3rd edition (1997)
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"+s" = Experience pluses
"Activity" = Thievish Activity (equivalent to a Magical Spell)
"Activity Class" = a group of related Activities
"Activity Type" = a specific Activity
"BTS" = Base Throw to Save
"Brotherhoods" = Thieves' Guilds / Thievish Brotherhoods / HALKI Cults
"Ch" or "Char" = a Characteristic
"CharSpec" = Character Specification
"ChMod" = Characteristics Modifier
"CLIMB" = Climbing (an Activity Class)
"DEV" = Devices (an Activity Class)
"DL" = Difficulty Level
"DIS" = Disguise (an Activity Class)
"dn" = an n-sided die ("d100" = percentile dice)
"DM" = Dungeonmaster (the referee)
"enc" = Encumbrance
"Experience Bonus" = the effect on M of +s in an Activity Type
"FtL" = Fighter Level
"FRD" / "FRU" = fractions rounded down / up
"HIDE" = Hiding (an Activity Class)
"IBT" = Initial Basic Training
"LI" = Light Intensity
"LofM" = Level of Mastery
"M" = Thievish Modifier
"MtoM" = Man-to-Man (an Activity Class)
"MR" = Melee Round
"NVR" = Normal Visual Range
"OBS" = Observation (an Activity Class)
"Relevant Chars" = the Chars of which the ChMods have an effect on M for an Activity
"RUD" = roll up / down
"SM" = Species Modifier
"SP" = Spell Points
"Spec" = Specification
"st" = saving throw (distinguish from "St" for the Char of Strength)
"T" = Throw
"Th" = Thief
"ThL" = Thief Level
"ULT" = Usual Learning Time
"wt pts" = weight points (of 1/10 lb each)
In addition each Activity has its own abbreviation (see table).
2.1 To gain Th Experience, whether experience towards ThL, +s towards specific Activities or LofM in Activity Classes, it is necessary to complete the Initial Basic Training to reach ThL 1.
2.2 Anyone who has not reached ThL 1 is at least ThL 0, and may attempt non-Restricted Activities without gaining +s. Every CharSpec should therefore include the Th worksheet, which will compute the Character's M on all Activities he/she/it may attempt.
3.1 Thievery consists of attempting certain defined Activity Types, which are grouped into Activity Classes.
3.2 The list of Activities is not closed. The basic list represents those Activities conventionally taught by the Brotherhoods in IBT. Certain Brotherhoods have developed their own Restricted Activities. Individual Thieves may develop their own Activities, by training or exceptional skill (and making a convincing case to the DM). Attempts may be made by a Th at, and +s may be earned by the Th in, any Activity he/she/it has added to his/her/its CharSpec list.
3.3 No SP or equivalent are required to attempt Activities. There is no limit to the number of Activities a Th may attempt. However, the DM may prohibit (or decline to run) repeated attempts at the same Activity, and certain failure results on specific Activities effectively preclude further attempts.
4.1 The result of an Activity attempt is determined by comparing the Th's Throw ("T") with the Spec for the Activity attempted, which lists the results of various Ts for that Activity.
4.2 T is determined by rolling d100 (RUD), subtracting the Th's Modifier ("M") for the Activity and adding 10% per applicable Difficulty Level ("DL") for the circumstances: ie
T = d100 - M + 10DL
Armour may also affect the dice roll (see 11.2 below).
4.3 The dice roll is made secretly by the DM, who reports the result only so far as it is perceived by the Th.
5.1 The CharSpec computes the Th's M for each Activity he/she/it may attempt. M is a percentage modifier, and is calculated as the sum of the following:
5.2 Note that ThL, SM and ChMod (and possibly Magical effects) apply to non-Ths.
5.3 The maximum M physically possible without Magical assistance is 100%. However, HALKI God of Thieves conventionally intervenes in Anarea to allow M greater than 100% for all Thieves. It is important to note that this is a form of Magic-Using, which has a number of implications:
5.3.1 The physically impossible may be Th'ishly achieved in this way (eg walking on ceilings, or hiding in the open in broad daylight), in the heroic fantasy tradition;
5.3.2 A Th may choose to limit his/her/its M to 100% for ideological reasons (some Good religions frown on using the Power of an Evil God) or practical reasons (to avoid making an effective appeal to HALKI, with the result that He and therefore certain of His minions will be aware of what is being attempted);
5.3.3 In certain circumstances HALKI may be unable to intervene (eg in a "secure chamber" or if the Th has taken a Mind Bar Potion).
