+2 (i.e. base 12)

"WS" (Weapon Specialisation)

WS is earned per Combatant per Weapon by training, subject to a maximum determined by FtL, as follows:

Any number of Weapons may be trained to WS1, even by non Fighters.

WS is in a particular Weapon and includes all uses of that Weapon shown in the Weapons Tables; e.g. Bastard Sword used 1/H or 2/H, Taper Axe used in Melee or Thrown, or Spear used Set, Thrust, Charge or Thrown.  Note however that Dagger and Throwing Knife are separate Weapons, although the DM may allow one to be used as the other.

Fighter Initial Basic Training includes 5 weeks' training, as follows:

Note that in Anarea there are 6 days in a week. 8 hours' training per day is required.

FtLs must also be allocated to WS for training to be effective, as follows:

The training may be undertaken before achieving the necessary FtL, but will not be effective until it is achieved. FtLs may be freely allocated or saved for future allocations, but once allocated, they are permanently allocated.

The number of weeks' training and FtLs required to reach each level of WS in one weapon is therefore as follows:

WS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
weeks training 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
total weeks training 0 1 2 4 7 11 16 22 29
FtLs allocated 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
total FtLs allocated 0 0 1 2 4 7 11 16 22

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