Anarea > Shops > General Store

The General Store

You will find a general store in every town, and in Fort Venture and Dwarf Hold. In larger towns and cities you may have to visit several, more specialised, stores.  For Elvish items, you will need to visit the Elf craftsmen of Minduinath or Taur-Galen.

Prices may vary locally, but the following are typical.

These are all basic functional items.  Better quality items cost more.

item cost encumbrance (wt pts) notes
back pack 5SP 5 capacity 300
bedroll 2SP 10  
belladonna, bunch 1GP 0.2 wards against Demons
boots, leather 3SP 12  
bowl, golden 10GP 5 for harvesting Druidic Media
bowl, wooden 2SP 2 for harvesting Druidic Media
cloak, wool 3SP 5  
cloth sack, small 1SP 1 capacity 50
cloth sack, large 3SP 2 capacity 300
entrenching tool 4SP 50 Military and Dwarvish issue only: a collapsible spade: sometimes sharpened and used in combat as per a hand axe.
garlic, bud 1SP 0.1 wards against Vampires
iron rations (per person per Cd) 1SP 2 essential for survival, but not very tasty (Dwarvish versions are usually dried rat)
lantern, with handle 5SP 50 Requires oil to burn.
lantern, with handle and shutters 1GP 55 Requires oil to burn.  Shutters take 1 AMR to operate (if lantern within reach - not on end of a pole), and cut out all light when burning.
lantern pole, steel 2SP + 1SP per ft length 7.5 per ft length With hook on end to hold lantern by handle.  If >3ft long requires to be held 2 handed (can hold 1 additional foot of pole 1 handed per point St > 15).
lantern oil, flask 1SP 5 Burns in a lantern with LI3 for 6-8 hrs (5 + (d6/2, FRU) hrs) in a 60 ft Radius.  See Light & Darkness system.
leggings 2CP 7  
mirror, small silver 5GP 3  
mirror, small steel 5SP 3  
pick axe 3SP 80 heavier and poorer quality than a military pick
pole, 10ft steel 8SP 75  
pole, 10ft wooden 4SP 50  
pouch / purse, small 2SP 0.2 capacity 25
rope, hemp (per ft) 1CP 1  
rope, silk (per ft) 1SP 0.5  
sickle, gold-bladed 20GP 10 for harvesting Druidic Media
sickle, steel-bladed 1GP 20 for harvesting Druidic Media
spade 2SP 50  
spike, iron 2CP 2 each  
staff, 5ft wooden 3SP 25  
stakes, wooden 1CP for 5 1 each useful against Vampires
tent (2 person) 1GP 100 includes 10 iron spikes and 2 3ft wooden poles
tinder box 3SP 3 Essential for striking a light for a fire, e.g. to light a lantern or torch.
torch, long (3-4 ft) 3CP 12 Torches are a wooden stick with a tar-soaked canvas strip wound around the end.  Burns with LI2 for 35-60 min (30 + (d6 * 5) min) in a 60 ft Radius.  Only gives LI1 in last 5 min.  See Light & Darkness system.  Usually best to carry a few spares.
torch, short (18-24 in) 2CP 6 As above, but less effective at warding off fire-vulnerable or fearing encounters, or at keeping cobwebs out of your hair.
fresh tar soaked strips for torches (each) 1CP 2 each Torches can be recharged by wrapping further strips round and round the end of the stick, when the flame has burnt low, up to d6 times (in addition to the original strip), before the wooden handle chars to the point of being useless.
tunic 1SP 5  
waterskin 3SP 2 + 1 per fl oz of water capacity 40 fl oz = 1 quart
wine (per quart) from 1SP 40 washes off Oil of Etherealness, or helps you get drunk
wolfsbane, bunch 1GP 0.2 wards against wolves and Werewolves.
writing materials (paper, pen, ink) 2SP 1  

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