Anarea > Systems > General Systems

Anarea: the General Systems

Table of Contents

  1. Abbreviations
  2. The Character System
  3. Characteristics Modifiers
  4. Movement & Encumbrance
  5. Fatigue & Constitution
  6. Saving Throws
  7. Poison
  8. Acid & Fire Bombs
  9. Potions
  10. Magic Items
  11. Languages

1. Abbreviations

This is a list of basic definitions and abbreviations used commonly throughout the Anarea Systems. Specific Systems include more detailed lists of specific relevance to them.

"BTS" = Base Throw to Save

"Char" = Characteristic

"ChMod" = Characteristics Modifier

"ChMod/2" = half effect Characteristics Modifier

"dn" = an n-sided die (d100 = percentage dice)

"FRD" = Fractions Rounded Down

"FRU" = Fractions Rounded Up

"FRX" = No Rounding of Fractions

"HP" = Hit Points

"hr" = hour

"IBT" = Initial Basic Training

"LP" = Language Points

"min" = minute

"mr" = melee round (6 sec)

"MUL" = Magic-User Level

"R" = Roll

"RUD" = Roll Up / Down: i.e. if you roll the maximum / minimum result on the dice, there is a 50% chance it goes 1 up / down, RUD

"sec" = second

"SL" = Saving Level (or sometimes Spell Level, though this is normally expressed as "Ln" in relation to an nth Level Spell).  Saving Level is calculated as stated in 6.1 below.

"SLL" = Spell Learning Levels

"SP" = Spell Points

"ST" = saving throw

"T" = Throw

"ULT" = Usual Learning Time

"USL" = Unfilled Spell Levels

"wt pts" = weight points, each of one Imperial ounce (one-tenth of an Imperial Pound), being the weight of one standard coin

2. The Character System

2.1 Introduction

These Systems explain the capabilities of People. In fact much of what follows applies also to other Beings, but how is not covered here. It may be noted, however, that in a number of places extreme cases are catered for, not normally found amongst People. This may appear sometimes unnecessarily to restrict the range of results applicable to People, but the reason is often that Higher Powers also inhabit the World, and the Systems cater for the possibility of the occasional conflict with Them.

The following rules in this section explain how to generate characters within that broad band of the Scale of Life known as People.

2.2 People

The different Races and Species of People, their Char Mods and Species Modifiers are described in the People section of this web site.

2.3 Characteristics

All characters have the following Characteristics ("Chars"), abbreviated as follows:

Physical Senses Mental
St = Strength Sg = Sight In = Intelligence
Dx(Ph) = Physical Dexterity Hr = Hearing Dx(M) = Mental Dexterity
Hd = Handedness Tc = Touch Mr = Memory
Co = Constitution Sm = Smell Wp = Willpower
Sz = Size Ts = Taste Ft = Faith
Bd = Build   Nt = Naturalism
Bt = Beauty    
  At = Atman  

Except where specified below, these are generated by rolling 3d6 (RUD) for each. However, to generate adventurers for player characters or others it is usual to roll 3d6 characteristics (except Hd, Sz, and At) on 4d6, with 3d6 in common for Dx(Ph) / Dx(M).

2.3.1 Strength & Size

(This para added with effect from 26 Oscow / Day 177 2503)

2 dice are rolled in common for both St and Sz.  The remaining dice are rolled separately for each.  (E.g. a human male adventurer is rolled with 4d6 for St and 3d6 for Sz, so roll 2d6 in common, then an additional 2d6 for St and an additional 1d6 for Sz.)  SMs may differ.

2.3.2 Dexterity

The same result is used for both Dx(Ph) and Dx(M), except for one die, which is rolled separately for each. SMs may differ.

