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Fort Venture

Fort Venture from above


Fort Venture was officially founded in the Year 1500, as the second of the two Adventurer Forts on the coast of Mount Anar (after the Foundation of Dwarf Hold in 1383).  There had been a Valdrean and Kuntacian harbour with adventurer camps around the Dungeon entrances on the site for many years before, with the site gradually being fortified. But a proper stone fort was completed and opened in 1500 to co-incide with its declaration of independence from the Valdrean Empire (as it was outside the Demarcation of SARAN, earlier that Year) and Kuntax (which also declared its independence that Year).

The Fort is effectively run by Valdrean Noble Adventurers, but has always maintained its official independence from the Empire.  It has never therefore been illegal to be Chaotic or Evil, or to Summon Demons there.  Officially any Dungeon Adventurer may stay there, but as it is controlled by Followers of the Gods of Valdrea, it can be risky for Evils or Chaotics to go there.

The longstanding Kuntacian connection has also resulted in presences of the various Kuntacian Guilds, although the Fort's independence means the branches there are technically independent.  The Thieves' Guilds of Kuntax and Hapral also maintain shadowy presences.

Fort Venture front view


The Office of Commander of Fort Venture is subject to formal Duel under the Valdrean system.  The Office is open to Challenge under the Valdrean Formal Duelling Rules from any Adventurer resident at the Fort, whether or not a Valdrean Noble, with the Duel to be fought in the Arena at Fort Venture.  Although in theory it is open to all comers, the post has traditionally been held by a Valdrean Noble - usually the leading contender for Emperor (busy experience-grabbing).

The Deputy Commander of Fort Venture was originally appointed by the Commander.  But some Commanders have opened it up to Challenge by Duel, and this has been the position since Arril of Tarm's holding the Command in the Year 2500.

The Commander has an advisory Council he may convene for important decisions concerning the Fort.  This includes the Deputy, High Priests and Guildmasters.

Fort Venture room plan


There is a regular ferry service from Hapral and Kuntacian ships frequently stop off there, but the journey takes 13 Cds from Hapral and approximately 2 weeks from Kuntax.  Many adventurers Teleport there if possible, if necessary by paying a Planist.  Druids have planted a few hardy trees on the steep slopes outside to use as Transport points.

Accommodation (inclusive of board) at the Fort costs 1GP/Cd, payable in advance.  A room may be retained whilst the occupant is in the Dungeons by paying this cost sufficiently far in advance.  Spare cash may be banked with the various Banking Guilds (though no interest is paid).

Each of the Gods of Valdrea has a Temple in the Fort, and there are also the usual shops, including an Alchemist and a Magic Item Shop (founded by Nima).  The Temple of CAERULAS (from 2501) is located beneath the top of the North Tower and the Temple of RAYLIT beneath the top of the West Tower.

As the Fort is outside the Empire, Demon Summoning is legal there, and there has been a long tradition of ex-Valdrean and Kuntacian Binders clandestinely providing services to Valdrean customers at the Fort.  In the Year 2500 the Binders were Asley, Boslef and Ceevalon, known as the "ABC" Demon Summoners of Fort Venture.

The Fort provides ready access into the Dungeons of Mount Anar.  Mules may be hired to carry supplies for Dungeon Expeditions, as nearby Dungeons have mostly been cleared out long ago, so it can be a lengthy journey into the Mountain to explore new areas.  There is a network of 6 Waystations a day's march apart along Venture Passage to the Shaft and 12 Waystations a day's march apart along the steeply-climbing passage linking the Fort to Dwarf Hold via Rift-Cloud Camp.  Each Waystation provides a room for Adventurers and a stable for Mules.  Some have water supplies and all have water cisterns where spare water may be left for other parties.

The cost of hiring mules is 1SP per Caeriad per Mule plus 1CP per Caeriad per Mule for fodder plus 1CP per Caeriad per Mule Frame with 2 boxes.  A deposit is payable of 10GP per Mule plus 1GP 6SP per Mule Frame with 2 boxes (refundable if returned alive / in good condition).  At least one week (6 Cds) of hire must be paid upfront.

During his tenure as Commander of Fort Venture, Kyarlin of Heaven repopulated some of the closer Dungeons to the Fort with captive Monsters not required for the Valdrean Arena or Potion materials, and the Fort started charging for entry to these as Training Dungeons (at a cost of c50-100GP per party per Cd).  Parties with sufficient experience generally prefer to mount their own expeditions into the deeper Dungeons, in search of the fabled Treasure and Magic Items that are to be found in the Mountain.

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