5.3.4 HALKI always has a discretion as to the extent to which He will allow M to be increased beyond 100% (to take an extreme example He might not assist an Assassination attempt on Himself!). However, it is generally believed by Ths that HALKI, being Lawful, grants all such attempts as a matter of policy, even to Good Ths (to further their corruption!).
5.3.5 Exceptionally for Magic-Using, such Th attempts do not expend SP. However, if a particular appeal to HALKI is desired, SP may be voluntarily expended (This is part of the Creed of certain HALKI Cults, and may be detailed further in their hidden systems, which might even promise some benefit for the SP expenditure!). Some Ths will expend a SP when making an attempt with M > 100 "for luck".
6.1 LofM represents general training in an Activity Class. It may be gained in 3 ways:
6.1.1 As part of IBT. A L1 Th may roll d4 weeks' training towards LofM (To design a higher-level Th from scratch, roll d4 weeks' training per ThL, pro-rata'ing the final d4 for any part ThL.);
6.1.2 By training;
6.1.3 By converting +s into Mastery.
6.2 The number of weeks' training required to reach each LofM from the previous LofM is n weeks, where n equals the new LofM. Therefore the total number of weeks' training required to reach LofM x is x(x+1)/2. For example, to reach LofM 1 requires 1 week's training, to reach LofM 2 requires a further 2 weeks' training for a total of 3 weeks' training, to reach LofM 3 requires a further 3 weeks' training for a total of 6 weeks' training, etc.
6.3 A "week's training" requires at least 8 hours / Cd (ie a total of 48 hours in a 6 Cd week) with tuition from a Th who has attained at least the LofM being trained for in the Activity Class being trained, with facilities to practice all known Activity Types in that Class. The average Brotherhood can provide these facilities to members (a typical rate would be nGP per Cd for training towards LofM n). To the extent any of these factors is lacking from the training, it will take proportionately longer (DM's discretion). ULT modifiers do not apply to Th LofM training (the rationale being it is more physical than mental, as with Ft training).
6.4 The part weeks towards the next LofM do not give fractions of LofM (so there is no +1% to M per 0.2 LofM completed).
6.5 10 Experience +s within the same Activity Class may be converted into 1 week's training towards LofM in that Activity Class. This may be done at any time the Th has a pause for thought to assimilate his/her/its experience (ie not in the middle of a run, but by agreement with the DM between runs). The +s must be divided as evenly as reasonably possible amongst all Activity Types in the Class (in proportion to the number of Types in the Class, not the number of +s earned by the Th in each Type). However the DM may permit a certain latitude here, for example by permitting more +s to be taken from the Activity Types more commonly undertaken, and less (or exceptionally even none) from those more rarely undertaken. Once converted, +s may never be converted back (short of Summoning the Demon of Thievery!). LofM may never be converted into +s. Conversion of +s into Mastery is intended to represent "on the job training", on the theory that a week's training represents the earning of 100 non-stress (+0.1) pluses. Therefore non-stress +s are not earned as such during LofM training.
6.6 LofM also increases the Experience Bonus for +s (see 9.5 below), so the calculation of when to convert +s into Mastery can be tricky.
7.1 SMs represent the aptitude (or lack thereof) of certain species and their sub-races at certain Activity Classes.
7.2 The SMs for the various races of People are set out in the spreadsheet CHMOD.XLS, on the SMs worksheet. The DM may apply other SMs for particular cultures. Certain Monsters and other Beings may have their own SMs, as stated in their unique specifications (eg Hell Hounds are notoriously good at HIDE and OBS).