2.3.3 Handedness

This is generated on dx(a/b)+2dy (as specified in the Char Mods sections of the People pages), where dx gives Left/Right bias (if applicable); a being Left, and b being Right, and half the difference (FRU) between the 2dy giving the Hd minus. If the Hd minus would be 0, treat the result instead as Both Handed, with half the result (FRU) on one of the dy giving the Hd minus. If the 2dy give the maximum result (00 on 2d10), the character is Ambidextrous. Handedness is expressed as per the following (genuinely random) example results (on d4+2d10 for Valdreans):

D4 D10 D10 Hd D4 D10 D10 Hd
3 0 0 Amb 1 4 9 L-3
3 6 7 R-1 1 4 2 L-1
2 1 7 R-3 1 5 9 L-2
1 7 0 L-4 3 4 9 R-3
4 8 3 R-3 4 7 4 R-2
3 9 8 R-1 1 0 6 L-2
1 4 5 L-1 2 8 8 B-4

Use of the "wrong" hand (i.e. the left hand for a right-handed Being, and vice-versa) gives the Hd Minus to St in that hand and 2 * the Hd Minus to Dx(Ph) in that hand.  The Both Handed may specify in their General Plot for each Melee Round whether they are favouring the right or left hand (the default being that specified last Melee Round, failing which the right), and will take the Hd Minus in the hand not favoured.  The Ambidextrous do not take Hd Minuses.

2.3.4 Build

Build is the average of Co and Sz.

2.3.5 Atman

Atman is the average of Co and Wp.

2.3.6 Willpower

Willpower can gain a separate modifier as a result of Willpower Battles. This is used for the purposes of such contests only. In particular it does not affect the ChMods for Charmer Spells or Binding.

2.3.7 Faith

Faith may be put into Clerical Gods as desired, and freely changed (so long as it is in character to do so). Faith is commonly put in as whole points, and each point may only be used once. Only points accepted by the God have any effect, except upon the character's beliefs. Gods are aware of a character's thoughts and deeds on a Faith check, except when a Clerical request is made.

2.4 Char Checks

A Char Check is made by rolling <= to the Character's Char which is being checked against on d20 (RUD). A roll > the Char fails the Char Check.

2.5 Adventurer Levels

Characters may acquire Experience in various disciplines of adventuring.  In systems terms, that Experience is represented by Levels: a numeric value in each discipline, usually expressed to 4 decimal places.

The available disciplines are:

and the following disciplines of Magic-User:

Other Restricted disciplines may exist, and most disciplines have Cultish variants.

All characters start at Level 0 in all disciplines.

Dreamer and ChaosMaster Experience is generally gained by adventuring in Dreams and Chaos, and is subjectively awarded by the DM.  Experience to reach Dreamer or ChaosMaster Level 1 may be gained in the field, though it may also be gained by study or apprenticeship.

For all other disciplines Initial Basic Training ("IBT") must be completed to reach Level 1.  Initial Basic Training from Level 0 to Level 1 in any one discipline has a Usual Learning Time of 2 years (except for Changing).  This may be reduced (or increased) as for Spell Learning as stated in section 4.2 of the General Magic-Using system.  Most adventurers complete their IBT during their childhood and teens.  It requires training by and/or apprenticeship to an adventurer experienced in the discipline.  Magic-Using disciplines also require much study and learning of incantations.

Levels in excess of 1 for all disciplines is gained in the field, in accordance with the Experience System.  There is no maximum Level for any discipline, though the effect of the Experience System is that it becomes progressively harder to gain higher Levels.

3. Characteristics Modifiers ("ChMods")

ChMods are a method by which Chars affect various aspects of the Anarea Systems. A reference to "ChMod([Char])" is to the ChMod (a ChMod having full effect) for that particular Char, and a reference to "ChMod/2([Char])" is to the ChMod/2 (a ChMod having half effect) for that particular Char. E.g. "ChMod/2(DxM)" means the half effect Characteristics Modifier for the Characteristic of Mental Dexterity.

ChMods and ChMods/2 for all Chars are as follows:

Char 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  
ChMod - infinity -20 -10 -8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0  
ChMod/2 - infinity -10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0  
Char   11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  
ChMod   0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8  
ChMod/2   0 0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4  
Char   21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 >= 30
ChMod   +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +11 +12 +12 etc.
ChMod/2   +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 etc.

4. Movement & Encumbrance

4.1 Standard movement rates for People are as follows:

Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 3 ft/sec 2 mph
March 5 ft/sec 3 mph
Double / Run 8 ft/sec 5 mph
Charge / Sprint 12 ft/sec n/a

The Rates are stated as they should be specified in Plots. Note that the Melee speeds do not correspond exactly to the Travelling speeds, as the pace of a Melee will not be kept up for a sustained period.

