Class: Illusionist (Sg, Hr & Sm)
Cloak combines the effects of Invisibility, Hush and Deodorize, each of which is available separately as a L3 Spell, with any 2 Senses as a L4 Spell, or with 3 Senses as a L5 Spell (Cloak). Add 1 Spell Level for the Multiple Targets version.
BTS: 50% (average of Sg, Hr & Sm)
ULT: 175 hours
Materials: a cloak (Caster's own will do)
Actions: raise arms holding out cloak, then wrap it around oneself
Effect of Throw:
8 to 17 Insanity
18 to 20 Target shines @ LI 4 to 2, Noise made by Target is amplified by 4 to 2 times, and odour of Target is increased by 4 to 2 times for Duration
21 to 24 No Effect
³ 25 (T-20) Action Points ("AP")
Duration: 6t min - t(t-1)/2
Range: 3d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on another Being or an object, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.
If there are insufficient AP for the action undertaken, that action makes a noise: e.g. if a Spell is Cast with 3AP remaining, the whole Incantation can be heard.
For objects, being thrown counts as a Violent Action, and being moved incurs AP at the appropriate movement rate.