Anarea > Shops > Kazaral > Kazaral's Wants List
Would customers please note that this list necessarily cannot be exhaustive. Rare plants and fungi are always of interest. The contents of the list are dictated by practical needs, and no disrespect is implied to any species listed.
Live specimens must be incapacitated.
[DM's Note: Many Alchemists are also willing to pay for Spell Casts, of a guaranteed minimum Throw. Requirements and prices vary, dependent on supply and demand (for guideline pricing see the Catalogue of GUSION, which is * Restricted Information: Alchemists only).]
Item / Price (in GP)
Beholder's carapace 350
Black Pudding 20
Blood donations 1/2
Brains (for "Control" Potions), esp. Undead varies
Bugbear's "pumpkin" head 20
Carrion Crawler: live specimen 100
Centaur's hoof 50
Cockatrice feathers 25
Dragon teeth 5
Dragon scales 20
Dragon acid / gases from breath 25 / point
Doppleganger's heart & skin 75
Fighter's heart (FtL 4 to 6) 30
Fighter's heart (FtL 7 or more) 60
Gargoyle's horns 100
Gargoyle's wings 40 (per wing)
Ghoul's skull 50
Giant's bones 35 or more
Giant's great toe 35
Giant's skin (not Hill Giants) 20
Green Slime 20
Grey Ooze 20
Harpy's larynx 5
Hell Hound: live specimen 200
Hippogriff's hoof 20
Hobbit's little finger 35
Lizard Man's lungs & gills 12
Lycanthrope's heart 10
Lycanthrope's jawbone 25
Manticore's spleen 30
Minotaur's bones & testicles 10
Ochre Jelly 20
Ogre's bones 18
Owl Bear's beak 20
Pegasus' wings & hooves 100
Phase Spider: live specimen 500
Poisons / Venoms 2 to 100 or more
Reptilian's lungs & gills 12
Skunk (Giant) stink glands 50 each
Stirge's feathers 30
Troll's liver (preserve in Troll Culture - available for a 10GP refundable deposit) 300
Unicorn's horn 500
Yellow Mould spores 25
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