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The Alchemist

"No guarantees, no refunds, no credit"
From the Rules of the Alchemists' Guild, as stated on a sign in most Alchemists' Shops

You will only find an Alchemist's shop in larger towns and cities, or in places frequented by adventurers.  From the Year 2500, the Alchemist at Fort Venture was Kazaral, the Alchemist at Dwarf Hold was Vagen and the Alchemist at South Beach was Jhonas.

Alchemical goods are highly specialised, luxury items, and there are substantial price variations.  The following are typical prices in the main cities of the Overworld.  Not all these items will be available in every Alchemist's shop. Hard to produce and sought-after items (e.g. Invulnerability Potions) are often unavailable.

Alchemists will typically buy back unused items at about 2/3 of their selling prices, provided they are satisfied as to the genuineness of the goods.  It is therefore usually best to resell to the Alchemist from whom you bought the item.

Alchemists will also pay for materials required for their Potions (see the Alchemists' Wants List) or for the Casting of certain Spells (though this depends on current requirements - ask the Alchemist).

Most items are marked with the seal of the Alchemist and an Old Speech rune to identify them.  Many users remove, obscure or change these markings.  Potions found in the Dungeons are invariably unmarked.


Potions all have encumbrance of 30 wt pts each.  They are typically supplied in clay pots with cork and wax seals.  They contain about 1 pint of liquid.   One Potion may be taken internally (drunk) and one externally (poured over the body).  Where applicable, their effects last for 10 to 15 minutes and they have Range 30 to 60 feet.

Potion of Cost (in GP) Effect
Body Armour +1 250 gives ADS + 1 all over the body
Body Armour +2 300 gives ADS + 2 all over the body
Body Armour +3 450 gives ADS + 3 all over the body
Clairaudience 250 hear through others' ears
Clairvoyance 300 see through others' eyes
Far-feeling 350 feel through others' fingers
Far-smelling 400 smell through others' noses
Far-tasting 450 taste through others' tongues
Control Animals 200 take control of animals' bodies
Control Monsters (by type) from 1000 take control of monsters' bodies
Control People (by Species) from 300 take control of peoples' bodies
Control Undead (by type) from 900 take control of undead (not readily available in the Overworld)
Control Vegetables 125 take control of walking vegetables
Delusion 60 suffer from delusions (@ Insanity Level 1)
Diminution 500 shrink to Sz 1
Flying 425 fly @ 10ft/sec
Gaseous Form 900 body and possessions go gaseous
Growth 350 grow by Sz +10
Healing 60 permanently Cures d6+1 HP of Damage
Extra-Healing 90 permanently Heals 2d6+2 HP of Damage
Heroism 90 fight @ FtL 4 if own FtL <4 (no extra AMR)
Super-Heroism 180 fight @ FtL 7 if own FtL <7 (no extra AMR)
Immunity to Lycanthropy from 300 gives immunity to a specific lycanthropy disease
Invisibility 550 gives 10 to 15 Invisibility Action Points
Invulnerability 1 1000 invulnerable to non-magical attacks, vulnerable to silver & magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 1 are vulnerable to you
Invulnerability 2 1500 invulnerable to non-magical attacks, silver attacks do half damage, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 2 are vulnerable to you
Invulnerability 3 2000 invulnerable to non-magical and silver attacks, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 3 are vulnerable to you
Levitation 350 levitate @ 10ft/sec
Mind Bar 300 provides a complete block on mental Spells and effects
Polymorph 900 change shape at will
Regeneration 1250 regenerate @ 1HP/MR
Cold Resistance 200 -1 per d6 Cold Damage
Fire Resistance 125 -1 per d6 Fire Damage
Lightning Resistance 300 -1 per d6 Lightning Damage
Speed 200 move @ *2 to speed
Ogre Strength 200 St +d6
Hill Giant Strength 400 St +7 to 9
Stone Giant Strength 600 St +10
Frost Giant Strength 800 St +11
Fire Giant Strength 1000 St +12
Cloud Giant Strength 1200 St +13
Storm Giant Strength 1400 St +14 to 16
Water Breathing 125 breathe underwater


Oils all have encumbrance of 20 wt pts each.  They are typically supplied in clay pots with cork and wax seals.  They contain about 1 pint of oil.   One Oil may be taken externally (poured over the body), instead of a Potion.    Their effects last for 10 to 15 minutes.

