* Restricted Information: Binders only *
1st edition (1985)
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The Binder uses the Magic of DEMONS. Demons tend to be of DEMON LEVEL ("DL") from 10 to 35. The POWERS of all Demons may be used in accordance with the GRIMOIRES, which are the written repositories of Binders knowledge of Demon Summoning. The most powerful Demons are the DEMON LORDS, Who are said to number 666, and who tend to have DL of 25 or over. The RANKS of Demon Lords are commonly translated into those of human lords, as follows:
For each of the nine Alignments;
= 74 * 9 = 666 DEMON LORDS or MAJOR DEMONS
Good Demons are also called ANGELS, and Evil Demons called DEVILS.
The DEMONIC HOST of each Alignment is made up of the Demon Lords of that Alignment, together with the LESSER or MINOR DEMONS under Their command. They are likened to Earthly armies. Their COMMON NAMES are listed in tedious, and conflicting, detail in the Grimoires.
But it is the TRUE NAME of a Demon that is required to SUMMON Him. True Names are in OLD SPEECH, the language of Magical Power. SUMMONING is the speaking of the TRUE NAME under POWER (i.e. using SPELL POINTS ("SP")) in accordance with RITUAL.
RITUAL is comprised of various elements; some common to all Binding, and learnt during a Binders Initial Basic Training; some particular to the specific Alignment and Rank of the Demon, and learnt as RITUAL LEVELS ("RL"), in a way similar to the learning of Spells by other Magic Users, and others which are different for every individual Demon, or class of the more Minor Demons, and are dealt with by means of Background Preparation. Ritual is recorded in the Grimoires in great, and sometimes inconsistent, detail. Much of it appears pointless or unnecessary, but if one necessary element is omitted, then the whole Summoning is in jeopardy, and experience has proved that some of the necessary elements are amongst those which appear most pointless. The golden rule is therefore to omit nothing, and Binders spend hours trying to resolve the inconsistencies between Grimoires. This of course leads to differing interpretations, and further inconsistencies, but at least the most wrong are weeded out when they apply their mistakes In practice. It is a bold Demon Summoner who experiments with Ritual.
When Summoned, the Demon must be CONTROLLED; by winning a WILLPOWER BATTLE against Him, to Put Him in the (Inner) CIRCLE. A Demon in the Circle must grant MINOR FAVOURS (for which see the Grimoires) that are requested of Him, within His Powers. He may also be BOUND, which is a further, and more difficult Summoning Procedure; involving repeating His TRUE NAME under a further expenditure of POWER in accordance with RITUAL.
When Bound, the Demon must again be CONTROLLED; by winning a more difficult WILLPOWER BATTLE against Him, to Put Him in the TRIANGLE. A Demon in the Triangle must grant MAJOR FAVOURS (again see the Grimoires) that are requested of Him, within His Powers, and may agree to PACTS, including the giving of a FAMILIAR. Possible Pacts are also specified in the Grimoires, but a soul is always required in payment for any significant benefit. Sometimes lesser Pacts (also known as CONTRACTS) may be agreed, for which the consideration is less than a soul. The minimum price a Demon is usually considered likely to accept for a lesser Pact is 1,000GP, payable in Platinum or preferably Mithril.
The Demon is only obliged to grant a maximum of one Minor Favour and one Major Favour (which may be one Pact) per Summoning.
If the Demon is not successfully Summoned (but appears) / not successfully Bound, then He is LOOSED outside the Outer / Inner Circle. It is then generally possible to make one attempt at Control, under very adverse conditions, and if that fails the immortal souls of all beings present are liable to immediate FORFEITURE. If the attempt at Control succeeds, the Demon is returned to the Inner Circle.
If the Demon is successfully Summoned or Bound, but is not successfully Controlled, He will be Loosed unless His Request to be DISMISSED is immediately granted.
A Demon who is not Loosed may be DISMISSED; in accordance with Ritual. Dismissal ends the Summoning of that Demon.
It is possible to engage in MULTIPLE SUMMONINGS: either in SUCCESSIVE Summonings; by Preparing for all the Summonings in the Session in advance, and Summoning the next Demon following the Dismissal of the last, or in SIMULTANEOUS Summonings; again by doing all the preparation in advance, but Summoning the next Demon whilst the last is still present. The latter becomes increasingly difficult, the more Demons are simultaneously Summoned. For all Multiple Summonings the multiplicity of Ritual, especially where Demons of differing Alignments are involved, results in much greater procedural complexity, with consequent increased chances of error.