4.2 Standard mounted movement rates and carrying capacities for Horses are as follows:

Mule (carrying capacity 4000 wt pts)

Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 3 ft/sec 2 mph
Trot / March 6 ft/sec 4 mph
Canter / Lope 10 ft/sec 7 mph
Gallop / Charge 15 ft/sec n/a

Light Horse (carrying capacity 3500 wt pts)

Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 7 ft/sec 4.5 mph
Trot / March 18 ft/sec 12 mph
Canter / Lope 28 ft/sec 19 mph
Gallop / Charge 35 ft/sec n/a

Medium Horse / Warhorse (carrying capacity 4250 wt pts)

Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 6 ft/sec 4 mph
Trot / March 15 ft/sec 10 mph
Canter / Lope 24 ft/sec 16 mph
Gallop / Charge 30 ft/sec n/a

Heavy Warhorse (carrying capacity 5000 wt pts)

Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 5 ft/sec 3.5 mph
Trot / March 12 ft/sec 8 mph
Canter / Lope 18 ft/sec 12 mph
Gallop / Charge 24 ft/sec n/a

Heavy Draft Horse (carrying capacity 5000 wt pts)

Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 5 ft/sec 3.5 mph
Trot / March 10 ft/sec 7 mph
Canter / Lope 15 ft/sec 10 mph
Gallop / Charge 20 ft/sec n/a

4.3 The Carrying Capacity of a Person is:

750 + (50(St-10)) wt pts

4.4 The weight of a man is 100(Bd+7) wt pts.

4.5 All Encumbrance is specified in wt pts.  See the Shops and Armoury sections for the Encumbrance of various items.  The effects of carrying wt pts in excess of Carrying Capacity are:

Weight > Carrying Capacity Movement Rate
0 * 1
+1 to +250 * 3/4
+251 to +750 * 1/2
+751 to +1500 * 1/4
+1501 to +2250 * 1/8
+2251 0

4.6 The Carrying Capacities of horses are as shown above.  If the horse is ridden, the weight of the rider and his possessions count towards the above Carrying Capacities.  Use the table in 4.5 above if a horse carries wt pts in excess of Carrying Capacity.

4.7 Mapping slows down movement as follows (subject to variation depending on the complexity of the dungeons / terrain mapped):

5. Fatigue & Constitution

[This system is not presently being played]

6. Saving Throws

6.1 A Person's Saving Level is the sum of his Adventurer Levels plus and minus any applicable Magical Effects modifying SL.  For other Beings their Saving Level is their Level (whether God Level, Demigod Level, Demon Level, Spirit Level, Monster Level, Animal Level, Undead Level, etc.) plus and minus any applicable Magical Effects modifying SL.  Saving Levels are FRX.

6.2 Many effects are subject to a Saving Throw ("ST"). Where a ST applies, it is expressed as:

BTS = n% (Char)

BTS is the Base Throw to Save. The number the Target must roll >= on d100 to make the ST (and thus avoid the Effect) is :

n - (Target's SL) - (Target's Char as specified above)

Where SL is not an integer and the result of the d100 is the next integer higher than the number required, roll further d100s as necessary for the decimal places to see if the ST is made.

E.g. a SL 4.6843 Character with Co 15 has to save against a Spell with BTS 60% [Co].  He must roll d100 >= 60 - 4.6843 - 15 = 40.3157.  He rolls 41, then 32, then 57.  He has just made the ST with the lowest possible roll.

6.3 The usual BTS of Spells are as follows (see individual Spell Specifications for actual STs required).

Clerical   Druidic   Elementalist
Spell Level BTS Spell Level BTS Spell Level BTS
1 50%        
2 52% 1 50% 1 50%
3 54%        
4 56% 2 54% 2 55%
5 58%        
6 60% 3 58% 3 60%
7 62%        
8 64% 4 62% 4 65%
9 66%        
10 68% 5 66% 5 70%
11 70%        
12 72% 6 70% 6 75%
13 74%        
14 76% 7 74% 7 80%
15 78%        
16 80% 8 78% 8 85%
17 82%        
18 84% 9 82% 9 90%
19 86%        
20 88% 10 86% 10 95%

7. Poison

7.1 Poison is measured in Poison Levels ("PL"). Poisonous Monsters usually have Poison of PL = ML.

7.2 If a Being takes > its SL/2 in PLs, it must make a Co check vs unconsciousness. If it takes > its SL in PLs, it is automatically unconscious, and must make a Co check vs death. Each fresh application of Poison beyond these limits results in a further Co check. All Poison taken is cumulative.

