Restricted MtoM Activities:
Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph)
Succeeds on: 15%
To use AfB, the Attacker must be undetected by and within striking distance of the Defender from behind. Hide in Shadows and/or Move Silently are typically used to achieve this.
T | Effect |
>= 76 | Failure 5: Defender alerted, and has time to turn. Commence normal MR. |
75 to 61 | Failure 4: Defender alerted. Attacker attacks in sec 1 of MR vs side of Defender (D -5%) |
60 to 46 | Failure 3: Defender alerted. Attacker attacks in sec 1 of MR as Defender turns (D -10%) |
45 to 31 | Failure 2: Defender alerted. Attacker attacks in sec 1 of MR vs rear of Defender (D -15%) |
30 to 16 | Failure 1: Defender alerted. Attacker gets one free attack vs rear of Defender (D -15%). Commence MR next sec. |
15 to 0 | Defender surprised. Attacker gets one free attack vs rear of Defender @ D = 0. Commence MR next sec. |
<= -1 | Defender surprised. Attacker gets one free attack vs rear of Defender @ D = 0 and with +1% to A per 1% that T < 0. Commence MR next sec. |
If the AfB is made whilst a MR is already in progress, adjust the above results as appropriate. Where the Attacker gets an "attacks in sec 1 of MR" result, this signifies that the Defender may use Initiative to attack or parry against him, General and Specific Plots permitting. Where the Attacker gets a "one free attack" result, this signifies that the Defender may not use Initiative to react to him. In the next sec after the AfB the Defender (if still alive) may always react normally, and may change his General Plot. The Attacker will have revealed himself, so may not make a further MtoM attack, but may attempt to re-hide.
D = 0 results only reduce the Defender's normal D to 0 (i.e. he isn't dodging). Magical effects giving bonuses to D (e.g. Prot Spells) will still apply.
Difficulty Levels:
Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph)
Succeeds on: 5%
To use AfS, the Attacker must be undetected by and within striking distance of the Defender from the side. Hide in Shadows and/or Move Silently are typically used to achieve this.
T | Effect |
>= 51 | Failure 4: Defender alerted, and has time to turn. Commence normal MR. |
50 to 36 | Failure 3: Defender alerted. Attacker attacks in sec 1 of MR as Defender turns. D is unaffected. |
35 to 21 | Failure 2: Defender alerted. Attacker attacks in sec 1 of MR vs side of Defender (D -5%) |
20 to 6 | Failure 1: Defender alerted. Attacker gets one free attack vs side of Defender (D -5%). Commence MR next sec. |
5 to -10 | Defender surprised. Attacker gets one free attack vs side of Defender @ D = 0. Commence MR next sec. |
<= -11 | Defender surprised. Attacker gets one free attack vs rear of Defender @ D = 0 and with +1% to A per 1% that T < -10. Commence MR next sec. |
If the AfS is made whilst a MR is already in progress, adjust the above results as appropriate. Where the Attacker gets an "attacks in sec 1 of MR" result, this signifies that the Defender may use Initiative to attack or parry against him, General and Specific Plots permitting. Where the Attacker gets a "one free attack" result, this signifies that the Defender may not use Initiative to react to him. In the next sec after the AfB the Defender (if still alive) may always react normally, and may change his General Plot. The Attacker will have revealed himself, so may not make a further MtoM attack, but may attempt to re-hide.
D = 0 results only reduce the Defender's normal D to 0 (i.e. he isn't dodging). Magical effects giving bonuses to D (e.g. Prot Spells) will still apply.
Difficulty Levels:
Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph)
Succeeds on: 10%
To use AbS, the Attacker must be undetected by and within striking distance of the Defender with a Melee Weapon, but the Defender cannot fail to be alerted by an attack being made. An attack from the front is a typical situation. Hide in Shadows and/or Move Silently are typically used to achieve this.
This Activity was also formerly used for Thievish surprise attacks by Thrown or Ranged Weapons. Snipe is now used for such attacks, and AbS is for Thievish surprise attacks by Melee Weapons other than from behind or the side.
T | Effect |
>= 11 | Failure: Defender alerted. Commence normal MR. |
10 to 0 | Attacker attacks in sec 1 of MR. D is unaffected. |
<= -1 | Attacker attacks in sec 1 of MR with +1% to A per 1% that T < 0. D is unaffected. |
If the AbS is made whilst a MR is already in progress, adjust the above results as appropriate. Where the Attacker gets an "attacks in sec 1 of MR" result, this signifies that the Defender may use Initiative to attack or parry against him, General and Specific Plots permitting. In the next sec after the AbS the Defender (if still alive) may always react normally, and may change his General Plot. The Attacker will have revealed himself, so may not make a further MtoM attack, but may attempt to re-hide.
Difficulty Levels:
Relevant Chars: Dx(M) / Sg
Succeeds on: 15%
This Activity may be used for a Thievish surprise attack by a Thrown or Ranged Weapon in any situation where the Defender is unaware of the attacker, including such a situation where the Defender is already a Combatant in Melee.