PREPARATION is most advisable before any Summoning. This may be divided into BACKGROUND PREPARATION; including acquiring and checking any MATERIALS prescribed by Ritual, preparing a suitable SUMMONING CHAMBER, and generally learning and resolving the finer points of the Ritual for the particular Demon to be Summoned, and FOREGROUND PREPARATION; including periods of Fasting and/or Celibacy, laying out the Materials in the Chamber, making any BLOOD SACRIFICES, correctly clothing the various Participants, positioning them in their proper places, and generally implementing the pre-Summoning Rituals. Sensible Preparation includes also the preparing of DEFENCES against the Demon.
The PARTICIPANTS in a Summoning are of four types:
There can only be one Operator for each Summoning. Familiars should take part in the Ceremony; either jointly with Their Masters, or as Assistants in Their own right.
Before any Demon is Summoned, the Operator must Learn the Ritual of the Demons Alignment to the Level of His Rank. Because there is a separate Ritual for the Demonic Host of each Alignment, RL are learnt separately in each Alignment. The number of RL required, in the appropriate Alignment, to Summon a Demon of a particular Rank is as follows:
Lesser Demons | 3 |
Earls | 4 |
Presidents | 5 |
Prelates | 6 |
Marquises | 7 |
Dukes | 8 |
Princes | 9 |
King | 10 |
E.g. to Summon an E/L Demon Marquis, the Operator must have learnt 7RL of the E/L Ritual; to Summon a G/C Earl, he must have learnt 4RL of the G/C Ritual.
Usual Learning Time ("ULT") for RL depends upon the Alignment of the Binder. Each RL has a basic ULT of 48 hours (= 1 weeks learning @ 8 hrs. per Cd.), plus 8 hours per point of Alignment difference between Binder and Ritual (measured orthogonally on the usual Alignment graph).
E.g. it would take a N/C Binder 64 hours to learn 1 Level of the N/L Ritual, and a G/L Binder 240 hours to learn 3 levels of E/C Ritual.
ULT is modified for individual Binders in accordance with Section 4.2 of the General Magic-Using System.
Ritual is learnt from Grimoires or by Apprenticeship to a Binder who has already learnt it. Modifiers to ULT for the circumstances can therefore apply, depending on the quality of the Grimoire or Principal. Demons will willingly teach Ritual, and are excellent tutors. but are not to be trusted to teach it correctly!
1st level Binders are assumed to have learnt 3RL in their own Alignment during Initial Basic Training.
Each RL learnt uses up 2 Spell Learning Levels ("SLL"). For the penalties for learning Spells in excess of SLL available, see below. There are no bonuses for Unfilled Spell Levels in Binding.
Assistants must have learnt at least 2 RL in the Alignment of the Demon being Summoned.
Celebrants require no RL; they just do what they have been told.
This is described In the Introduction. For further detail of what is involved, see the Grimoires.
Background Preparation may be broken down into 3 Parts, corresponding to the 3 elements of Ritual identified in the Introduction:
Most Binders will maintain a permanent Summoning Chamber, and so will not have to go through Part 1 before every Summoning. Otherwise the time taken for Part 1 depends on how readily available the particular Materials that are prescribed by the Grimoire are in the locality, and how many there are. However, assuming a suitable room has been found, this stage might typically take a month.
Part 2 might also be permanently set up in part, if the Binder always Summons Demons of the same Alignment. Some of the Materials might also be kept in storage. If the Chamber is set up to Summon Demons of a certain Rank, this will also allow Demons of lesser Ranks to be Summoned, provided They are of the same Alignment. Again the time taken will vary, but it will typically take 1 week per Ritual Level implemented. If the Binder has the Materials available from a previous implementation, this can be reduced to 4 Caeriads per RL, and if the Chamber is already set up to a certain level, only 2 Caeriads per RL set up will be required.
