2nd edition (1999): effective 1 V 2503
systems changes noted in italics
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The Druid ("Dr") uses the magic of Nature Spirits. To do so he must first attune himself to Nature by appreciating ("instressing") its naturalness ("inscape"). He then Casts a Druidic Spell of a particular Druidic Cycle, which he has previously Bound and learnt, using appropriate media if he wishes to increase its power. An appropriate Nature Spirit then produces the effect of the Spell, dependent on the incantation, power (in both Spell Points and Instress Points), media, and a limited amount of discretion on its part.
Like their fellow Spirits, the Elementals who carry out Elementalist Spells, Nature Spirits are concerned with the day-to-day running of the World. But there are several important differences between the two kinds of Spirits.
Nature Spirits are not subordinate to any particular Gods of Nature, but are free agents. However, they greatly respect the Gods of Nature, and are concerned to ensure the smooth and peaceful running of Nature in accordance with Their wishes. Their function is largely supervisory.
Nature Spirits are almost always associated with a particular natural locale, where a special charge or place is their home. If it is destroyed, they abandon the will to live, and so die. Spirits are often classified by their charges, with which they have a special affinity, though their magical Powers are not limited to related Spells, all Nature Spirits being able to perform all standard Cycles and types of Druidic Spells, subject to level constraints as shown in the table below. However, specific types of Spirits do have additional Powers relevant to their specific charges (see 7. below).
Nature Spirits are simple, peaceful beings, who live from day to day, exclusively in and for the present, but they are far from stupid.
Because humans have largely lost touch with Nature, they think Nature Spirits shy and withdrawn. In fact the converse is true; it is humans who have withdrawn from Nature, and so are unable to converse with its Spirits. To those who know how to approach them, elves and Druids in particular, they can be most friendly. Because of their eagerness to help those who appreciate Nature, they do not have to be compelled to carry out Druidic Spell duties. They have simply been delegated their powers on condition they will always do their best to ensure that Druidic Spells are carried out; a condition they are happy to fulfill.
Nature Spirits vary in Elemental Level from 1 to 10. A Spirit has the Powers to produce the effect of any Druidic Spell of any standard Spell Cycle (and of any non-standard Spell Cycle relevant to its type and charges) of a Spell Level less than or equal to its Elemental Level. It does not cost the Spirit SP, instress or IST to produce Spells, because it is using its own magical Powers, rather than using the magic of another. The Maximum Throw Spirits of a given Level can produce is as follows:
X = Spirit cannot produce Spells of that Level.
No.= Maximum Throw Spirit can produce on a Spell of that Level
Success Throw (in the left-most column) is the usual Throw required for a Spell of that Level to Succeed. For the actual Throw required for a particular Spell to Succeed, see its Spell Specification.
Spells or Spirits of over 10th Level are not available.
The Dr does not need to Activate his Elemental, as does the Elementalist. It is within the Powers of Nature Spirits to know when a Druidic Spell is being Cast, its Spell Level, and its location, within 100 miles. The empathic links between their kind also help co-ordinate their response. However, a Spirit capable of producing the required effect must be within the casting range of the Spell in order for the effect to be produced. Whilst there are several instantaneous transport Spells available to the higher-level Spirits, and the lower-level ones are more likely to be present in the vicinity, this can still sometimes result in a few seconds delay between Casting and resolution of the Spell effect. This can occur in particular if a Dr Casts a Spell away from a Natural environment. If he were more than 100 miles from the nearest Nature Spirit, the Spell could fail completely.
To prevent this happening, Drs may use a Summon Spirit procedure, which is learnt during Druidic IBT. The cost of doing so, in SP, (IP*5) and seconds of Incantation in Old Speech is:
Summoning Cost = (Spirit Level)
A specific type of Spirit (e.g. a Dryad, Oread, etc.) may be Summoned by specifying it in the Incantation and by Actions and Materials. A specific Spirit may be Summoned by using its True Name (if known) in the Level part of the Incantation. Otherwise the nearest Spirit of the specified Level of the local type will usually be Summoned.
Actions and Materials are not strictly necessary, but it is customary to mirror the part of the Old Speech Incantation which indicates the type of Spirit required by sketching the appropriate symbol by Actions, and using the matching materials. For example to Summon a Dryad, the Dr sketches a symbol of Lord NORRID, God of Trees, and uses a twig from a tree as material. (This is a systems change from the 1st edition, which classified the types of Spirits Summoned as those specialising in specified creatures of Nature (e.g. mammals, reptiles, etc.) rather than by Dryads, Naiads, etc.)