7.3 It will be observed that SMs are biased in favour of Elves, and against Orcs. Life is not fair, particularly if you are an Orc.
8.1 Each Activity Type has Relevant Chars specified for it. The normal ChMod table applies (see CHMOD.XLS, on the Char Mods worksheet). Full ChMods are used, not ChMods/2.
8.2 Some Activity Types have multiple Relevant Chars (and in some cases alternate Relevant Chars). These apply as follows:
The CharSpec Th worksheet works out all but the last automatically.
9.1 Experience +s are always awarded at the DM's discretion, subject to the following guidelines:
9.2 "Success" involves the successful and useful completion of the Activity, and the Th's realisation of this.
9.3 "Stress conditions" will usually involve a risk of death or other harm or the risk of being caught / spotted. A Dungeon expedition is inherently stressful. Participation in a criminal enterprise usually is. "Non-stress conditions" are the absence of stress conditions, but the DM may ignore some non-stress conditions as not being worth +s (eg staying up all night will not give you hundreds of +s on Nightsight). The test is the same as for the awarding of experience towards ThL.
9.4 All +s are immediately effective to give Bonuses to M. However, the DM may need to exercise discretion in communicating individual +s to Players, as this may reveal information unknown to the Character (eg to award +0.1 when a secret door is missed under stress conditions is a bit of a giveaway!).
9.5 The +s earned in each Activity do not count directly towards M. Early +s count for more, and later ones for less. The calculation is made by the CharSpec Th worksheet, using the CHMOD.XLS Th Exp +s worksheet, on the following basis:
Note that Bonuses of less than 1% to M are disregarded until a whole 1% is gained.
10.1 The DL of any particular Activity attempt is determined at the DM's discretion to reflect the circumstances which make some attempts less likely to succeed than others. The results given in the Activity Specs represent average easy circumstances which are the minimum worthwhile for experience purposes. DL is therefore never negative to reflect easier circumstances.
10.2 Where Ths are opposing each other, the DL is usually the opponent's ThL (with +0.1 to DL, and therefore +1% to the eventual T for each 0.1 of the opponent's ThL). A typical example is a MtoM attempt on another Th. For HIDE vs OBS see 13. below.
10.3 Some DLs applicable to specific Activity Types are set out in their Specs.
10.4 Some Activity Types, such as Build Traps or Secrete Doors (a Restricted Type), give a success result of a DL for future attempts by other Ths to Remove the Trap or Locate the Secret Door. In these cases the ThL of the Thief who Built the Trap, etc. does not also count towards DL.
10.5 Encumbrance of the Th will give DL insofar as it impedes the Activity attempt. By way of general guidance, enc will normally have full effect on HIDE, MtoM and CLIMB Activity Classes, and little or none on OBS, DEV and DIS. The DL for enc is w(w+1)/2, where w = 1 per full 500 wt pts carried. Therefore 500 wt pts gives DL1, 1,000 wt pts DL3, 1,500 wt pts DL6, etc. This applies irrespective of St or carrying capacity. It is the enc of objects getting in the way which counts, not the ability to carry them.
10.6 OBS is affected by impairments to the relevant Senses for ChMods. A steel helmet will give DL10 to Hr and Sg. The Sg DL may be avoided by wearing an open-faced helmet. A visor will give DL3 when raised.
10.7 DEV is affected by enc to the hands. Leather gloves will give DL1 to 6, with the maximum DL6 applying to ones giving Leather Armour ADS. Of course, the gloves can always be taken off first.
10.8 DIS DL will depend what the Th is trying to disguise him/her/itself as. For example, to disguise oneself as a FIDAR Cleric would require some hiding of a broadsword, which will therefore give a significant DL if carried!
11.1 Thieves may wear full Leather Armour (or a Heavenly Combat Suit) without any penalty beyond the above enc DLs (full Leather Armour weighs 250 wt pts).
