Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Illusionist (Sg)

2. Change Appearance

BTS: 27% (Sg)

ULT: 50 hours

Materials: a mask (may be improvised)

Actions: don mask (no need to keep it on)

Effect of Throw:

-1 to 8 Insanity

9 to 10 Illuminated with LI3 for intended Duration (but casting no light beyond self) - may flash on and off at Elemental's discretion!

11 to 13 No Effect

14 to 33 Disguise self with Thievish DL = (T-13)/4, FRU

³ 33 Disguise self with Thievish DL = (T-3)/6, FRU

Duration: 30t min - t(t-1)/2 (may be terminated by 1 sec light concentration)

Apparent Size: ±Sz S -S(S-1)/2

Range: 5d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on another Being or an object, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.


  1. The Spell allows the Caster to change physical appearance by Visual Illusion (only).  Radical changes to the appearance may be made (e.g. changing to a statue or tree), subject to the Sz variation parameter, or just minor ones (e.g. just changing hair style or colour, or removing spots).
  2. The disguise is fixed when cast, but may subsequently be changed during the Duration by the Caster using light concentration.  He must be within the Range of the Target if cast on another Being or an object.
  3. The Thievish DL achieved by the Throw applies for Thievish and Illusionist Detect Disguise.
  4. The Thievish DL achieved is not reduced by the difficulty level of the disguise as for the Thievish Apply Disguise Activity.
  5. To disguise as a specific Being, their appearance must be remembered accurately. To commit a Being to memory has ULT = 1 hour.  There is no limit to the number of Beings who can be remembered.
  6. The Apparent Size variable parameter does not affect M on Thievish Hide in Shadows (as the Target's shadow is unaffected).  It appears to make him harder to hit in Melee, but in fact does not.
  7. The Spell has no effect on acting the disguise.  The Thievish Act Disguise Activity or Charmer Pass Unnoticed Spell should be used for this purpose.