Part 3 will take (DL) hours if the Demon is to be Bound, or (DL/2) hours if the Demon is only to be Summoned. Circumstances modifiers apply, depending on the Grimoires consulted, and the cautious Binder will spend as much extra time as he feels is necessary to satisfy his paranoia. If the Demon has been Summoned before, the Binder will be able to rely on his personal Grimoire, and may halve the time he would otherwise take. If he was only participating as an Assistant, he might save some 5-10% of the time.
Background Preparation times for Multiple Summonings are the time for Part 1, plus the sum of the times for the Highest-Ranking Demon of each Alignment multiplied by the number of Alignments for Part 2, plus the sum of the times for every Demon multiplied by the number of Demons for Part 3.
Background Preparation times can be reduced by as much as the Binder wishes, with consequent penalties for any deficiencies in necessary Ritual.
If the Binder trusts his Assistants (and few do), they may perform some of the Background Preparation for him, subject to a minimum time being required of 20% of the time it would take the Operator on his own. To prepare Part 2, an Assistant must have learnt the Ritual Levels he is implementing. Familiars are especially untrustworthy for Background Preparation, and often increase the time taken by interfering with prepared Materials.
This is described In the Introduction. For further detail of what is involved, see the Grimoires.
Foreground Preparation may be broken down into any period of Fasting / Celibacy and the other elements of Ritual identified in the Introduction.
Fasting and/or Celibacy may be effectively undergone by all Participants other than Extras. It is for each to decide how long to undergo them. The effects are given below. Fasting has much more effect than Celibacy, and the particular Ritual for the Demon concerned should always be consulted, as some positively disapprove of either, or both! The time spent on each by each Participant is computed back from the beginning of the Summoning. Enforced Fasting and/or Celibacy count! Subject to particular Rituals (e.g. the drinking of the blood from the sacrifice) both Fasting and Celibacy may be combined with other Background and Foreground Preparation and with each other.
Some Rituals also prescribe MEDITATION. This is carried out similarly to Fasting / Celibacy, but may not be carried out at the same time as any Preparation other than Fasting / Celibacy. It is undertaken at the prescribed time(s) during Foreground Preparation. Its effects are also given below.
Other Foreground Preparation will take (DL/5) hours if the Demon is to be Bound, or (DL/10) hours if the Demon is only to be Summoned. There are no reductions for previous experience, as the working out of what is required by way of Foreground Preparation is included in the Background Preparation. All Participants must take part in the Foreground Preparation, including Extras, or else their presence will be contrary to Ritual. Extra hands do not reduce the time taken, because extra Foreground Preparation is required for each extra Participant. Again, Familiars must be watched carefully.
The Foreground Preparation time for Multiple Summonings is the sum of the times for every Demon multiplied by the number of Demons.
The number of Pentangles required is equal to the number of Participants, other than Extras, divided by 5, and rounded up to the next whole number. The Operator stands in the Primary Point of the Primary Pentangle. Subsidiary Points are designated secondary, tertiary, quartic. and quintic, and the same nomenclature applies to subsidiary Pentangles. In relation to the Primary, the Points of a Pentangle are:
1 = 1.0
2 = 0.8
3 = 0.6
4 = 0.4
5 = 0.2
Assistants must be present in the Primary Pentangle. There is therefore a maximum of 4 Assistants. They should occupy the highest-ranking Points if there are less than 4 of them. It is customary that higher-level Assistants occupy higher-ranking Points.
Celebrants occupy subsidiary Points and Pentangles. In the Primary Pentangle each has T (for which see below) = 2, in the Secondary each has T = 1, and for each subsidiary Pentangle after that the T of each is halved.
If any Participant has an Elemental or other Spirit Activated, it will count as an Extra, whether or not it is physically present, and its presence may well be contrary to Ritual.
Summoning and Binding require the expenditure of Spell Points ("SP") to have any effect. The Operator and his Assistants each determine how many SP they expend upon each Summoning, in total and individually, and again upon any Binding following each Summoning.
Maximum and minimum limits are as follows:
Operator |
Each Assistant |
Total |
Max. | Min. | Max. | Min. | Max. | Min. | |
First Summoning | No limit | DL | P | 1 | ||
(Number expended = P) | (Number expended = A) | (Number expended = T) | ||||
Binding Demon first Summoned | P/2 | A/2 | T/2 | |||
Second Summoning (Simultaneous) | P/2 | A/2 | T/2 | |||
Binding Demon then Summoned | P/4 | A/4 | T/4 | |||
Nth Summoning | P/2(N-1) | A/2(N-1) | T/2(N-1) | |||
Binding after Nth Summoning | P/4(N-1) | A/4(N-1) | T/4(N-1) |
There is no discretion as to SP expended in Binding Simultaneous Summonings after the First.
