Anarea > SystemsMU Systems > General Magic-Using


The Anarea Magic-Using Systems

General Magic-Using

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Magic-User Level ("MUL")
  3. Spell Points ("SP")
  4. Spell Learning
  5. Interspell Time ("IST")
  6. Duration
  7. Counterspells
  8. Casting Spells between the Planes
  9. Aborting Spell Casts
  10. Concentration

1. Introduction

1.1 Magic-Using may be defined as the Art of Using the Magical Powers of other Beings (or, in some cases, the intrinsic Magic of the World) for one's own ends. It must be appreciated that the World is alive with Magic. Every aspect of existence is governed by Magical Beings. The air, the rocks, the trees, all have their own native spirits, or Elementals, which may be called upon to produce Magical effects, or Spells. The Higher Powers too may be called upon: Demons may be Bound, and compelled to do one's will, and Gods may be appealed to Clerically for Magical intervention.

1.2 GODS, DEMONS, ELEMENTALS, the Magic-Using System, describes the classic methods of achieving these effects, by the established Disciplines of Binding, Clericism, Druidism and Elementalism. The new Discipline of Changing is also described. To the novice these are the only forms of "proper" Magic-Using, and many orthodox or conservative Magic-Users will affirm this traditional view. However, many of those adepts and sages who consider these issues at a profounder level contend that the established Disciplines are not exclusive, and that any other means of using Magic for one's own ends may properly be described as Magic-Using, as all such means share certain common features, as described in this Section. For example, ChaosMastery can be brought within this extended definition, and is therefore mentioned in this System.

1.3 To understand such issues, some knowledge of the Theory of the Delegation of Magical Powers is necessary. According to the Theory, every aspect of existence is governed by a Higher Power: for example CASPIS is God of Gravity, OMERRON is Demigod of Knowledge, AINI is Demon of Conspiracy, etc. The Magical Powers of such Beings which govern Their Aspects include the ability to delegate those Powers, in whole or in part, and subject to such conditions as may be specified. They are served by hosts of subordinate Higher Powers to whom They have delegated particular areas of responsibility and the related Powers. The ability to delegate that which has been delegated may also be delegated. So amongst the Host of HALKI, God of Theft, is to be found VALEFOR, Demon of Theft, Who may be Summoned by people and compelled (at a price) to delegate certain limited powers of Theft to them.

1.4 The use of a Magical Power by the being to whom it has been delegated is to be distinguished from true Magic-Using, which is the use of that Power by another being in accordance with the rules of the Magic-Using system. A condition attached to the delegation of certain Powers is that they will obey requests formally addressed to then in accordance with the system. Since this condition is intrinsic to the Power, the recipient of the request has no option but to obey such requests, though the system provides for a degree of discretion (simulated by the chance element). The exercise of a Power by its holder requires no energy (Spell Points), and any effect can be achieved within the delegated limits of the Power. The use of that Power by a Magic-User requires the expenditure of mental and physical energy (represented by Spell Points), some form of incantation to specify the request, and the effect achievable is defined and limited by the system. This is the essence of Magic-Using.

2. Magic-User Level ("MUL")

MUL = BnL + ChL + ClL + DrL + ElL + (other MULs)

2.1 Other Magic-User Levels (e.g. ChaosMastery) are included in MUL. Although these may be somewhat inchoate, the award of experience levels for them simulates the effect that experience of them has on Magic-Using in general.

2.2 Alchemy is not a MU Discipline in its own right, and does not give Levels which count towards MUL.

2.3 Dreaming is not a form of Magic-Using.

3. Spell Points ("SP")

Spell Points represent the mental and physical energy expended in MUing. Theories differ as to whether such energy is a necessary component to "power up" a Spell request, or whether making proper Spell requests is simply a tiring business.

No Magic-Use is valid without the expenditure of at least 1SP. Practice casts may therefore safely be made by expending 0SP. The ability to control the expenditure of SP is a key part of all MU IBT.

