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Elf Craftsmen

The quality of Elvish craftsmen is renowned.  They produce various non-magical items with enhanced functionality compared to those one might purchase in any General Store.

However, such items are normally only available to their fellow Elves, and often only to fellow members of their own tribe.  Elves prefer to trade by barter, rather than for cash (in which cases the prices given below are a rough guide to value).  So they will trade such items with other tribes for items they do not make themselves.  If Elvish adventurers (or non-Elves who have become Elf-friends) are embarking on a mission that meets with the approval of the tribe, they may sometimes be given such items as gifts.  Occasionally, however, such items can be found on sale.  Craft shops in places such as Mírlinnyrn or at the old THE site in Taur-Galen may sell them at not less than the sort of prices listed below.  But the buyer should beware in such cases.  Many items on sale in such shops are cheap copies for the humans, and may not have the same functionality as true works of Elvish craftsmanship.

item cost encumbrance (wt pts) notes
beer (per pint) 1CP 20 Flavoured with tree bark (birch and pine are popular), rather than hops.  Too bitter for most non-Elvish palates.  Strong in alcohol (take -1 / 5% on all activities per pint drunk if not used to it!).
boat, Elven from 250GP 250 to 500 if portaged Like a small sailing boat or canoe, but lighter and faster.  Difficult to sink.  Usually camouflaged, but some Elves like ornate designs, especially on the sails.
Bow, Elven from 15GP 75 One of the greatest items of Elvish craftsmanship.  Not for sale to non-Elves, but may sometimes be given to true Elf-friends deemed worthy of them.
cloak, Elven 3GP spring / summer weight = 2 wt pts
autumn / winter weight = 4 wt pts
Available in different colours / patterns for different Forests / Seasons.  Gives +10% to M on Camouflage in the appropriate Forest and Season.  Autumn / winter weight is particularly warm.
lembas (per cake) 1GP 0.1 The waybread of the Elves: 1 cake will provide enough nourishment for 1 hard-fighting adventurer for 1 Cd.  Sometimes it is "spiced up", so 1SP is recovered when it is eaten.  Tastes delicious, too.  Keeps indefinitely if wrapped in mallorn leaves.
lamp, Elven 1GP 20 Requires oil to burn.  Includes a cover, taking 1 AMR to operate, which cuts out all light when burning.  Burns lamp oil with LI1 for 21-28 hrs (20 + d8, FRU) hrs) or with LI2 for 11-15 hrs (10 + d4) hrs) (can be adjusted) in a 30 ft Radius.  See Light & Darkness system.  Can burn lantern oil as a lantern, but this will damage it. 
lamp oil, flask 1SP 20 Burns in a lamp or lantern with LI2 for 11-15 hrs (10 + d4) hrs).  See Light & Darkness system.
mirror, small glass from 1GP 2 Invariably beautifully decorated.  More fragile than steel or silver mirrors, but gives a clearer reflection.  Useful for various scrying Spells and abilities.
phial of starlight not for sale: only ever given freely 0.d6 Produced (at some personal risk) by Elves dwelling near the Edge of the World.  Shines with LI0 in a 30 + (d6 * 10 ft) Radius indefinitely.  Can be covered up.  Will detect as strongly Chaotic.  May burn out.  Handle carefully, as breaks easily.  Taking out the stopper is not advised.
rope, Elven (per ft) 2SP 0.25 Lighter and with higher breaking point than conventional silk rope
staff, 5ft wooden from 5SP 25 Invariably beautifully decorated.  Good for Spell Materials / enchanting.  Can be used as a Quarterstaff.  It is important to specify the wood used (if in doubt, oak is a good choice).
firemaking materials 1CP 1 Any woodland Elf can improvise these from the forest.  Some wood shavings are needed as tinder.
torch, Elven (3-4 ft) 5CP 10 Torches are a wooden (often alder) stick with a tar-soaked canvas strip wound around the end.  Burns smokelessly and odourlessly (though fragrant ones can be obtained if preferred) with LI2 for 35-60 min (30 + (d6 * 5) min) in a 60 ft Radius.  Only gives LI1 in last 5 min.  See Light & Darkness system.  Usually best to carry a few spares.
fresh tar soaked strips for torches (each) 2CP 2 each Elven torches can be recharged by wrapping further strips round and round the end of the stick, when the flame has burnt low, up to 2d6 times (in addition to the original strip), before the wooden handle chars to the point of being useless.
wine (per pint) from 5SP 20 Made from woodland flowers and/or fruits.  A bit of an acquired taste, but doesn't give you a hangover.  Helps put you into a deep sleep.  Functions as a L1 Poison Antidote.  Washes off Oil of Etherealness (though Elves will be unimpressed if you waste it in this way).

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