Anarea > Shops > Jhonas

Price List of Jhonas of The South Beach, Mount Anar

Member of The Alchemists' Guild of Tehmor

Potions Cost (in GP) Effect
Aqueous Form 1100 body and possessions go aqueous
Body Armour +1 275 gives ADS + 1 all over the body
Body Armour +2 325 gives ADS + 2 all over the body
Body Armour +3 500 gives ADS + 3 all over the body
Clairaudience 275 hear through others' ears
Clairvoyance 325 see through others' eyes
Displace 550 gives +10% to D & RD, cumulative with Dodge Effects
Dodge +1 275 gives +5% to D & RD, cumulative with Displace Effects
Dodge +2 550 gives +10% to D & RD, cumulative with Displace Effects
Dodge +3 825 gives +15% to D & RD, cumulative with Displace Effects
ESP 550 use all of others' senses
Control Animals 225 take control of animals' bodies
Control Monsters (by type) from 1000 take control of monsters' bodies (for Control Giant Scorpions, please apply to The Temple of THE RED SCORPION)
Control People (by Species) from 325 take control of peoples' bodies
Control Undead (by type) from 1000 take control of undead
Control Vegetables 150 take control of walking vegetables
Delusion 75 suffer from delusions (@ Insanity Level 1)
Diminution 550 shrink to Sz 1
Earthsee 600 see through Earth/Stone walls
Earthwalk 1200 move through Earth/Stone walls
Flying 500 fly @ 10ft/sec
Gaseous Form 1000 body and possessions go gaseous
Growth 375 grow by Sz +10
Healing 75 permanently Cures d6+1 HP of Damage
Extra-Healing 125 permanently Heals 2d6+2 HP of Damage
Heroism 100 fight @ FtL 4 if own FtL <4 (no extra AMR)
Super-Heroism 200 fight @ FtL 7 if own FtL <7 (no extra AMR)
Immunity to Lycanthropy from 325 gives immunity to a specific lycanthropy disease
Invisibility 600 gives 10 to 15 Invisibility Action Points
Invulnerability 1 1100 invulnerable to non-magical attacks, vulnerable to silver & magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 1 are vulnerable to you
Invulnerability 2 1650 invulnerable to non-magical attacks, silver attacks do half damage, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 2 are vulnerable to you
Invulnerability 3 2200 invulnerable to non-magical and silver attacks, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 3 are vulnerable to you
Levitation 375 levitate @ 10ft/sec
Mind Bar 325 provides a complete block on mental Spells and effects
Polymorph 1000 change shape at will
Regeneration 1500 regenerate @ 1HP/MR
Cold Resistance 220 -1 per d6 Cold Damage
Fire Resistance 150 -1 per d6 Fire Damage
Lightning Resistance 330 -1 per d6 Lightning Damage
Speed 225 move @ *2 to speed
Ogre Strength 220 St +d6
Hill Giant Strength 440 St +7 to 9
Stone Giant Strength 660 St +10
Frost Giant Strength 880 St +11
Fire Giant Strength 1200 St +12
Cloud Giant Strength 1400 St +13
Storm Giant Strength 1600 St +14 to 16
Water Breathing 150 breathe underwater

Oils Cost (in GP) Effect
Burning 25 Highly inflammable.  Burns with 1d6 Fire Damage for 10 to 15 sec.  Not recommended to be taken externally!
Etherealness 1250 Taker's body and possessions go onto the Ethereal Plane.  May be washed off with wine to return to the Real Plane.

Acids, Fire Bombs & Poisons
Level / Strength No. Acids (cost in GP) Fire Bombs (cost in GP) Poisons (cost in GP) Blade Venoms (cost in GP)
1 6 12 Poisons and Venoms are available from the Venom Shop
2 18 36 at the Temple of THE RED SCORPION.
3 33 66
4 55 110
5 87 165
6 etc. 235
7 etc.

Antidotes Cost (in GP) Effect
Disease from 100 cures Disease up to Level of Antidote
Paralysis 132 dispels Paralysis
Poison Enquire at the Temple of THE RED SCORPION.
Stoning 600 Turns a Stoned Being back to Flesh (requires Co check)

Miscellaneous Items Cost (in GP) Enc (wt pts) Effect
Aphrodisiacs from 3 20 Increase sexual desire.  Not guaranteed.  Great for parties!
Black Lotus from 5 1 Recover SP @ 4 / hr, hallucinogenic,  addictive.  Great for parties!
Body Grease 1 10 makes body slippery
Contraceptive Pills from 4 each 1 each May help prevent conception.  Not guaranteed.
Dust of Appearance 30 1 reveals invisible Beings
Dust of Sneezing 5 1 makes targets sneeze
Dust of Sneezing & Choking 30 1 makes targets sneeze and choke
Flash Pellets 5 each 1 each throw against a hard surface to produce a blinding flash
Sleeping Draughts 4 20 Put taker into a deep sleep - recover SP @ 2 / hr.
Spell Point Recovery Pills from 10 each 1 each Put taker into a trance - recover SP @ 4 / hr.  May become addictive.
Stink Bombs 3 each 1 each throw against a hard surface to produce a nauseous smell
Tanglefoot Pills 3 each 1 each add water to produce a Web effect
Troll Culture 10 (refundable deposit) 30 preserves a Troll's liver as Alchemical Material
Water Purifier (c12 fl. Oz. in Small Potion bottle) 4 20 purifies contaminated water (does not Neutralise Poison): add 1 fl.oz. per quart, or more if severely contaminated

Wants List
Live specimens must be incapacitated.
Material Paid (GP)
Beholder carapace 350
Floating Eye carapace 35
Black Pudding (live sample) 20
Bugbear pumpkin head 20
Carrion Crawler (live specimen) 100
Centaur’s hoof (per hoof) 50
Cockatrice feathers (per Cockatrice) 25
Displacer Beast's head 250
Red Dragon Scales (each) 10
White Dragon Scales (each) 15
Blue Dragon Scales (each) 25
Doppleganger's heart & skin 75
Earthcrawler (live specimen) 750
Hero’s heart (FtL 4 to 6) 30
Superhero’s Heart (FtL 7+) 60
Gargoyle’s horn (per horn) 50
Gargoyle’s wings (per pair of wings) 80
Ghoul’s brain (substantially intact) 25
Ghoul’s skull 50
Giant’s big toe (per big toe from any Giant) 30
Hill Giant’s bones 35
Stone Giant’s bones 40
Frost Giant’s bones 45
Fire Giant’s bones 50
Cloud Giant’s bones 60
Storm Giant’s bones 70
Grey Ooze (live sample) 20
Hippogriff’s hoof (per hoof) 20
Hippogriff’s wings (per pair) 40
Jackalope's body 800
Giant Killer Jellyfish (dead body) 900
Lycanthrope’s brain 15
Lycanthrope’s heart 10
Lycanthrope’s jawbone 25
Manticore’s spleen 30
Minotaur's horns and testicles 3
Mummy’s brain (substantially intact) 50
Ochre Jelly (live sample) 20
Ogre’s bones 18
Owl Bear’s beak 20
Phase Spider (live specimen) 1000
Walking Carnivorous Plant roots 10
Giant Skunk’s stink glands 50
Troll’s liver (preserved in Troll Culture) 300
Vampire’s brain (substantially intact) 75
Water Breathing Monster’s lungs and gills 12
Yellow Mould spores 25

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