
Web of Dreams

Meta Time: 26 January 2025

Game Time: 4 Aval 2506

(Mainstream Anarea paused at 20 Sarm / Day 121, 2505)

Website Updates

We restarted Anarea with some low-level Dungeon hacking from Fort Venture, run remotely starting during the COVID-19 Lockdown and with Players dispersed around the world.  The title of these adventures is "Lockdown in Mount Anar".

The Rules of the Forty Factions game have been updated to v2.7 and some Bonus Cards for the Forgotten Factions Expansion are now available.

Some further Sections have been added to the 4th Edition of the Fighter System and the 3rd Editions of the Elementalist System, Druidic System and Clerical System are now available. Excel versions of the Druidic Spell Lists are also available to add to Character Specs.

The Phases of the Moon for the Year 2506 are now shown in the Overworld Basic Information on Light & Time.


About Anarea

The Valdrean Empire

Anarea is a fantasy role-playing universe, which I, Philip Wild, have been running since 1979 and is now in its 7th game year.  This website is intended primarily as a reference source for the players, but anyone else who is interested is welcome to browse it.

Certain information on this website is marked (usually in the top right hand corner of a page or document) as * Restricted Information.  This indicates it is not generally known to characters.  The categories to whom it is generally known may be indicated.  Whilst players may browse such information, they should bear in mind that it may not be known to their character, and reading it may therefore affect their ability to play in character.

The material here is copyright, but may be downloaded and reproduced for private (not commercial) use.

Follow this link for more About Anarea.

© P.R. Wild, 1979-2025

The DM Says...

News, Winter 2404-5

When mainstream Anarea paused we were running the Season of Spring 2505.  The ongoing storyline was entitled "A Darker Nature: Tooth and Claw".  The News for Winter 2404/5 is available.

Email me about Anarea to dm at

I have an ongoing programme of defining Spells, and will highlight newly-defined ones here.  Today's Spell of the Day is the Elementalist Transport via Lightning.

The Story So Far...

Red Scorpions

For more detail on these stories, see the latest News...

13 Yarom 2505

The High Priest of RAYLIT in Fort Venture is offering a reward of 6,000GP (no questions asked) for the return of the Holy Book of The Tables of Risings of RAYLIT, which has been stolen from his Temple.


More News from the Season So Far...




Magic Item Dealer


Ft System v4

Systems Changes

24.11.24 The 3rd Edition of the Druidic System is now available.  This does not include any major systems changes, but gives more detail of how it has been run since the last edition.

8.1.25  The 3rd Edition of the Clerical System is now available.  This does not include any systems changes, but gives more detail re False Gods and Paladinic Cults.


North West Forest

Phase of the Moon

The Moon is in Her Third Quarter and will next be full on 21 Aval 2506.  Druidic Media last decayed -1 at Midnight of 10 Yarom 2505.

3rd Quarter