* Restricted Information: specialist Illusionist Elementalists only

General Notes for Illusionist Spells

  1. Illusions affect only the applicable Senses of living Beings. They are not therefore perceived by the Undead, even by those corporeal Undead which have Senses in addition to their Detect Life ability.
  2. Illusions may be Cast upon Beings or inanimate objects, or may create the Illusion of a Being or inanimate object, if the Spell permits.  It is therefore possible, for example, to make the Undead Invisible or to Silence them (and this applies to both Corporeal and Incorporeal Undead, as both may be Targeted by Spells), but they will still be able to perceive themselves and each other in their normal way.  But Invisible or Silenced Undead will still give themselves away when their victim senses their Detect Life ability being used upon him.
  3. Illusions are not really there. Living Beings are not blocked by illusory walls, cannot walk over illusory bridges, and (subject to control of the Illusion by the Caster or Elemental) their weapons pass through illusory Combatants (even if any of these Illusions include touch).
  4. Belief or disbelief of an Illusion is irrelevant. It still appears to be there, and has the same effects. Successful Disillusionment Spells and effects will prevent the Illusion from being perceived at all. Successful Truesight Spells and effects will reveal it to be an Illusion, in which case it will still be perceived together with the reality it is obscuring.
  5. When Thievish Acts of Dexterity are used against an Illusion, the Illusion will have a base DL = (Spell Level) + ((T-20)/10) FRD, subject to variation at the DM’s discretion having regard to the circumstances.  This is a default rule, which does not apply where an Illusionist Spell specifies an express Thievish DL effect.
  6. Illusions can be perceived from outside their Radius if the percipient is capable of sensing the effect outside the Radius. Illusory light does not illuminate or cast shadows outside its Radius, but the light within the Radius can still be seen from outside the Radius. Illusory sound and smell can be heard and smelt from outside their Radius, depending upon the volume and pungency and the sensitivity of the listener or smeller. Illusory touch and taste can only normally be perceived within their Radius, as they cannot normally be perceived at a distance.
  7. Illusions can really affect the applicable Senses. Illusory light may blind (even outside its Radius). Illusory sound may deafen (even outside its Radius). Illusory touch may cause pain (but only within its Radius), but may not cause damage, as that is not a sensory effect. Specific Illusionist take-out Spells (e.g. Colour Spray) work by maximising these effects. However, affected living Beings will invariably get a st against these effects. Such sts against continuous effects normally have to be made every second (irrespective of belief or disbelief of the Illusion), but countermeasures may be taken (e.g. closing one’s eyes).
  8. Where multiple Illusion Spells are active in the same area, the latest will prevail, overlaying the earlier Spell as it does Reality.

Check the FAQ for Illusionist Spells

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