Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Illusionist (Hr)
2. Magic Mouth
BTS: 25% (Dx(Ph)), modified by T
ULT: 65 hours
Materials: a severed tongue (one may be dried and
used for all Casts of Spell)
Actions: touch Materials to intended location of
Magic Mouth
Effect of Throw:
-2 to 7 Insanity
8 to 9 a Magic Mouth goes off immediately, shouting the Caster's
location, insulting him, and inviting anyone in earshot to attack him, for 2
to 1 min.
10 to 12 No Effect
13 to 27 BTS +5(T-12)%
³ 28 BTS +2(T+10)%
Duration: 6t hr - t(t-1)/2, or until the end of the period of the
Alarm (whichever is shorter)
Radius: 5r ft -r(r-1)/2
Alarm: a sec -(a-1) (see Note 4)
DL D -D(D-1)/2 (see Note 2)
- By default Magic Mouth is Triggered when a Being (an
"Intruder") enters (not exits or moves within) the Radius,
provided that the Intruder would be sensed by a Person at the location
of the Magic Mouth without using Thievish abilities, but having
Infravision, (a "Hypothetical Observer") and that the Intruder
fails a saving throw.
- Although the Hypothetical Observer is not using Th
abilities, the Magic Mouth may be set with a Th Difficulty Level vs HIDE
Activities as a variable parameter. This DL applies only in
determining whether the Magic Mouth is Triggered, by causing HIDE
Activities to fail so that the Th would be detected by an observer (with
Infravision). It does not apply to the success of the HIDE
Activity against a real observer. The DL variable parameter
applies instead of the default system specified in General
Note 4. to Illusionist Spells.
- Magic Mouth may be set to Trigger on any other condition specified in
the Incantation occurring within the Radius. It will so Trigger
when a Hypothetical Observer would have judged the condition to be
fulfilled, on the evidence of his senses (as determined by the
Illusionist Elemental). If the fulfillment of the condition is
dependent on the actions or omissions of a Being, that Being gets a
saving throw. Conditions are best kept simple, as Elementals can
be awkward.
- When Magic Mouth Triggers, by default it shouts
"Alarm!" in every second of the Alarm period in an imitation
of the Caster's voice. It may be set in the Incantation of the
Alarm parameter to shout other words or phrases or to make other sounds,
which words, phrases or sounds the Caster must record immediately after
the Incantation. He may use others to make the recording, which
picks up all sound made within the Radius, to be replayed from the Magic
Mouth during the Alarm.
- The unTriggered Magic Mouth is invisible, but may be detected with
Detect Magic. When it is Triggered, it appears as a Visual
Illusion of the Caster's mouth, having the tongue used as the Materials,
during the period of the Alarm.