Cloak & Dagger

The Anarea Thief System

Thievish Activity Specifications

Activity Class: Devices

Restricted DEV Activities:

Open Doors ("OD")


Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph)

Succeeds on: 25%

This involves the opening of locked or otherwise unopenable doors by dexterity rather than brute force or by picking a lock.  An implement will usually be required.



>= 101

Failure 3: Implement broken

76 to 100

Failure 2: Implement stuck

26 to 75

Failure 1: further attempts may be made

< 26

Door opened

Difficulty Levels:

  1. All doors have DL0 or greater.  Doors which are apparently impossible to open this way have DL13 or greater.
  2. If barred, bolted, etc. in several ways, each way must be overcome separately, each with its own DL.
  3. Doors locked by Druidic or Elementalist Hold Portal Spells will have their DL determined by the Throw obtained on the Spell.
  4. Doors may also be opened non-Thievishly by shoulder-charging or battering rams with % chance success dependent on Strength = 5St-10DL%.  Battering rams allow multiple Beings to add their Sts at Ö (A2 + B2 + C2) for Sts of A, B & C etc.  Success may shatter the door.

Pick Locks ("PL")


Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph) / Tc

Succeeds on: 15%



>= 115

Failure 4: Lock Damaged: Lock unpickable OR DL+1 per 5% T>65

91 to 114

Failure 3: Implement broken: Lock unpickable OR DL+1 per 5% T>65

66 to 90

Failure 2: Implement stuck: Lock unpickable OR DL+1 per 5% T>65

16 to 65

Failure 1: further attempts possible.


Lock picked

Difficulty Levels:

  1. All locks have DL0 or greater.
  2. Doors locked by Hold Portal Spells cannot be opened by this Activity.  Use Open Doors instead.  However if the door is locked by both a Hold Portal Spell and a mechanical lock, the lock must also be picked to open it.

Remove Traps ("RT")


Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph)

Succeeds on:10% (Resetting deactivated trap succeeds on -15%)



>= 31

Failure 2: Trap activated

11 to 30

Failure 1: further attempts may be made

< 11

Trap deactivated

To reset a deactivated trap, use the Effects table below.  It is still the Remove Traps Activity, but the experience gained by resetting a trap that has been successfully deactivated will typically be +1.1 in total for stress situations and +0.1 in total for non-stress siyuations..



>= 46

Failure 3: Trap activated

6 to 45

Failure 2: Trap broken.

-14 to 5

Failure 1: further attempts may be made

< -14

Trap reset

Difficulty Levels:

All traps have DL0 or greater (see Build Traps below).

Build Traps ("BT")


Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph) / In

Succeeds on: 50%

As much detail may be specified about the trap to be built as is thought necessary / desirable. Certain types of Trap will have a minimum DL. When these are attempted, the degrees of Failure (1 to 2) start above the %Throw required to achieve the desired DL.



>= 91

Failure 2: Trap sprung on maker

51 to 90

Failure 1: Unable to make Trap

21 to 50

DL0 Trap built

1 to 20

DL1 Trap built

-9 to 0

DL2 Trap built

-19 to -10

DL3 Trap built

-29 to -20

DL4 Trap built

Per 10% or part thereof below

Add 1 to DL of Trap built

Results are given in terms of DL for Remove Traps.  Use Hide Devices to prevent the Trap from being spotted by the victim.

Difficulty Levels:

Building Traps can take some time, but time can be sacrificed.  For speedily designed / built Traps, a DL applies to the T on Building the Trap at the DM’s discretion.  Traps can be previously designed without a DL for hasty designing, and then built on the spot.

Hide Devices ("HD")


Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph) / In

Succeeds on: 60%

Devices to be hidden may be Traps or other objects.  To hide Beings, use the Camouflage Restricted DIS Activity.

As much detail may be specified about the method of hiding as is thought necessary / desirable.  



>= 91

Failure 3: Device damaged / inoperable, but Hider unaware of this. Hiding fails, and device is obvious to anyone who looks where device is hidden.

81 to 90

Failure 2: Device damaged / inoperable, but Hider aware of this. Hiding fails, and device is obvious to anyone who looks where device is hidden.

61 to 80

Failure 1: Device obvious to anyone who looks where device is hidden

31 to 60

Hid with DL0

11 to 30

Hid with DL1

1 to 10

Hid with DL2

-9 to 0

Hid with DL3

Per 10% or part thereof below

Add 1 to DL of Hiding

Results are given in terms of DL for Locate Hidden Devices.  If Hide Devices is successful, the resulting DL refers to how well the Device is hidden, and not how well the Device is made.

Difficulty Levels:

Additional DL may apply to the T on Hiding the Device for:

  1.  How badly the location of the Device is suited to the Hiding of such a Device;
  2. Sacrificing time during the Hiding of the Device; though there is usually less time required to Hide a Device than to design and Build one.

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