If any of the necessary elements of the Summons (SP, IP or secs. incantation) are insufficient, the Spirit Level Summoned is ratioed by (element required) / (element used).
If the Dr has any outstanding IST, the Spirit Level Summoned is reduced by 1 per sec outstanding IST. (This is a systems change from the 1st edition, which effectively applied a ratio of (IST recovered) / (IST after last SP expenditure).)
There is no Duration. A Spirit of the type and Level Summoned will come as quickly as it can, and will follow the Dr, ready to produce his Spell effects, until Dismissed or the Dr runs out of IP.
Dismissal can be achieved formally, by an Old Speech Incantation taking the same time, actions and materials, but no SP or IP, or informally, by talking or gesturing to the Spirit. The Spirit may also infer an informal Dismissal from the Dr going to sleep or the start of a new Caeriad (when it is customary to perform a new Summons). If the Dr does not Cast any Druidic Spells for some time, it may even simply get bored or forget the Summons, and wander off. This can happen due to the lack of a continuing compunction from the Summons.
There is no penalty for Summoning multiple Spirits, though Summoning another is a good way of making the first think it has been informally Dismissed, especially if the new one is of the same type or higher Level.
There is no Conference procedure akin to that for Elementalist Magic-Using. If the Dr wishes to converse with the Spirit, for Spell learning or otherwise, he must spot it, attract its attention, and converse with it. The same can be done for Spirits not previously Summoned, though a Summoning helps in spotting one.
DrL is the basic measure of a Drs proficiency at Druidic Magic-Using. Non-Drs have DrL 0. DrL 1 is gained by completing Druidic Initial Basic Training ("IBT"). DrL above 1 is gained by earning Druidic Experience. Continuous Level Advancement ("CLA") applies, in that the exact DrL (usually expressed to 4 decimal places) is used in all calculations involving DrL.
"I caught this morning morning's minion, king-
dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding
Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding
High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing
In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing,
As a skate's heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding
Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding
- Stirred for a bird,—the achieve of; the mastery of the thing!"
(from The Windhover, by Gerard Manley Hopkins)
Nature Spirits will only help those who truly appreciate Nature. In systems terms, a Dr's current level of appreciation of, and attunement to, Nature is measured in Instress Points. IP are gained by appreciating ("instressing") the individual or essential quality of creatures of Nature (their "inscape" - a term coined by the Victorian poet, Gerard Manley Hopkins). IP are expended by Casting Druidic Spells, or simply by the passage of time.
The expenditure of physical and mental energy that is represented by the use of SP must, for Druidic Spells, be made in a state of mind and body that is at one with Nature. As SP expenditure tires the Caster, so IP expenditure reduces his attunement to Nature.
For each 1SP expended for Druidic purposes, 5 Instress Points ("IP") must be expended or the SP are wasted, and vice versa.
Expenditures of less than 5IP or of IP without SP are ineffective (except to expend the IP).
Inscape is the inward essential quality of Naturalness present within all the creatures of Nature. It is a measure of the 'lifeforce', equivalent to At in higher creatures. Strictly speaking it is calculated as follows:
Ic = (St + Dx(Ph) + (2 * (Co + Bt + Mn))) / 8
Where "Mn" is Mind, or mental awareness, being the average of the creature's mental Chars. Creatures of Nature, especially the lower forms, do not usually have separate mental Chars. An example of a higher form with separate mental Chars is the mule, which has high Wp, but low In. However, it is rarely necessary to make such a detailed calculation for each individual specimen. Typical Inscape figures may be used, as set out for the woodlands in the Is Table below. These may be varied at the DM's discretion. An average figure (good specimen) of a creature of Nature is 5.
To an extent, Ic is a subjective judgment. The figures referred to above represent a conventional appreciation of Nature by Drs of the woodlands. Drs from different environments may appreciate different qualities of those environments, and so become more attuned to particular aspects of Nature, but less to others. To reflect these cultural differences, the typical Ic figures are varied for Drs whose Cult or Forest has taught them in their IBT to appreciate Nature differently (remember that these figures may be affected by Circs Mods in certain areas):
Ic Table | Woodlands | Mountains | Deserts | Icelands | Seas |
mammals | 8 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 4 |
reptiles | 6 | 3 | 7 | 1 | 3 |
birds | 5 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
fish | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 8 |
insects | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 0.5 |
trees | 5 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 0 | 1 |
plants | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
organisms | 0.5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
sand dunes | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
ice crystals | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
Note that in Anarea, whales and dolphins are fish (not mammals), mushrooms, toadstools and fungi are plants, and worms, moulds, slimes, oozes and viruses are organisms. Sand dunes and ice crystals are not creatures at all, but are part of the Natural environment in respect of which Druidic Spells may be Cast (like Fire and Earth for conventional Drs).