SP = 20 + ChMod(At) + (2d4 * MUL) FRD

The above formula gives the normal maximum SP expendable by an MU. However an MU may go down to 0SP, or even negative SP, at the cost stated below.

3.1 Effect of Using SP

For each SP Use Break Point the MU takes -1 to the following Chars: St, DxPh, Co, DxM, Wp. These Char losses are only temporary, and are recovered when the SP are recovered to bring the MU back above the SP Use Break Point.

At is unaffected (even though calculated from Co and Wp).

SP Use Break Points occur:

If any of the affected Chars reaches 0, the MU will be unable to function. Co 0 results in death, Wp 0 in unconsciousness.

3.2 Recovering SP

SP are recovered by resting, as follows. SP cannot be recovered during Spell Learning or Magic-Use (including Clerical Prayer and Binding Preparation), excluding any (probably apocryphal) Spells which may recover or steal SP.

During Recover
light / restful activity 1SP / 4 hours
no activity / resting quietly 1SP / 2 hours
meditation (requires special training) 1SP / 1.5 hours
sleep / unconsciousness 1SP / 1 hours
deep sleep / coma 1SP / 30 minutes
certain drug-induced trances (see The Dream Dealer for more information re available drugs) 1SP / 15 minutes

4. Spell Learning

4.1 Spell Learning Levels ("SLL")

SLL = (Mr * MUL) / 2 FRX

The above formula gives the normal maximum SLL learnable by an MU without penalty.

See the individual MU systems for the SLL of different classes of Spells and the effects of unfilled or overlearnt Spell Levels. The SLL of Spells learnt of all Disciplines are aggregated to compute Unfilled Spell Levels ("USL"); being SLL less total SLL learnt.

4.2 Usual Learning Time ("ULT")

ULT Mod. = - 3.33. * (ChMod/2(In) + ChMod/2(DxM) + ChMod/2(Mr)) % FRX

All Spells have a ULT, expressed in hours. To learn a Spell an MU must have completed the relevant IBT in its Discipline. The actual time it takes him to learn the Spell is its ULT less his ULT Modifier (which is expressed as a negative percentage).

Spell Learning does not have to be continuous. A normal day spent Spell Learning gives 8 hours learning.

Part-learnt Spells count towards SLL at a %age of their total SLL equal to the %age of their ULT learnt.

The ULT Modifier also affects the time it takes to learn Languages.

5. Interspell Time ("IST")

5.1 The MU requires a period of recovery between Spell casts. Each SP expenditure incurs IST of a number of seconds equal to the SP expended. Unrecovered IST is cumulative.

5.2 IST is recovered by not expending SP during a second. As SP are expended throughout Casting Time for a Spell, IST stops being recovered as soon as the MU starts casting another Spell. IST is recovered during Clerical Prayer or Binding Preparation.

5.3 Magic-Using with unrecovered IST incurs minuses to Throw, as specified in individual MU systems.

6. Duration

6.1 All Spell effects have Duration as a Variable Parameter. The Throw never gives Duration. There is a standard Extension Spell, learnt as part of IBT and incurring no SLL, which enables the Duration of any current Spell effect to be extended by its original caster (only). The specification of the Extension Spell is as follows:

6.2 To extend a Target Spell by d Duration brackets:

6.3 The extended Duration brackets run consecutively with the original Duration from the time of casting of the Extension Spell.

6.4 Where there are joint casters (eg on Clerical Joint Requests) any of them may Extend the Spell provided that at all times since the original cast Duration has been running either from the original cast or from an Extension Spell cast by him. Extension Spells may be cast jointly, but all casters pay the full SP cost. Multiple extended Durations by different (or even the same) casters may run simultaneously.

7. Counterspells

7.1 Clericism, Druidism and Elementalism all have Counterspells which may be cast to reduce the Throw of a Spell targetting their caster. If the caster is one of multiple targets, the Throw is not reduced against the other targets, unless otherwise stated in the Spell specification for the Counterspell.