Successive Summonings / Bindings count as First ones for the purposes of SP limits.
Fractions of SP resulting from any of the above limits are to be rounded up.
Celebrants and Extras must not expend SP. An Assistant who does not expend SP will count as a Celebrant.
If a Familiar is acting jointly with its Master, It must expend half the SP at each stage that he does. If it is acting as a separate Assistant, it expends SP as any other Assistant would.
If anyone expends too many SP at any stage, the excess SP are ineffective. If anyone expends too few SP at any stage, the Summoning / Binding automatically fails. However if no Participant has expended any SP, there is no effect.
The first Summoning has a CHANCE OF SUCCESS ("C"), calculated as below. This is the percentage chance that it will Succeed. If it does not Succeed, it will Fail.
If the Summoning Succeeds, C is reduced by DL. The Demon appears in the Outer Circle, and must be Controlled.
If the Summoning Fails, C is (temporarily) thirded. The Demon appears outside the Outer Circle, and must be Controlled. If He is not then Controlled. He is Loosed. If He is then Controlled, He must immediately be Dismissed, with apologies. (It would then be wise to increase Defences against Him.) C is reduced by DL and then halved if the Session is to continue. The same Demon could be Re-Summoned if the Participants felt lucky!
If the Demon does not immediately appear, He may be engaged on another Summoning. The Operator may wait for Him to appear, or may formally TERMINATE the Session, by an Incantation in accordance with Ritual.
If the Demon is successfully Summoned and Controlled, He must be compelled to enter the Inner Circle, where He must remain. The current C is then halved.
If the Demon is successfully Summoned, but the Control Fails, He must immediately be Dismissed, or He will move outside the Outer Circle, with the same consequences as above.
The percentage chance that a Binding will Succeed is the current C (i.e. ((Original C) DL) / 2). If the Binding does not Succeed, it will Fail.
If the Binding Succeeds, C is reduced by DL. The Demon must now be Controlled again.
If the Binding Fails, C is (temporarily) thirded. The Demon will move outside the Inner Circle, and must be Controlled. The consequences are the same as if He had moved outside the Outer Circle, as above (though C is now lower).
If the Demon is successfully Bound and Controlled, He must be compelled to enter the Triangle, where He must remain. The current C is then halved.
A Demon under Control may be formally Dismissed, by an Incantation in accordance with Ritual, speaking His True Name.
For Multiple Successive Summonings, recalculate C for each new Summoning. The previous C is disregarded.
For Multiple Simultaneous Summonings, recalculate C for each new Summoning (subject to the SP limits stated above), and add it to the current C, ratioed by the DL of the Demon last Summoned over the DL of the Demon now to be Summoned. The total is the percentage chance of Success for the new Summoning. All Demons previously Summoned who have not been Dismissed must be in the Triangle before a further Demon may be properly Simultaneously Summoned.
C is calculated as follows:
C = (4 * (TOTAL T * PREP * POWER * OSK)) / (DL + (5 * EXTRAS))
TOTAL T is the Total Throw for the Operator and Assistants, calculated as follows:
TOTAL T = (Sum of ((T of Operator or Assistant) * PEC)) + (Sum of (T of Celebrants))
T for the Operator or an Assistant is his Throw, calculated as follows:
T = BL * RL -+. ChMod(Wp) + OSF + FAST + CEL + MED + EXP - OSL - IST
PREP is the Preparation Coefficient, calculated as follows:
PREP = (Foreground Prep. done) * (Background Prep. done) / (Foreground Prep. needed) * (Background Prep. needed)
N.B. PREP is always less than or equal to 1.
POWER is the Power Element, calculated as follows:
POWER = Sum of ((SP expended by Operator or Assistant) * PEC )
OSK is the Old Speech Knowledge Coefficient for the Operator (only), calculated as follows:
OSK = (Language Points towards Know in Old Speech ) / 20
N.B. OSK is always less than or equal to 1.