As the above appreciations are learnt during IBT, a Dr from a different culture who travels to a new Forest may not choose to instress using the local figures, but must continue to use those he originally learned. For example, a Tree Cultist who travels to the Icelands will not appreciate the patterns of ice crystals. However, it is possible to retrain with local Drs, if they are willing, and learn the local culture in addition to one's own (ULT = 1 year). In such a case, the Dr will use the appropriate column of the Ic Table for the Forest he is visiting - he may not pick and choose the highest Ic available to him for a particular specimen. In unfamiliar Forests he will revert to the culture of his IBT.
Instressing is the way the Dr appreciates Nature, and so gains IP. It involves the feeling within oneself of the Inscape of creatures of Nature. See the above poem for an example of instressing by the poet (though it is not necessary to compose such poetry each time your Dr instresses!).
IsC is the measure of how good a Druid is at instressing.
IsC = (ChMod[Nt] + DrL)/10 FRX
To calculate the number of IP gained from instressing a particular specimen:
IP gained = (Ic of subject) * (IsC of Druid) * (Circs Mod)
Where "Circs Mod" is the Circumstances Modifier. In average natural conditions for a Dr native to the Forest, Circs Mod will usually be 1. See 13. below for environmental variations in the base Circs Mod. For instressing purposes (only - not for Spells affected by Circs Mod, unless their Specifications expressly say so), Circs Mod may also be affected by factors subjective to the Dr's appreciation of Nature. For example if he is accompanied by a party unappreciative of Nature, or is simply tired. For each SP use break point and for each 1 sec IST currently affecting the Dr, deduct 0.1 from Circs Mod.
At midnight (in the Overworld or Underworld) the Dr's current IP total is halved, FRX. A Dr who travels between the Overworld and Underworld will suffer the halving effect once only every Caeriad, during the middle of his rest period.
It should not normally be necessary to work out a Dr's exact IP total in great detail. A rough calculation will usually suffice. For example, in average woodland conditions, assuming one Instress per 15 min, a Dr with IsC 1 would gain c250IP in 12½ hrs, reaching a maximum 'oneness' with Nature at c500IP, and going from 250 to 500IP each Cd when Instressing constantly without Casting Spells, and suffering the halving effect each midnight.
The Instress Table gives the IP totals at midnight of each Cd for a Dr instressing a constant 1IP / Cd (multiply by the appropriate amount for other figures):
Day 1 = | 1 IP | 7 = | 1.984375 | 13 = | 1.9997558 |
2 | 1.5 IP | 8 | 1.9921875 | 14 | 1.9998779 |
3 | 1.75 | 9 | 1.9960937 | 15 | 1.9999389 |
4 | 1.875 | 10 | 1.9980468 | 16 | 1.9999694 |
5 | 1.9375 | 11 | 1.9990234 | 17 | 1.9999847 |
6 | 1.96875 | 12 | 1.9995117 | 18 | 1.9999923 |
etc. (1.9999999 being reached on Day 25)
In practice, as the Instress Table shows, maximum IP are reached after approx. 1 week, and will remain maximum from then on, assuming consistent instressing as above.
The Powers of Nature Spirits, as with other Elementals, are defined (in Old Speech) in a wide and general way within their speciality and up to a maximum limit dependent on Level (see table in 2. above). Druidic Spells represent specific instances of the use of these Powers. They are a way of calling on a Nature Spirit to help the Dr by using its Powers in the way specified by the Spell. They were originally taught to Drs by the Spirits, but as they could also be taught by Dr to Dr a standard Druidic Spell List became established, and was even codified by the more academically-minded Drs (though in oral, rather than written, form - as is traditional amongst Drs).
A Dr may learn a Druidic Spell from the standard Druidic Spell List (or the standard list applicable to his particular Cult) either by tuition from a Nature Spirit capable of producing the Spell or from a Druid who knows it. The tutor must be present for most of the learning time of the Spell (some practice can be done on the pupil's own). Written copies of Druidic Spells are rare, but a Druid who fully reads OS can learn from them, in which case no tutor is required, but ULT is increased by 10% due to the lack of coaching from the tutor. A Dr who has learnt Old Speech to Know and Read and has learnt a Druidic Spell may write down a Druidic Spell on a scroll (or other method, depending on culture), from which it may be learnt by other Drs.
