Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Illusionist (up to 5 Senses as applicable - see Spell Level below)

1 to 9. Static / Mobile / Programmable / Independent / Morphing Audio / Visual / Tactile / Olfactory / Gustatory Illusion

Spell Level ("SL") = 1 for each of Audio (Hr), Visual (Sg), Tactile (Tc), Olfactory (Sm) and Gustatory (Ts)

The Spell will be a Static Illusion Spell unless one of the following alternatives is Bound:

Therefore Illusion Spells range from 1. Static Visual Illusion to 9. Morphing Audio Visual Tactile Olfactory Gustatory Illusion.

BTS: 5(SL+5)% (Applicable Sense) - only as per Note 6. in General Notes for Illusionist Spells

ULT: (25*SL) hours + 5 hours for Static Illusion Spells / + 10 hours for Mobile Illusion Spells / + 15 hours for Programmable Illusion Spells / + 10 hours for Independent Illusion Spells / + 15 hours for Morphing Illusion Spells.

Once the additional hours for a particular kind of Illusion Spells have been learnt, they do not need to be relearnt on learning another Illusion Spell of the same type, but are not cumulative towards learning other types.  E.g to learn 1. Static Visual Illusion as a first Illusion Spell has ULT 25 + 5 = 30 hours.  To then learn 2. Static Audio Visual Illusion would have ULT 50 hours, but to then learn 2. Mobile Visual Illusion would have ULT 50 + 10 = 60 hours.

Materials: none, but Caster must have at least some ability to use the applicable Spells (e.g. a totally blind man may not cast Visual Illusions, even if he were once sighted - though this may be circumvented by an appropriate Sight Spell)

Actions: sketch out the intended illusion by appropriate gestures

Effect of Throw:

Level 1 Illusion Spells Level 2 Illusion Spells Level 3 Illusion Spells
-3 to 6 Insanity -1 to 8 Insanity 0 to 9 Insanity
7 to 8 Random Illusions 9 to 10 Random Illusions 10 to 12 Random Illusions
9 to 11 No Effect 11 to 13 No Effect 13 to 16 No Effect
³ 12 (T-11) ft Radius ³ 14 (T-13) ft Radius ³ 17 (T-16) ft Radius
Level 4 Illusion Spells Level 5 Illusion Spells Level 6 Illusion Spells
4 to 13 Insanity 9 to 18 Insanity 13 to 22 Insanity
14 to 16 Random Illusions 19 to 21 Random Illusions 23 to 26 Random Illusions
17 to 20 No Effect 22 to 25 No Effect 27 to 31 No Effect
³ 21 (T-20) ft Radius ³ 26 (T-25) ft Radius ³ 32 (T-31) ft Radius
Level 7 Illusion Spells Level 8 Illusion Spells Level 9 Illusion Spells
20 to 29 Insanity 28 to 37 Insanity 37 to 46 Insanity
30 to 33 Random Illusions 38 to 41 Random Illusions 47 to 50 Random Illusions
34 to 38 No Effect 42 to 46 No Effect 51 to 55 No Effect
³ 39 (T-38) ft Radius ³ 47 (T-46) ft Radius ³ 56 (T-55) ft Radius

"Insanity" effects will involve Delusion at Insanity Level 10 to 1, by T.

"Random Illusions" Blowback effects are at the Elemental's discretion, but will normally be opposite to what the Caster intended to create or adverse to him in some way.

Duration: t min    - t(t-1)/2

Range: 30d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Elements: n    -n(n-1)/2


  1. See the General Notes for Illusionist Spells.
  2. The Illusion must be created within the Radius, but may be perceived from outside it.
  3. The Elements are the number of separate Illusions that may appear at any one time during the Duration within the Radius.  One Element may have multiple sensory effects, depending on the type of Illusion Spell.  E.g. a bowl of illusory oranges is one Element, but n separate illusory oranges are n Elements.  The Spell type permitting, each such orange may look and feel like an orange, and smell, taste and sound like an orange when peeled, but still count as one Element (being the attributes of an orange).  For them to taste of brandy as well as of oranges would be 2 Elements.  For them also to say "Buy your brandy oranges from the Great Illuso!" when peeled would be 3 Elements.
  4. Static Illusions cannot be moved or changed, and do not respond to stimuli.  E.g. if someone tries to pick up a Static Illusory orange, his fingers will go through it, though he will feel it if the Illusion is Tactile.  He could taste a Static Visual Gustatory orange by sticking his tongue inside it, without peeling it, but could not use a straw!
  5. Mobile Illusions can be moved and changed and made to respond to stimuli by the Caster using light concentration, provided he is within the Range of the centre of the Radius.  He may leave the Range and return during the Duration without losing this ability.  Moving the Illusion includes the ability to move the centre of the Radius at any speed, subject to his remaining within Range.  The Caster may change the Elements involved freely, up to the maximum number he specified.  When Mobile Illusions are not being controlled by the Caster, they function as Static Illusions.  The degree of control required is that which is sufficient to indicate what is required - the Elemental handles the rest.  E.g. if someone picks up and peels an illusory orange, the Caster need only lightly concentrate on its being picked up and peeled, not on its exact position relative to the peeler's fingers, how the peel comes off, and whether it squirts juice in his eye (though he may add or restrain these features if he concentrates on doing so).  But he must keep concentrating, or the orange will stop being peeled, and the peeler's hands will go through it.  He may also change the oranges to apples.
  6. Programmable Illusions function as Mobile Illusions, except that heavy concentration is required, and can be used to give instructions which the Illusion (i.e. the Elemental) will continue to follow after the Caster has stopped controlling the Illusion, or has left the Range.  The programming cannot be set during Casting, so at least some heavy concentration is required after the Casting time, or the Illusion will function as a Static Illusion (it may however appear already in motion).  The programming may be in general terms.  E.g. the Caster may heavily concentrate on the illusory orange's responding to the stimulus of the peeler interacting with it, and it will then continue to respond to the peeler as if it were a real orange, even if he does something unexpected with it, like suddenly throwing it at the Caster.
  7. Independent Illusions are moved and changed and made to respond to stimuli only by the Elemental.  The Caster has no control over them, other than to specify the Elements on Casting.  The Elemental will normally make them behave as would their real equivalents, but will not change the Elements specified.  They may independently move beyond the Range.  E.g. if the Caster's party is attacked by goblins, and he creates a band of Independent Illusory orcs to attack the goblins from the rear, the orcs may either run away if defeated by the goblins, or attack the Caster's party once they have made the goblins run away.
  8. Morphing Illusions function as Independent Illusions, except that the Elemental may change the Elements up to the maximum number specified by the Caster, and the Caster may override the Elemental's control using heavy concentration as per Programmable Illusions, provided he is within the Range of the centre of the Radius.  This feature may be used to initiate Element change (Morphing), as the Elemental will normally make the Illusion behave realistically.  E.g. the Caster could stop the victorious illusory orcs from attacking his party, or change them into friendly humans.
  9. Illusions last for the Duration, and may not be dispelled by the Caster.  If he has control over the Elements (as with Mobile, Programmable and Morphing Illusions), and is within the Range of the centre of the Radius, the Caster may however reduce the number of Elements to zero.  He may still create new Elements during the Duration.
  10. Illusions may be produced which have an intense effect upon the Senses, such as illusory Light / Darkness, Noise / Silence, Pain / Numbness, Odour / Deodorant, Tastiness / Tastelessness.  Each level of these counts as 1 Element: e.g. an LI +3 Light or LI -3 Darkness each count as 3 Elements.