Cloak & Dagger

The Anarea Thief System

Thievish Activity Specifications

Activity Class: Observation

Restricted OBS Activities:

Detect Hiding ("DetH")


Relevant Chars: Sg vs Hide in Shadows / Handtalk, Hr vs Move Silently / Whisper

Succeeds on: 14%

Observer must specify area observed. Make one throw for each Hider in area observed, using Sg or Hr as appropriate (or both if Hider is Hiding in Shadows and Moving Silently).

T Effect
>= 15 Failure: nothing detected and no effect on Hider
<= 14 Add (15-T) to Hider's Throw as against Observer (only)

Note that success does not reveal a Hider. It simply affects that Hider's T as against the Observer, which may or may not reveal that Hider to the Observer.

Difficulty Levels:

  1. ThL of Hider (FRD to one decimal place: e.g for ThL 2.4 DL is 2.4, giving +24% to T)
  2. DL 1 per 60 ft (FRD) Hider is distant from Observer.
  3. One throw is made for each 6 seconds of observation. DL is 2 per second not spent observing (must spend at least 1 second). So DL observing for just one second is 10.
  4. A 10 degree arc is scanned by Sg per second (60 degrees in 6 seconds). DL is 1 per extra 10 degrees scanned (no bonus for scanning less). This applies only to Sg  (Hr is all round).

For example, an attempt to find a hidden 5th level thief at 100 ft distance when scanning for 1 second is DL 16.

Detect Man-to-Man ("DetMM")


Relevant Chars: Sg & Hr vs all Activities on self or others, Sg & Hr & Tc vs Pickpocket / Cutpurse / Assassinate / Stun on self only

Succeeds on: 9%

This Activity can be used for two purposes, and it should be specified which is being used:

Make one throw for each Opponent using Man-to-Man Activities in area scanned.

T Effect
>= 10 Failure: detect nothing and no effect on Opponent
<= 9 Add (10-T) to Opponent's Throw as against Observer (only)

Note that success does not reveal an Opponent / his attack. It simply affects that Opponent's T as against the Observer, which may or may not result in a failure by that Opponent in an attack on Observer.

When Detecting Attack from Behind, Attack from Side or Attack by Surprise on another, it is necessary to reduce Opponent's T to the highest Failure result (Victim alerted, and has time to turn / Victim fully alerted) as against Observer for Observer to be able to warn the Target, if there is still time.  For lesser Failure results as against Observer, Observer just sees what happens.

A failed Snipe attempt as against Observer, results in Observer spotting the Sniper.

To spot a Pickpocket / Cutpurse attempt on another, it is necessary to reduce Opponent's T to a Failure >= 2 result (Detected by Victim) as against Observer.  A Failure 1 result (Undetected, but attempt fails) means Observer is suspicious a Pickpocket / Cutpurse attempt was made, but did not see it clearly enough to be sure.

Difficulty Levels:

  1. ThL of Opponent (FRD to one decimal place: e.g for ThL 2.4 DL is 2.4, giving +24% to T)
  2. Against attacks vs others, DL is 1 per 30 ft Opponent is distant from Observer.
  3. Where relevant, make one throw for each 6 seconds of observation, giving a DL of 2 per second not spent observing (must spend at least one second).
  4. Hearing is all round, but a 60 degree arc can be scanned in six seconds. DL is 1 per extra 10 degrees scanned, but is not easier for scanning a smaller area.

Detect Disguise ("DetD")


Relevant Chars: In, DxM & applicable Senses

Succeeds on: 19%

Make one throw for each Disguised being observed, using those Senses Observer is using to test the Disguise. Further throws may be made at the DM's discretion for the same Disguise as it is tested further.

T Effect vs Applied Disguises Effect vs Acting Disguises
>= 20 Failure: no Disguise spotted Failure: no effect on Disguised
19 to 0 Will spot a Disguise of DL0 Add (20-T) to Opponent's Throw as against Observer (only)
<= -1 Will spot a Disguise of DL -T/20 (FRU)

Note that success against Apply Disguise will reveal a Disguise if its DL is <= to that spotted, but that success against Act Disguise does not reveal a Disguise. It simply affects that Disguised's T as against the Observer, which may or may not reveal his/her Disguise to the Observer.

Difficulty Levels:

  1. ThL of Disguised (FRD to one decimal place: e.g for ThL 2.4 DL is 2.4, giving +24% to T), if Disguised is using Th'ish abilities (but not if a Thief is using Magical disguise, e.g. Change Self / Change Appearance).
  2. DL 1 per 30 ft (FRD) Disguised is distant from Observer.
  3. The DM should evaluate the time needed to Detect the Disguise, adding to the DL if he/she considers the observation is too brief. A time of 6 seconds would be a normal minimum.
  4. If Disguise is as someone known to Observer, a negative DL is appropriate.