Non-standard spells are also available. A Dr may ask a Nature Spirit to teach him a Spell that is not on the standard list, or which is a variant of a standard Spell. If it is within the Spirit's Powers (and the standard lists give a reasonably comprehensive coverage of what is within the Powers of Spirits), and if the Dr's motives are proper (e.g. no tree-felling Spells!), the Spirit will usually be willing to give the Spell, with an appropriate Specification. The Dr may then teach the Spell to other Drs. Druidic Spells are not personal to the learner, as are Elementalist Spells.
The ULT of each Druidic Spell is given in its Spell Specification. The average ULT of Druidic Spells is (Spell Level) * 8 hours. They are more complex to learn than Clerical Spells, due to the Incantations being in Old Speech, but do not have the same tortuous complexity as Elementalist Spells, because it is not necessary to be so precise in tone and inflexion in instructing Nature Spirits (which are generally well-disposed to Drs) as it is in instructing Elementals (which generally object to Spell producing duties). The minimum learning time for any Spell is 1 hour. If insufficient learning time has been spent on a Spell, ratio Throws by (Learning Time expended) / (Learning Time required).
Each Dr Spell learnt counts as 1LL. Druidic Commands count as 2LLs. For each 2LLs, or part thereof, overlearnt, the Dr takes -1 on all Dr Spells. There is no bonus on Druid Spells for Unfilled Spell Levels.
Every Druidic Spell falls within a particular Spell Cycle. These correspond to the broad areas of influence of the specific Powers of Nature Spirits. All Spirits have the Powers to produce Spells within the four standard Cycles listed below (subject to level constraints as in the table in 2. above).
Spells of the Sered Cycle are concerned with all things vegetable (trees, plants, and their products). Its associated Medium is privet, and its associated colour is black.
Spells of the Yribt Cycle are concerned with all things animal (mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, and organisms, and their products). Its associated Medium is holly, and its associated colour is red.
Spells of the Ranian Cycle are concerned with the command of Elementals of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Gravity, and the Planes in their interaction with Nature. Its associated Medium is ivy, and its associated colour is yellow.
Spells of the Druid Cycle are concerned with the interaction of Nature with itself, the World, and Higher Beings. Its associated Medium is mistletoe, and its associated colour is white.
Certain Druidic Cults may have their own unique Spell Cycles. To Cast a Spell within one of these Cycles a Spirit of the appropriate type is required (e.g. a Dryad for the Sered Cycles of the Tree Peoples, or a Geleid for the Gelid Cycle).
Each Spell Cycle has its own Druidic Command. These are Druidic Spells of general application within the Cycle, rather than limited to a specific effect. Each allows the Dr to Command whatever he wills within the influence of that Cycle, with the chance of success depending on the Throw he achieves on the Spell. To produce any given effect, the specific Spell is generally more efficient, but the Commands are more flexible, especially as they allow non-standard effects within the Cycle to be produced.
The Command is stated by the Caster in any language (preferably Old Speech), immediately after the Incantation for the Druidic Command Spell. The Effect is resolved immediately after the Command has been stated.
The Druidic Commands for the four standard Cycles, and their Spell Levels, are as follows.
The Druidic Commands for the non-standard Spell Cycles are listed in the standard Spell Lists for the applicable Cults.
The Druidic Commands have LL of 2 each. They are restricted to Drs who have reached a degree of competence sufficient for them to be trusted with such powerful Spells. Therefore a Dr may not learn a Druidic Command before he has achieved DrL = (Spell L of Command). Spirits and other Drs will not initiate him into its mysteries until then.
Non-Cultist Druids (i.e. those who have taken the Standard Druidic Spell List rather than the standard Spell List of a particular Cult) may use those Druidic Commands they have learned to produce the effects of any Cultist Spells, subject to the following restrictions:
Cultist Druids may not use Druidic Commands to request the effects of the Spells of other Cults, unless those effects would also be available as a Spell to their Cult.
Druidic Shapechange is an innate Magical Power Delegated for life by a Nature Spirit of Level ³6 to those who reach DrL6. As it is a Power, not a Spell, it does not take up LL, and no Spirit is required to produce the effect. It allows the Dr to Shapechange three times per Cd, once each to a mammal, reptile, and bird, from Sz1 to 20, losing (10xD6)% Dam on each change (and the change back). No SP are needed, but if the Dr has <25IP, there is a percentage chance of success of (4*IP)%. The IP are not expended. The change take 1/5 sec per point of Sz difference and the Dam loss takes place evenly over the period of the change. There is no duration, but a prolonged stay in animal form can make the Dr think like the animal and forget to turn back.
