Typical Demon Level ("DL"): 1 to 10
Typical Number Encountered: 1 (a Master may have more than one Familiar, but this is rare - as They are liable to fight or plot against each other)
Alignment(s): as per Master
Description: take the form ("Form") of a small animal, appropriate to Giver (see Demon Grimoires). Cats are a favourite choice - especially black ones. Form may be oversized for the animal represented, but not giant.
Although the Familiar may look like a particular animal, It is a Demon, not a creature of Nature but still counts as Its Form (e.g. a Familiar in Cat Form counts as a Cat for the purposes of a Hold Cats Spell, but may not effectively be instressed from - though Druids who do not know It is really a Demon may think they get the instress).
Some Familiars may have a more Demonic Form, like a small sprite or homunculus. Familiars are not all Shapechangers, although a few may have that Power (dependent on Giver and Pact(s)).
Habitat: accompany Master, but may venture out on own, either at behest of Master or on own business
Language: as per Master. Can talk - if Form has a mouth.
Chars: all as per Master, except Sz & Bt. Earns Its own bonuses in Wp Battles.
Movement: as per Form. May fly, swim (and Water Breathe) or burrow as applicable to Form.
Fighter Abilities: (may vary dependent on Giver)
DL/3, FRU AMR D = 25 + (5DL) % RD = 5 + (5DL) % HP = (Master's HP) / 2
Attack Modes:
Claw / Bite (as applicable to Form) @ A = 10DL%, DAM dependent on Form - d4 or d6 is typical. Dependent on Form may do DL Poison Levels if DAM > 0 inflicted. Poison re-charges at 1PL/sec.
HitLoc Table: dependent on Form. The following is typical for Cat and similar Forms:
HitLoc Area |
Front |
Side |
Rear |
Head |
01 to 05 |
01 to 05 |
n/a |
Front Legs (*2) |
11 to 15 |
06 to 10 |
n/a |
Chest |
06 to 10 |
11 to 15 |
n/a |
Abdomen |
n/a |
16 to 20 |
01 to 05 |
Hind Legs (*2) | n/a | 06 to 10 | 06 to 10 |
Tail |
n/a |
21 to 25 |
11 to 15 |
ADS: DL/2 FRD all over
Effects of Specific Damage: dependent on Form. The following are typical. Not all may be applicable to a particular Form.
Hit Loc Area | %age HP Damage taken | Effects |
Head | 20% | Unconscious, Co check vs Death |
40% | Decapitation, Death | |
Wings (*2) | 30% | Co check vs Wing Crippled |
60% | Wing Crippled (spirals to ground), Co check vs Wing Severed | |
90% | Wing Severed (plummets to ground) | |
Front Legs (*2) | 25% | Co check vs Leg Crippled |
50% | Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed | |
75% | Leg Severed | |
Chest | 80% | Incapacitated, Co check vs Death |
160% | Death | |
Abdomen | 60% | Co check vs Death/3MR |
120% | Death | |
Hind Legs (*2) | 25% | Co check vs Leg Crippled |
50% | Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed | |
75% | Leg Severed | |
Tail | 25% | Co check vs Tail Crippled |
50% | Tail Crippled, Co check vs Tail Severed | |
75% | Tail Severed |
Bleed as per Master.
Thievish Abilities: (may vary dependent on Giver)
M on Th Activities: (Master's M) / 2
Defensive ThL = (Master's M) / 2
Magic-Using Abilities: (may vary dependent on Giver)
Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:
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