11.2 In addition to enc DLs, full suits of other Armour multiply the d100 roll for all Th Activities before M and DL are applied, as follows:
11.3 Mixed armour is assessed for Armour penalties as Armour of the type covering the majority of Hit Locations. Note that a Plate Breastplate weighs 215 wt pts and an open-faced Steel Helmet weighs 50 wt pts, and together they cover 40% of Hit Locations. Fighter / Thieves often therefore wear both with Leather Armour. However, remember that each full 300 wt pts of enc from Armour worn gives Dx(Ph) -1, FRD. With 515 wt pts of Armour worn, such a Th will therefore take Dx(Ph) -1 (with resultant ChMod losses on many Activity Types) and DL1 on HIDE, MtoM and CLIMB Activity Classes. With weapons, a shield and other possessions, the latter may well increase to DL3 for 1,000 wt pts carried.
12.1 Attack from Behind, Attack from Side and Attack by Surprise may be used for Melee Weapons only. They may not be used for Thrown (including Throwing Knife) or Ranged Weapons. Snipe is used for surprise attacks by Thrown or Ranged Weapons.
12.2 The DL for Melee Weapons in Hide in Shadows / Attack from Behind, Attack from Side and Attack by Surprise is as follows (in addition to that for enc):
Weapon | HS | AfB/fS/bS |
Wt category I Weapon (e.g. Dagger) | DL 0 | DL 0 |
Wt category II Weapon (e.g. Short Sword) | DL 0 | DL 0 |
Wt category III Weapon (e.g. Taper Axe) | DL 0 | DL 1 |
Wt category IV Weapon (e.g. Bastard Sword) | DL 1 | DL 3 |
Wt category V Weapon (e.g. Halberd) | DL 2 | DL 6 |
Disemboweling | DL +1 | DL +1 / die |
13.1 Hiding vs Det Hiding is resolved as follows. Note that the terms "hide" and "observe" may apply to either or both of HS vs DetH (Sg) and MS vs DetH (Hr).
13.1.1 Hiding when unobservable is not resolved until there is a potential observer, when the applicable Hiding Activities are resolved with DL0. If potential observers include actively observing Ths, the DM makes a secret DetH check for each such Th with DL0. For this to apply the hiding Th must have plotted the Hiding attempt before he was observable, and maintained that plot until he became observable.
13.1.2 Hiding when observable is resolved with DL = ThL of potentially observing Ths. Only one Roll is made, but different DLs apply to resolve whether different observers observe the hider. DetH checks are only made by those observing Ths who plot DetH, and are resolved with DL = ThL of Hider.
13.1.3 Hiding in Melee from a potential Attacker who is in a position to resolve an attack with a Melee Weapon upon the hider (irrespective of whether the Attacker has Generally Plotted attacking or Specifically plotted an attack upon the hider) is resolved with DL = (3 + ThL Attacker + FtL Attacker) / 2. Other DLs may be applied at the DM's discretion, and the Light is likely to be brighter than in normal shadows. If it succeeds, also check with the same Roll but different DLs = ThL of different observers who may observe the hider. As above, DetH checks are only made by those observing Ths who plot DetH, and are resolved with DL = ThL of Hider.
14.1 Light and Darkness effects are as follows:
Table 1: Light Intensities ("LI")
LI + |
Light Sources |
LI - |
Darkness Sources |
0 |
Starlight, New Moon |
n |
Light Spells |
n |
Darkness Spells |
1 |
Crescent Moon, First / Last Quarter, small flame |
1 |
shadow (eg indoors) |
2 |
Gibbous Moon, Full Moon, torchlight, firelight |
2 |
deep shadow (eg underground) |
3 |
Daylight, lantern, conflagration |
3 |
deepest shadow (exceptional: eg depths of earth) |
4 |
Direct Sunlight (Overworld only), flash pellet (1 sec effect only) |
14.2 Torches,
lanterns and fires (including fire spells)
have 60 ft. radii (except small flames and
lamps, which have a 30 ft. radius). They
deteriorate at one LI beyond their specified radii for a further equal
distance. See the graphic for an illustration of the effect of a
lantern underground in LI -2.