7.3 Poison does not heal, and must be neutralised by Antidotes and/or Spells.  Antidotes provide 9+d6 minutes (i.e. 10-15 min) of advance protection against up to their level of PLs.  Neutralise Poison Spells only have effect upon Poison in the body or before it has been delivered.

7.4 Poison affects living bodies, and therefore has no effect upon incorporeal Beings or corporeal or incorporeal Undead.

8. Acid & Fire Bombs

8.1 Acid and Fire Bombs are measured in the number of d6 General Damage they do.  Fire Bombs have a Radius of effect of  (no of d6 damage) * 5 ft.

8.2 Acid and Fire Bombs have BTS = [an El Spell of Level = the no of d6 damage] (Co). Each ST made halves the damage taken (FRD on the remaining damage) and allows a further ST.

8.3 Acid and Fire damage may not be Regenerated. 

9. Potions

9.1 For a list of available Potions, visit the Alchemist.

9.2 Potions may be taken internally (drunk) or externally (poured over oneself). Oils may only be taken externally.

9.3 At any one time, only one Potion may safely be taken internally and only one Potion may safely be taken externally.  If two Potions are mixed, unpredictable effects may occur.

9.4 All Potions last 9+d6 minutes (i.e. 10-15 min).

9.5 Oils of Etherealness may be washed off using wine, thus terminating their effect.

10. Magic Items

10.1 Various Magic Items exist. They may be obtained by Demon Summoning, as treasure in the Dungeons or elsewhere, or even purchased.

10.2 At any one time, up to 2 Rings may be used; one on each hand. Beings with more than two hands may still only use a maximum of 2 Rings.

11. Languages

11.1 Languages are rated for the numbers of Language Points ("LP") needed respectively to Know ("K"), be Fluent ("F") and Read ("R") them.  The LP required for each of these are cumulative.  A Language without an R rating has no written form.

11.2 A day (about 8 hours) spent learning a Language gives 0.01 LP less the learner's ULT Modifier.

11.3 All the LP required to Know a Language must be learned before any can be learned towards Fluency.  Whilst Languages may be studied beyond full Fluency, this has no Systems effect.

11.4 A character must be literate in order to be able to learn LP from books or to learn LP towards Read in any Language.  A character is literate if he can Read his own Language, or has learned to Read another.  To learn to Read, double the normal LP for Read in a Language must be learnt (and see the next rule).

11.5 No more LP may be learned towards Read in a Language than have been learned towards Know and/or Fluency in it.

11.6 The level of oral translation from Language A to Language B is:

100% * (LP into K/F in A) / (LP required for K/F in A) * (LP into K/F in B) / (LP required for K/F in B)

11.7 The level of written translation from Language A to Language B is:

100% * (LP into K/F in A) / (LP required for K/F in A) * (LP into R in A) / (LP required for R in A) * (LP into K/F in B) / (LP required for K/F in B) * (LP into R in B) / (LP required for R in B)

11.8 See the People section for the LP required for the various Languages of People.  Valdrean, the "lingua franca" of the Overworld, requires 1/3/4 LP for K/F/R.  Orcish, the "lingua franca" of the Underworld, requires  1/3 LP for K/F, with numerous dialects requiring an additional +1/+3 each (Orcish has no written form).

11.9 The LP required for K/F/R in one's own Alignment Tongue are 2/4/2 if it is Lawful, 3/6/3 if it is Neutral, or 4/8/4 if it is Chaotic (the more Chaotic the Language, the more irregular forms it has).  To learn the Alignment Tongue of another Alignment to one's own requires +1/+2/+1 per point of Alignment difference.  E.g. for a Good/Chaotic learner to learn Black Law requires 2/4/2 for a Lawful tongue plus 3/6/3 for 3 points of Alignment difference, equals a total of 5/10/5.  The list of Alignment Tongues can be found in the Overworld or Underworld sections.

11.10 The LP required for K/F/R in Old Speech, the Magical language of power, are 20/80/10.

11.11 Newly-generated characters have K/F/R in their native tongue.  Clerics have K/F/R in their Alignment Tongue as part of Clerical IBT.  Binders may claim KR in Old Speech.  In addition a character may allocate 3d6 (RUD) of additional LP to Languages appropriate to his or her background.

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