T | Effect |
>= 16 | Failure: Defender fully alerted. If a Melee is not already in progress, commence one with the Sniper attack being resolved as a normal AMR with initiative for second 1. If a Melee is already in progress, there will be no effect, as the second of the Sniper attack will already have been determined before resolution of the Snipe. |
0 to 15 | Surprise attack in non-Melee situation. Attacker gets a free attack at normal RD. If a Melee is not already in progress, commence one from the second after the Sniper attack has been resolved. If a Melee is already in progress, there will be no effect, as the second of the Sniper attack will already have been determined before resolution of the Snipe. |
<= -1 | Surprise attack in Melee situation. Attacker gets a free attack at -1 to RD per 1% that T < 0. RD cannot be reduced below 0. If a Melee is not already in progress, commence one from the second after the Sniper attack has been resolved. If a Melee is already in progress, the Sniper attack is resolved with the minus to RD in the second for which initiative has already been determined before resolution of the Snipe. |
Difficulty Levels:
1. Weapon used by Attacker:
2. Direction of Attack:
3. Defender's abilities:
Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph) / Tc
Succeeds on: 20%
Note that Pickpocketing is endemic in most major cities of the Overworld, and rife in most settlements of any size in the Underworld. The DM should make an Encounter roll for a Pp or Cp attempt against any character who walks down a crowded street in such places, modifying it for how likely a Victim the character looks.
It is only necessary for the Thief to be hidden from the Victim by Hide in Shadows and/or Move Silently if the Pp attempt is made other than in a crowded public place or than when the Thief is interacting socially with the Victim.
T | Effect |
>= 91 | Failure 4: Thief detected by Victim with hand still in pocket. |
90 to 71 | Failure 3: Thief detected by Victim. Pocket not picked. |
70 to 51 | Failure 2: Thief detected by Victim. Pocket is picked (any amount of wt pts may be removed). |
50 to 21 | Failure 1: Thief undetected by Victim. Pocket not picked. |
20 | Thief undetected by Victim. Inside of pocket felt. 0 wt pts may be removed. |
<= 19 | Thief undetected by Victim. Inside of pocket felt. Up to 1 wt pt may be removed per 1% that T < 20. |
If the attempt succeeds, the DM informs the Th of what he feels on putting his hand in the pocket (but without specifying the exact T achieved), and the Th may specify what he removes. The total wt of the items removed is then added to T, which may result in a Failure result if the wt removed is > that permitted by the original T. In this case "Pocket not picked" results mean the Th has realised he has failed, and has let go of the items he was attempting to remove, in order to escape.
Difficulty Levels:
Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph)
Succeeds on: 10%
See the note to Pickpocket above re the risk of Pp / Cp Encounters.
It is only necessary for the Thief to be hidden from the Victim by Hide in Shadows and/or Move Silently if the Cp attempt is made other than in a crowded public place or than when the Thief is interacting socially with the Victim.
2 Throws are made: 1 to cut the Victim's clothing / purse (a cutting weapon is required), and 1 to grab whatever falls out. Only 1 Experience Plus is awarded, despite the 2 Throws.
T | "Cut" Effect | "Grab" Effect |
>= 71 | Failure 4: Victim spots weapon before cut made | Failure 4: Victim feels contents falling out |
70 to 51 | Failure 3: Victim detects cut being made | Failure 3: Victim spots Thief grabbing contents |
50 to 31 | Failure 2: Victim detects cut after it has been made | Failure 2: Victim spots Thief after he has grabbed contents |
30 to 11 | Failure 1: Thief undetected by Victim. No cut made. | Failure 1: Thief undetected by Victim. Contents do not fall out. |
<= 10 | Length & depth of cut = 1 inch per 10% that T < 11 (FRU) | Up to 15 wt pts may be grabbed per 10% that T < 11 (FRU) |
The cut must be large enough for the wt pts to be grabbed to fall through it. If the cut attempted or the wt pts to be grabbed are > permitted by T, a Failure 2 result will apply.
Difficulty Levels:
7. HitLoc point on Victim where cut is to be made (no Ft Attack need be made, unless Cp is attempted in Melee):
Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph) / Tc
Succeeds on: 0%
Filch is an attempt to steal a Target object (or even a Being) in plain sight of guards or other Observers. The Thief must therefore usually be undetected by the Observers and within striking distance of the Target. Hide in Shadows and/or Move Silently are typically used to achieve this.
This Activity is considered by most professional Thieves to be the purest form of Thievish Activity. Much honour may be gained within Thieves' Guilds and Brotherhoods by particularly outrageous successes at Filching.
People may be kidnapped from under the eyes of their guards by combining Attack from Behind, Stun and Filch.
Filch may also be used to replace Targets, if the Thief has a substitute handy. This requires a further Throw (and may result in a further Experience Plus).
T | Effect |
>= 76 | Failure 3: Attempt is spotted by Observers looking elsewhere (e.g. Target object is knocked over with a resounding crash!) |
75 to 26 | Failure 2: Attempt is spotted by Observers keeping a partial watch (despite Thief's attempt to time the Fch whilst they were not looking) |
25 to 1 | Failure 1: Attempt is spotted by Observers watching the Target |
0 to -24 | Successfully Filch small Target object |
-25 to -49 | Successfully Filch medium-sized Target object |
-50 to -74 | Successfully Filch large Target object |
-75 to -99 | Successfully Filch man-sized Target object or Being |
-100 to -124 | Successfully Filch twice man-sized Target object or Being |
-125 to -149 | Successfully Filch 3 * man-sized Target object or Being |
per 25% bracket below | Add 1 to the number of men in size of the Target object or Being that may be successfully Filched. |
The Thief may not Filch a Target which he is not capable of moving.
If the Target is larger than is permitted to be successfully Filched by T, start the Failure results above the bracket for the Target's size. E.g. if an attempt is made to Filch a man-sized object, the Failure 1 bracket is -50 to -74.
Difficulty Levels:
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