Locate Secret Doors ("LSD")


Relevant Chars: Sg (+ Tc when used - if so apply both in full without averaging)

Succeeds on: 15%

Make one roll for each secret door in area searched (plus extra dummy rolls as necessary).

T Effect
>= 16 Failure: no secret doors located
<= 15 Location of crack in wall or similar distinguishing feature, if there is a secret door to be located. (Otherwise this result is indistinguishable from Failure.)

Difficulty Levels:

  1. Optimum search rate is 1 ft/sec (60ft/min). DL=1 for each extra 1 ft/sec. For example if searching @ 10 ft/sec, then DL is 9.
  2. Scanning at a distance is by Sg alone. DL = 1 per 2 ft or part thereof distant. For example if searching at 20 ft distance, DL is 10.
  3. Secret doors may be, and often are, constructed with a DL > 0.

Locate Hidden Devices ("LHD")


Relevant Chars: Sg (+ Tc when used - if so apply both in full without averaging)

Succeeds on: 10%

Make one roll for each hidden device in area searched (plus extra dummy rolls as necessary).

T Effect
>= 11 Failure: no hidden devices located
<= 10 Location of some hole, crack or unusual feature, if there is a hidden device to be located. (Otherwise this result is indistinguishable from failure.)

Difficulty Levels:

  1. Optimum search rate is 1 square ft in 30 seconds. DL=1 for each extra square foot searched per 30 sec. For example DL is 1 if searching 1 square foot in 15 seconds, DL is 2 if searching 1 square foot in 10 seconds, and so on.
  2. Scanning at a distance is by Sg alone. DL = 1 per 6 inches or part thereof distant. For example if searching at 5 ft distance, DL is 10.
  3. Hidden devices may be, and often are, constructed with a DL > 0. (See Hide Devices.)

Spot Details ("SD")


Relevant Chars: Sg (+ Tc when used - if so apply both in full without averaging)

Succeeds on: 25%

This is a search for something that is small or difficult to see, rather than for a specially constructed and hidden trap or suchlike. Such details may still have a DL.

Make one roll for each detail of interest in area searched (plus extra dummy rolls as necessary).

T Effect
>= 26 Failure: detail not spotted
<= 25 Detail spotted, if there is one

Difficulty Levels:

  1. A general idea of what is being searched for is needed, otherwise DL may be up to 5 (for a general search).
  2. Optimum search rate is 1 square ft in 30 seconds. DL=1 for each extra square foot searched per 30 sec. For example DL is 1 if searching 1 square foot in 15 seconds, DL is 2 if searching 1 square foot in 10 seconds, and so on.
  3. Scanning at a distance is by Sg alone. DL = 1 per 6 inches or part thereof distant. For example if searching at 5 ft distance, DL is 10.

Hear Noise ("Hear")


Relevant Chars: Hr

Succeeds on: 25%

If an attempt is being made to hear a Th Moving Silently, use Detect Hiding instead.

T Effect
>= 26 Failure: nothing heard
1 to 25 Noise heard, cannot distinguish details
-24 to 0 Noise heard, can make out general nature
-49 to 25 Noise heard, can make out general nature and the occasional word
<= -50 Noise heard clearly and completely

Difficulty Levels:

  1. This Activity deals with the hearing of noises which will only be heard by those who keep their ears open, e.g. the movements of people or creatures, or the overhearing of a conversation. The volume of such noises will usually be at about voice level. For noises of greater volume, apply negative DLs. For noises of less volume, apply positive DLs..
  2. DL = 1 per full 30 ft noise is from listener.
  3. Obstacles in the form of walls and doors can only be heard through if the ear is against them. There is no penalty if the listener has his/her ear to a keyhole or crack. Otherwise there is a DL of 1 per 4 inches of wood or 2 inches of stone, or part thereof. For example, attempting to listen through a one foot stone wall gives a DL of 6.
  4. A steel helmet will give DL10 to Hear (see section 10.6 of the Th System)

Nightsight ("NS")


Relevant Chars: Sg

Succeeds on: 0% / 25% / 50% depending on LI

Nightsight requires some light source. For the Light Intensity tables see the Light & Darkness section of the Th System.

Nightsight only applies in LIs 0, 1 and 2, and is only used by humans, hobbits and other Beings without Nightsight as an innate ability. Elves, dwarves, orcs and other Beings without Nightsight as an innate ability do not learn or need Nightsight (and cannot use it at other LIs).

Make periodic rolls, once every half an hour or when light conditions change.

T @ Effect
LI 0 LI 1 LI 2
>=51 >=76 >=101 Failure: can see nothing
26 to 50 51 to 75 76 to 100 Can distinguish movement
1 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75 Can distinguish shapes / outlines
-24 to 0 1 to 25 26 to 50 Can make out some details
<=-25 <=0 <=25 Full vision

Difficulty Levels:

  1. Nightsight has no range limit, nor any range DL.  When successful it simply allows normal vision in lower LIs.
  2. The eyes must be adjusted to the LI. Nearby light sources can markedly increase the DL, as can sudden immersion in darkness.