Oil of Cost (in GP) Effect
Burning 20 Highly inflammable.  Burns with 1d6 Fire Damage for 10 to 15 sec.  Not recommended to be taken externally!
Etherealness 1200 Taker's body and possessions go onto the Ethereal Plane.  May be washed off with wine to return to the Real Plane..

Acids, Fire Bombs & Poisons

Acids and Poisons all have encumbrance of 30 wt pts each.  They are typically supplied in clay pots with cork and wax seals.  They contain about 1 pint of acid or poison.

Fire Bombs have encumbrance of 5 * their Strength No. each.  They are glass spheres filled with an explosive liquid that detonates for their Strength No. in d6 of Fire Damage when broken.  Handle them carefully!

Level / Strength No. Acids (cost in GP) Fire Bombs (cost in GP) Poisons (cost in GP)
1 5 10 10
2 15 30 30
3 30 60 60
4 50 100 100
5 75 150 150
6 etc. 210 210
7   etc. 280
8     360
9     450
10     550

Blade Venoms

Venoms have encumbrance of 10 wt pts each.    They are typically supplied in leather skins or bladders tied securely with thongs.  They contain sufficient paste to coat 100 wt pts of weapon blades with poison, good for 2 to 3 blows, or to coat 10 arrows or quarrels.  The use of envenomed weapons is generally considered to be Evil.

Strength No. (Poison Level) Blade Venoms (cost in GP)
1 15
2 40
3 80
4 150
5 200
6 300
7 400
8 500
9 600
10 800

Specialist Poisons and Blade Venoms may be obtained from Poison Markets or Shops in some locations.


Antidotes have encumbrance of 10 wt pts each.  They are typically supplied in clay jars with cork and wax seals.  They contain about 1/2 pint of antidote, which is sufficient for 1 treatment.

Antidote to Cost Effect
Disease from 90 cures Disease up to Level of Antidote
Paralysis 120 dispels Paralysis
Poison from 10 Neutralises Poison up to Level of Antidote

Miscellaneous Items

Item Cost (in GP) Enc (wt pts) Effect
Aphrodisiacs from 3 20 Increase sexual desire.  Not guaranteed.  Great for parties!
Black Lotus from 5 1 Recover SP @ 4 / hr, hallucinogenic,  addictive.  Great for parties!
Body Grease 1 10 makes body slippery
Contraceptive Pills from 4 each 1 each May help prevent conception.  Not guaranteed.
Dust of Appearance 30 1 reveals invisible beings
Dust of Sneezing 5 1 makes targets sneeze
Dust of Sneezing & Choking 30 1 makes targets sneeze and choke
Flash Pellets 5 each 1 each throw against a hard surface to produce a blinding flash
Sleeping Draughts 4 20 Put taker into a deep sleep - recover SP @ 2 / hr.
Spell Point Recovery Pills from 10 each 1 each Put taker into a trance - recover SP @ 4 / hr.  May become addictive.
Stink Bombs 3 each 1 each throw against a hard surface to produce a nauseous smell
Tanglefoot Pills 3 each 1 each add water to produce a Web effect
Water Purifier (c12 fl. oz. in small Potion bottle) 4 20 purifies contaminated water (does not Neutralise Poison): add 1 fl.oz. per quart, or more if severely contaminated

Specialist Spell Point recovery and hallucinatory drugs may be obtained from Dream Dealers in some locations.

This page contains the information that an Alchemist would freely provide in reply to customers' enquiries.  More detailed information is available on this web site in the Alchemical System, but this is Restricted Information, which would normally be known only to Alchemists.

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