OSF is the Old Speech Fluency Factor for the Participant, calculated as follows:
OSF = (Language Points towards Know/Fluency in Old Speech) / 10
DL is the Demon Level of the Demon being Summoned. For Multiple Summonings DL is the sum of the DLs of all Demons Summoned so far, plus the DL of the Demon now being Summoned.
EXTRAS is the number of Extras present
PEC is the Position Effectiveness Coefficient of the Participant, for which see 5 above.
RL is the Ritual Level learnt by the Participant in the Alignment of the Demon being Summoned. The minimum requirements for the Operator or an Assistant are stated in 2 above.
ChMod(Wp) is the normal Characteristics Modifier for, the original (i.e. unmodified by Charm Battle Experience) Willpower of the Participant.
FAST is the Fasting Factor for the Participant, calculated as follows:
FAST = f; for f(f+1)/2 Caeriads of fasting
CEL is the Celibacy Factor for the Participant, calculated as follows:
CEL = Square Root of (no. of full lunar months of celibacy)
MED is the Meditation Factor for the Participant, calculated as follows:
MED = Square Root of ((minutes in meditation) / 20)
During Multiple Successive Summonings further Meditation may be performed between the Dismissal of one Demon and the Summoning of the next, for which only that further Meditation (if any) counts.
During Multiple Simultaneous Summonings the Meditation performed before the first Summoning is counted for all the Summonings.
EXP is the Experience Factor of the Participant for the Summoning of the particular Demon, calculated as follows:
OSL is the minus for Overlearnt Spell Levels, of 1 per 2 Spell Levels, or fraction thereof, overlearnt.
IST is the minus for Inter Summoning Time (the Binders term for Inter Spell Time), of -1 per second not waited (i.e. not expending SP) out of S, after expending S SP.
The Attack Factor ("AF") of the Operator and Assistants is calculated as follows:
AF = Sum of ((Modified Wp of Operator or Assistant) * PEC) * c / 100
A Familiar acting jointly with its master adds its Wp to that of its master.
The Defence Factor ("DF") of the Demon is His Willpower, which will probably approximate to His DL. In Multiple Summonings all Demons present may add Their Willpowers together toward DF, or may separately attempt to break Control. In the latter case, the Operator and Assistants may allocate their AF how they wish amongst the separate Wp Battles.
The WP Battle is fought second by second until one side gains Domination. Assistants may withdraw after any second. Demons may separately attempt to break Control, or join the DF of the Demon in the main battle for Control, after any second. The AF may be reallocated amongst multiple battles after any second. No battle is ever conceded.
The percentage chances of Domination per second are as follows. If both sides gain Domination simultaneously, the phenomenon of "Charm Lock" can occur. Against Demons this is usually fatal.
AF - DF | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+ |
If +ve | 10% | 15% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100% |
If -ve | 10% | 9% | 8% | 7% | 6% | 5% | 4% | 3% | 2% | 1% | 0% |
Domination gives Experience which modifies Wp for the purposes of Wp Battles only. The Plus gained corresponds to the %age chance of success from the above table that was successfully rolled, as follows:
AF - DF | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+ |
If +ve | 1.0 | 0.9 | 0.8 | 0.7 | 0.6 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
If -ve | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | N/A |
The Plus is shared amongst the Operator and Assistants who took part in the ratio of their PECs. If the Demon gains Domination, the Operator and Assistants take a Minus, calculated on the same basis. Any Plus or Minus for part of a multiple battle is ratioed by the AF allocated to it over the total AF.
Demons do not gain or lose WP Experience.
* Secret Information: Demons only *
The Operator will always forfeit his Immortal Soul to a Loosed Demon.
Assistants have a %age chance of Forfeiture of DL * 10 * PEC.
Celebrants have a %age chance of Forfeiture of DL * (T of Celebrant).
Extras have a %age chance of Forfeiture of DL * 2.
If the Demon is Loose due to a violation of Ritual, any Participant who was personally responsible automatically suffers Forfeiture.
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© P.Flowers / P.R. Wild, 1985
Edition 1.2 (with thanks to Jardine and Bob for the Errata)
HTML conversion, P.R. Wild, 19 June 1999
Last updated 15 September 2013