14.3 Clerical, Elementalist or other Radiation (Light and Darkness) Spells have effect throughout their specified Radius, and deteriorate at minus or plus one LI (for Light and Darkness respectively) beyond that Radius for further equal distances, down to LI+1/-1. The Radiation is distributed throughout the initial Radius. It does not shine / darken through major obstacles such as walls, but does shine / darken around minor obstacles such as bodies, creating shadows only outside the initial Radius. When cast on objects (Items) they may be covered over to block the Radiation as if the cover were a major obstacle. Change Radiance Spells, in contrast, only have effect within their specified Radius.
14.4 Light and Darkness are opposites which cancel each other out, but multiple Light sources are not cumulative, nor are multiple Darkness sources. To calculate the current LI at any given point start at LI 0, add the strongest Light source, and subtract the strongest Darkness source. The exceptions to this are lanterns, torches and fires underground, which dispel up to two LI of shadow, but do not dispel Darkness Spells.
14.5 Coloured Lights mix colour in proportion to their relative intensity, but are not otherwise cumulative.
Table 2: Normal Visual Ranges ("NVR")
Race |
Max NVR |
Min NVR |
Th NS range |
Th Inf range |
humans |
+4 |
+3 |
+2 to 0 |
-1 to -3 |
hobbits |
+4 |
+3 |
+2 to 0 |
-1 to -3 |
elves |
+4 |
0 |
n/a |
-1 to -3 |
goblins |
+3 |
-1 |
n/a |
-2 to -4 |
dwarves |
+3 |
-2 |
n/a |
-3 to -5 |
orcs |
+2 |
-2 |
n/a |
-3 to -5 |
14.6 Nightsight and Infravision, whether innate, Thievish, by Potions or by Spells, have no range limits (except as per Farsight). X-Ray Vision does have a Range, by Throw (for Potions this is usually 60 ft).
14.7 Thievish Nightsight only applies in LI +2 to 0, as per the existing Spec, and is therefore inapplicable to races with Min NVR <= 0, which have Nightsight as an innate ability. Thievish Infravision always applies for 3 LIs below Min NVR / Th NS range, as shown in its Specification.
Table 3: Light / Darkness Effects
NVR + |
Effect |
Th Inf - |
Effect |
1 |
See @ Sg / 2 |
1 |
Can see with X-Ray Vision |
2 |
Cannot see |
2 |
X-Ray Vision ineffective |
3 |
st @ BTS 20% - Sg vs blindness |
3 |
st @ BTS 20% - Wp vs fear |
4 |
st @ BTS 40% - Sg vs blindness |
4 |
st @ BTS 40% - Wp vs fear & st @ BTS 20% - Wp vs Madness |
5 |
st @ BTS 60% - Sg vs blindness |
5 |
st @ BTS 60% - Wp vs fear & st @ BTS 40% - Wp vs Madness |
6 |
st @ BTS 80% - Sg vs blindness & st @ BTS 60% - Co vs d6 General Damage |
6 |
st @ BTS 80% - Wp vs fear & st @ BTS 60% - Wp vs Madness |
per 1 extra |
add 20% to each of above sts & increase General Damage by 1d6 |
per 1 extra |
add 20% to each of above sts |
14.8 "Th Inf -" effects apply below the theoretical minimum LI in which the observer's race can see with Thievish Infravision, irrespective of whether he has succeeded in doing so, or indeed had any chance of doing so.
14.9 Repeat sts per MR remain subject to their effects. Once fail vs blindness / fear / madness, do not repeat st vs the same, and on leaving the area of its possible effect repeat the st at the highest BTS experienced (even if failed against a lower one). If failed, blindness or madness are permanent, fear remains per minute until make the same st. If succeed, effect ceases, but blindness gives a permanent Sg minus equal to the amount by which NVR was exceeded.
version 3.4 © P.R. Wild, 1 January 1997 (HTML conversion 15 April 1997), last updated 22 April 2006
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