7.2 Any Spell which counters the effect of another Spell is a Counterspell (eg Spell Turning, Anti-Magic Shell). See the Spell specifications for individual Spells. The rules stated here apply to "Pure Counterspells", which simply reduce the Throw of an offensive Spell. Some of these rules may apply to other Counterspells, as stated in their specifications. A "Pure Counterspell" is any Spell with "Counterspell" in its name.

7.3 Pure Counterspells are not targetted on a particular offensive Spell. They affect all offensive Spells targetted on their caster during the Protection Period, which consists of the casting time of the Counterspell, the rest of the sec of casting if cast in less than a sec, the immediately following sec, and any extended Protection Period specified as a Variable Parameter to the Counterspell.

7.4 Pure Counterspells work by subtracting their Throw ("T") from T of the offensive Spell. The T of Cl Counterspells is divided by 5 (FRU) for countering the T of Dr or El Spells. The T of Dr or El Counterspells is multiplied by 5 for countering the T of Cl Spells.

7.5 The T of the Counterspell against a Spell of a different SL is multiplied by (CSL/OSL)2, where CSL = Counterspell Level and OSL = Offensive Spell Level. The SL of Counterspells against Spells of other Disciplines is halved (FRD).  Clerical Spells count as half their SL (FRU) for the purposes of comparison of their SL with that of Druidic or Elementalist Spells.

8. Casting Spells between the Planes

8.1 Cl, Dr or Elemental Spells may be targetted onto any one of the following Planes by a caster on any of the others:

The cost of doing so is a Ratio of 2/3 to Throw, for a cast from any of the above Planes to any of the others.

8.2 The target of the Spell (if required) must already be on the target Plane. This use of Spells allows magical effects to be created on another Plane, not the transfer of beings or items between Planes, which requires specialist Planist Spells. Such Planist Spells, however, do not take the 2/3 Ratio (eg See Ethereal cast from the Real does not take the Ratio).

8.3 If a line of sight is required to the target, the caster must already have it (eg by See Ethereal). If mutual eye contact is required (eg for certain Charmer Spells), the target must also be able to see the caster.

8.4 The Spell must be wholly targetted onto the other Plane. Partial effects on different Planes are not possible, even by taking two 2/3 Ratios.

8.5 Planist Spells may be cast on targets on other Planes using the above rules. Eg a caster on the Real could target an Astral Spell onto the Ethereal (at 2/3 Throw) to send the Ethereal target onto the Astral (leaving his body on the Ethereal).

8.6 Teleport Spells may be cast from the Real to the Ethereal and vice-versa, at 2/3 Throw, provided the target location has been learnt on the target Plane (as a separate location or by the Triposition Spell). Caution should, however, be exercised on Teleporting between the Astral and other Planes if the caster does not have the ability to adopt an Astral form.

9. Aborting Spell Casts

9.1 Any Spell Cast may be aborted in any second before the final second of Casting by Specifically Plotting the abortion of the Cast for that second. Casts of 1 second or less may not be aborted. As Spell Casting requires heavy concentration, it is only a legal change of Plot to abort a Spell if the reason is very obvious to the MU.

9.2 If a Spell Cast is aborted, all SP and Druidic IP that would have been used in the Cast are expended. Although SP are expended throughout Casting Time, the effort of aborting a Spell is approximately the same as carrying through its Casting to completion. Clerical Wishes are only expended in the second of Casting during which their expenditure is specified.

9.3 There is no effect from aborting a Spell Cast before its final second. An attempt to abort a Cast during the final second results in an automatic Blowback effect (even for Druidic Spells).

10. Concentration

10.1 Some Spells require either "light concentration" or "heavy concentration" to maintain a particular effect.

10.2 Heavy concentration requires all the MU's efforts.  He can do nothing else whilst heavily concentrating, and is aware only of what he is concentrating upon (including what is affecting it).  Heavy concentration will prevent the MU from Spell Casting or Dodging in Melee.

10.3 Light concentration does not require all the MU's efforts.  An MU can lightly concentrate on Dx(M)/8 FRU different things at once which require light concentration.  Lightly concentrating on the maximum Dx(M)/8 FRU things counts as heavy concentration.

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