Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Earth /
Illusionist (Sg) (Multi-Elemental)
3. Earthsee
Also available as a Personal Spell at Level
BTS: n/a
ULT: 75 hours
Materials: a stone or rock
Actions: hold Materials in front of Target's eyes
and move them away
Effect of Throw:
0 to 9 Insanity
10 to 12 Target(s) blinded for 1 hr 30 min to 30 min
13 to 16 No Effect
17 to 26 Range = 2(T-16) ft
>= 27 Range = (T-6) ft
A stated Max. Range may be set as a Variable Parameter for no minus.
Duration: 30t min - t(t-1)/2
3d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on
others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least
- Multi-Elemental Earth & Illusionist Spell: may be Cast as
an Earth or Illusionist (Sg) Spell. If Caster has both an Earth Elemental of Level
>=3 and an Illusionist Elemental of Level >=3 Activated, they get +3 on Casting
this Spell.
- The Spell may be cast on one Target seeing Being only. A Multiple
Targets version for Targets within a Radius of Caster is
available as a L4 Spell.
- Allows Target to see through earth, rock and/or sand
using their normal vision within Range and without the need to concentrate.
can Earthsee through metal ore and minerals in the ground, but not through
mined and/or refined metals (e.g. metal doors or lock mechanisms).
- Target can still see the Earth through which they are looking, but it
appears transparent.
- Target can only see within their Normal Visual Range, but may use
Nightsight or Infravision Effects in combination with Earthsee.
- The Target may Cast Spells through the earth targeting within the Earthseeing
Range, so far as not inconsistent with the specs. of those Spells.
E.g. they could Cast Charm Spells to target a living Being they could see or
Radius Spells in areas they could see, but not Cast Spells which produce an
effect emanating from them, such as Magic Missile or Colour Spray (for
which Fire Through Walls would be
needed in addition).
- The Caster may terminate
the Effect by one second's light concentration at any time.