Infravision ("Inf")


Relevant Chars: Sg

Succeeds on: -25% / - 50% / -75% depending on LI

Infravision is used to see in darkness where there is no light source. For the Light Intensity tables see the Light & Darkness section of the Th System.

Make periodic rolls, once every half an hour or when light conditions change.

Race T @ Effect
humans, hobbits, elves LI -3 LI -2 LI -1
goblins LI -4 LI -3 LI -2
dwarves, orcs LI -5 LI -4 LI -3
  >=-24 >=1 >=26 Failure: can see nothing
  -49 to -25 -24 to 0 1 to 25 Can distinguish movement
  -74 to -50 -49 to -25 -24 to 0 Can distinguish shapes / outlines
  -99 to -75 -74 to 50 -49 to -25 Can make out some details
  <=-100 <=-75 <=-50 Full vision

Difficulty Levels:

  1. Infravision has no range limit, nor any range DL.  When successful it simply allows normal vision in lower LIs.
  2. Infravision does not allow colours to be distinguished. It effectively gives sight in black and white.
  3. The eyes must be adjusted to the LI. Nearby light sources can make Infravision impossible.

Farsight ("FS")


Relevant Chars: Sg

Succeeds on: 30%

Farsight results are given in terms of extra distance at which the Observer can spot a given detail as compared to a non-Thief (or perhaps more exactly as compared to ordinary vision).

T Effect
>= 31 Failure: see as normal
21 to 30 +1 mile
11 to 20 +2 miles
1 to 10 +3 miles
-9 to 0 +4 miles
<= -10 + (15-T)/5 FRD miles

For example a Throw of -85 gives an extra distance of 20 miles.

Farsight does not permit seeing impossible things, only those obscured by distance. In particular it does not allow the Observer to see beyond the horizon. On Earth and in the Anarea Overworld, a 6 ft man on a level plain can see about 3 miles before the horizon cuts in. At 50 ft elevation, he can see about 8 miles. Objects which themselves are high (e.g. hills or dustclouds from moving armies) can of course be seen at greater distances. The Underworld does not have such a horizon.

Truesight ("TS")


Relevant Chars: DxM, Sg

Succeeds on: -1% (with 1% chance of success)

When successful, this allows the Observer to see things or people as they really are. It is therefore used against an apparent target that is already seen.  Truesight will not see something that is invisible, but will see something that is shapechanged and may penetrate Illusions and the effects of Chaos. When disguise is involved use, Detect Disguise, and if there is also a non-disguise element, use Truesight in addition, making two throws.

Make one roll for each aspect of true form which could be seen. Second attempts are not usually permitted, unless circumstances change.

T Effect
>= 0 Failure: no chance of Truesight
-1 to -100 -T/2% (FRU) chance of Truesight
-101 to -200 25% -T/4% (FRU) chance of Truesight
-201 to 344 42% - T/6% (FRU) chance of Truesight
<= -345 Truesight

Note that a second roll is required for the chance of success if T > -345.

Difficulty Levels:

  1. ThL of  Target (FRD to one decimal place: e.g for ThL 2.4 DL is 2.4, giving +24% to T)
  2. DL 1 per 60 ft (FRD) Target is distant from Observer.
  3. When used against Illusions which do not already give a DL vs Truesight, apply a DL as per General Note 4 for Illusionist Spells.
  4. Other kinds of concealment may have an innate additional DL at the DM's discretion.

Detect Poison / Identify Potion ("DP/IP")


Relevant Chars: Sm (+ Ts when used - if so apply both in full without averaging)

Succeeds on: 5% (DP) / -45% (IP)

A maximum of two attempts may be made, one with Sm, and then one with Sm and Ts.

To use Ts the suspected poison / potion must be tasted! A sip should be enough, but the taster will suffer the full effects of such a sip. Potions are usually made with slightly more than the required amount, to allow for such sips, but too many sips will run the risk of destroying the effect.

T Effect
>= 6 Failure: cannot identify
-44 to 5 Idea of general nature, e.g. it is a poison or magic potion
<= -45 In addition to giving general nature, will also give specific nature if -(44+T)/10 (FRU) >= poison level or potion level.  For this purpose Potion Level = ([Guild Price]/200) FRD, except Delusion has PL 6.

For example, a Throw of -100 will identify a level 6 poison or potion. For this purpose, a potion should be considered to be one level for each 200 GP of its guild price (FRU).

Identification of a Potion merely enables the Thief to recognize that particular smell or taste. In order to know what effects the Potion has, he/she must have smelt or tasted such a Potion before. However similar Potions may smell / taste similar (e.g. Healing and Extra-Healing) although some very dissimilar potions might also do so!

Difficulty Levels:

  1. Dud Potions have a DL of -1 to -3, with Success giving spotting it to be a dud..

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