Demon Specification

Demon Familiars

Typical Demon Level ("DL"): 1 to 10

Typical Number Encountered: 1 (a Master may have more than one Familiar, but this is rare - as They are liable to fight or plot against each other)

Alignment(s): as per Master

Description: take the form ("Form") of a small animal, appropriate to Giver (see Demon Grimoires).  Cats are a favourite choice - especially black ones.  Form may be oversized for the animal represented, but not giant.

Although the Familiar may look like a particular animal, It is a Demon, not a creature of Nature but still counts as Its Form (e.g. a Familiar in Cat Form counts as a Cat for the purposes of a Hold Cats Spell, but may not effectively be instressed from - though Druids who do not know It is really a Demon may think they get the instress).

Some Familiars may have a more Demonic Form, like a small sprite or homunculus.  Familiars are not all Shapechangers, although a few may have that Power (dependent on Giver and Pact(s)).

Habitat: accompany Master, but may venture out on own, either at behest of Master or on own business

Language: as per Master.  Can talk - if Form has a mouth.

Chars: all as per Master, except Sz & Bt.  Earns Its own bonuses in Wp Battles.

Movement: as per Form.  May fly, swim (and Water Breathe) or burrow as applicable to Form.

Fighter Abilities: (may vary dependent on Giver)

DL/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5DL) %    RD = 5 + (5DL) %    HP = (Master's HP) / 2

Attack Modes:

Claw / Bite (as applicable to Form) @ A = 10DL%, DAM dependent on Form - d4 or d6 is typical.  Dependent on Form may do DL Poison Levels if DAM > 0 inflicted.  Poison re-charges at 1PL/sec.

HitLoc Table: dependent on Form.  The following is typical for Cat and similar Forms:

HitLoc Area





01 to 05

01 to 05


Front Legs (*2)

11 to 15

06 to 10



06 to 10

11 to 15




16 to 20

01 to 05

Hind Legs (*2) n/a 06 to 10 06 to 10



21 to 25

11 to 15

ADS: DL/2 FRD all over

Effects of Specific Damage: dependent on Form.  The following are typical.  Not all may be applicable to a particular Form.

Hit Loc Area %age HP Damage taken Effects
Head 20% Unconscious, Co check vs Death
  40% Decapitation, Death
Wings (*2) 30% Co check vs Wing Crippled
  60% Wing Crippled (spirals to ground), Co check vs Wing Severed
  90% Wing Severed (plummets to ground)
Front Legs (*2) 25% Co check vs Leg Crippled
  50% Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed
  75% Leg Severed
Chest 80% Incapacitated, Co check vs Death
  160% Death
Abdomen 60% Co check vs Death/3MR
  120% Death
Hind Legs (*2) 25% Co check vs Leg Crippled
  50% Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed
  75% Leg Severed
Tail 25% Co check vs Tail Crippled
  50% Tail Crippled, Co check vs Tail Severed
  75% Tail Severed

Bleed as per Master.

Thievish Abilities: (may vary dependent on Giver)

M on Th Activities: (Master's M) / 2

Defensive ThL = (Master's M) / 2

Magic-Using Abilities: (may vary dependent on Giver)

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Demon Familiars are given by a Demon (the "Giver") to a Binder or other Participant in a Summoning (the "Master") by Pact.  They are independent Beings, believed to be the reincarnations of Souls sold to the Giver.  They are Bound by Their Pact to serve their Master loyally, but Their true loyalty must be earned.  Otherwise They may interpret orders as they see fit, or act as they see fit where not expressly ordered otherwise.
  2. Has a Telepathic Link with Master, allowing full conversation by thought within 10DL ft Radius only.  If Link is active, may join with Master in Wp Battles at the square root of the sum of the squares of Their respective current Wps for Wp Battle purposes.  Both take the full pluses or minuses gained.
  3. Feeds on Master's blood.  Will not gain any increase in his/her Experience until It has done so.  Needs 1HP of General Damage to Master every other day (same as normal healing rate).  Does not heal Damage naturally unless it so feeds on Master's blood.  (Note that feeding it extra blood does not heal It faster than the natural rate of 1HP every other day, but will make it feel happy!)
  4. Can damage beings with Invulnerability as if It had Invulnerability 3, but does not have Invulnerability Itself.  For further details see the Notes to the Elementalist Invulnerability Spell.
  5. DL% Magic Resistance: before It takes any Magical Spell or Effect (whether or not a saving throw needs to be made) roll > Magic Resistance on d100 or it has no effect.  Does not apply to DAM from magic weapons (but does apply to non-damage effects caused by those weapons).  Demon can waive the Magic Resistance, like choosing not to make a st.
  6. Does not Regenerate, although a few may have that Power (dependent on Giver and Pact(s)).
  7. Does not have separate Real, Ethereal and Astral Forms, although a few may have all or part of the Ability (dependent on Giver and Pact(s)).
  8. Has a True Name, but is not liable to be Bound in accordance with the Demon Summoning system except by its Master or Giver.  Teleports into the Outer Circle to which It has been Summoned.  On being Dismissed, Teleports back whence It came.  Does not have the Power to Teleport voluntarily; only in response to Summoning.
  9. When Bound in Circle or Triangle must loyally obey Its Summoner and may be given orders which It must follow with the same loyalty as described in Note 1. above.
  10. If Familiar dies, Master takes the effect which killed It, with any applicable st.  E.g. if It takes lethal Damage to the Head, the Master takes the same Damage to his Head with no st.  If It fails Its st vs a Death Spell, the Master must also save vs Death, even if not targeted by the Spell.  This applies irrespective of distance between Master and Familiar.  The same applies to the Familiar if Its Master is killed.  If It survives this, It is released from Its Pact, and will be Summoned by Its Giver to report for further duty.
  11. See also the FAQ on Demon Familiars.

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