Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Illusionist (Sg, Hr & Sm)

6. Cloak (Multiple Targets)

Cloak combines the effects of Invisibility, Hush and Deodorize, each of which is available separately as a L3 Spell, with any 2 Senses as a L4 Spell, or with 3 Senses as a L5 Spell (Cloak).  Add 1 Spell Level for the Multiple Targets version.

BTS: 60% (average of Sg, Hr & Sm)

ULT: 200 hours

Materials: a cloak (Caster's own will do)

Actions: raise arms holding out cloak, then wrap it around oneself

Effect of Throw:

12 to 21 Insanity

22 to 25 Target shines @ LI 5 to 2, Noise made by Target is amplified by 5 to 2 times, and odour of Target is increased by 5 to 2 times for Duration

26 to 30 No Effect

³ 31 (T-25) Action Points ("AP")

Duration: 6t min - t(t-1)/2

Radius: 20r ft    -r(r-1)/2 (centred on Caster)

No. Affected: n    -n(n-1)/2


  1. The Spell may be cast on multiple Targets, specified by the Actions.  If the Actions are omitted (e.g. cast as a Word Spell), the Targets will be selected randomly from the Caster and others within the Radius.
  2. The Targets may be Beings and/or separate objects.
  3. The Targets must remain within the Radius of the Caster for the Spell to be effective.  If a Target leaves the Radius and then returns within the Duration, he will regain the Hush effect, but will continue to expend AP even when not Hushed.  Each Target has the full AP given by T, and expends them separately.
  4. The Spell has the effects of Invisibility, Hush and Deodorize simultaneously.  It does not prevent the Target being sensed by taste (e.g. Far Taste) or touch.
  5. The effect ends when the Duration expires or when remaining AP = 0.  AP are expended as follows:

If there are insufficient AP for the action undertaken, that action makes a noise: e.g. if a Spell is Cast with 3AP remaining, the whole Incantation can be heard.

For objects, being thrown counts as a Violent Action, and being moved incurs AP at the appropriate movement rate.