Anarea > Systems > MU Systems > Spell Lists > Elementalist > Illusionist
Class: | Illusionist | |
![]() |
Level: | Spell: | Senses: |
1 to 9 | Static / Mobile / Programmable / Independent / Morphing Audio / Visual / Tactile / Olfactory / Gustatory Illusion | as applicable |
1 | Change Self | Sg |
Clairvoyance / Clairaudience / Far-feeling / Far-smelling / Far-tasting | as applicable | |
Colour Spray | Sg | |
Darkness | Sg | |
Detect Disguise | variable | |
Farsight | Sg | |
Flash | Sg | |
Light | Sg | |
Mask Smell | Sm | |
Nightsight | Sg | |
Ray of Light | Sg | |
Thunderclap | Hr | |
Ventriloquism | Hr | |
2 | Amplify | Hr |
Anaesthesia | Tc | |
Brighten | Sg | |
Chameleon (Sg or Sm) | Sg or Sm | |
Change Appearance | Sg | |
Darken | Sg | |
Disorientate | Hr | |
Displace (Personal) (Multi-Elemental Illusionist/Enchanter) | Sg | |
Earthsee (Personal) (Multi-Elemental Illusionist/Earth) | Sg | |
Far-sensing | variable | |
Hear | Hr | |
Infravision | Sg | |
Magic Mouth | Hr | |
Mirror Image | Sg | |
Nightsight (Multiple Targets) | Sg | |
Radiation | Sg | |
See Invisible | Sg | |
Silence | Hr | |
Stink | Sm | |
3 | Chameleon (Sg & Sm) | Sg & Sm |
Change Radiance | Sg | |
Control Noise | Hr | |
Deodorize | Sm | |
Disillusion | variable | |
Displace (Multi-Elemental Illusionist/Enchanter) | Sg | |
Hush | Hr | |
Earthsee (Multi-Elemental Illusionist/Earth) | Sg | |
Hypnotic Pattern | Sg | |
Infravision (Multiple Targets) | Sg | |
Invisibility | Sg | |
Speak in Tongues | Hr | |
Wizard Eye | Sg | |
4 | Cause Pain | Tc |
Earthsee (Multiple Targets) (Multi-Elemental Illusionist/Earth) | Sg | |
Hush (Multiple Targets) | Hr | |
Invisibility (Multiple Targets) | Sg | |
X-Ray Vision | Sg | |
5 | Cloak | Sg, Hr & Sm |
Stench | Sm | |
6 | Cloak (Multiple Targets) | Sg, Hr & Sm |
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8 | ||
9 | ||
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