Drs of certain Cults may be granted a different Power instead of Shapechange.
Drs may obtain bonuses on the Casting of Druidic Spells by the use of Druidic Media. The Medium must be harvested in advance, and is then expended in Casting, after which it will not have any future effect as a Druidic Medium. Media are separate from, and additional to, Materials for each Spell. Media may optionally be used for a bonus, and there is no penalty if they are not used.
The standard Druidic Media for each of the standard Spell Cycles are as follows:
Privet is the associated Medium for all Druidic Spells of the Sered Cycle. It gives maximum bonuses when harvested on the Mid-Spring Caeriad (13 Varech).
Broom is a common alternative Medium for Druidic Spells of the Sered Cycle amongst local Druids in areas where privet is not a native plant, e.g. much of the Underworld. (Note Druids for whom privet is their normal Sered Medium may not substitute broom, even in an area where privet is not native- and vice-versa.)
Holly is the associated Medium for all Druidic Spells of the Yribt Cycle. It gives maximum bonuses when harvested on the Midwinter Caeriad (26 Yarom, or 25 Yarom in a leap year).
Ivy is the associated Medium for all Druidic Spells of the Ranian Cycle. It gives maximum bonuses when harvested on the Mid-Autumn Caeriad (12 Garrack).
Mistletoe is the associated Medium for all Druidic Spells of the Druidic Cycle. It also has half effect as a Medium for the other Spell Cycles. It gives maximum bonuses when harvested on the Midsummer Caeriad (26 Oscow).
Certain Druidic Cults may have their own unique associated Media for their unique Spell Cycles and/or for the standard Spell Cycles and/or for individual Spells.
The bonus given by a Medium to the Casting of a Druidic Spell within its associated Cycle is determined by how and when it was harvested, as follows.
9.2.1 If obtained from another: +1; or9.2.2 If harvested oneself: If picked: +2; or If cut with a sickle: +3; or If cut with a golden sickle: +4; or If cut with a sickle and caught in a bowl: +6; or If cut with a sickle and caught in a bowl (only one of which is golden): +7; or If cut with a golden sickle and caught in a golden bowl: +8; and In addition to the appropriate above bonus for harvesting oneself, if harvested on the Cd specified in 9.1 above as giving maximum bonuses when harvested then: +5, giving a maximum total bonus usually achievable of +13.
Mistletoe gives half the above bonuses (FRD) on Spells of Cycles other than the Druid Cycle.
Further bonuses are rumoured to apply under unusual conditions, e.g. if harvested at specific locations with exceptionally high Circs Mods, if the Dr planted the plant himself, or if the golden tools were made by the Dr himself, at midsummer, and never touched by any other living thing, etc. Many of these are probably myths, but some Drs become fanatical about their harvesting tools for this reason, adopting such eccentricities as washing them every sunrise in pure streams.
When harvesting Media, the Dr must take no more than he needs, and no more than prunes the plant (where applicable) and does not harm its future growth. Excessive harvesting will reduce the bonuses given.
The encumbrance of Druidic Media is 0.1 wt pts per Medium.
At midnight of each New Moon, all harvested but unused Media reduce in bonus effect by -1. E.g. +13 mistletoe harvested on 26 Oscow 2503 reduces to +12 at midnight of 17 Estender 2503. A Dr who travels between the Overworld and Underworld will take the reduction at midnight in the Overworld for media harvested in the Overworld or at midnight in the Underworld for media harvested in the Underworld.
To gain the bonus in a Spell Cast, the Dr must be touching the Medium so as clearly to indicate it is being used. Only one Medium can be used per Spell Cast (if more than one is indicated, the one giving the greatest bonus is effective). Each Medium may be used only once. Use in a Cast withers the Medium (as a side effect of the Magical request to the Spirit being channeled through it).
The maximum plus to a Druidic Spell Cast which may be obtained from Media without using additional SP and IP is whichever is the lesser of (DrL of Caster) or (Bonus given by Medium). (This para added with effect from 26 Oscow / Day 177 2503)
The final Spell Throw ("T") of a Druidic Spell is determined by taking the Spell Roll ("R") on 3d6, adding the pluses on the Spell ("+s"), applying any ratios to T, and then deducting any minuses on the Spell ("-s").
Spell Throw ("T") = ((R + (pluses)) / (ratios) ) + (minuses)
If a Spirit capable of producing the Spell has been Summoned, T cannot exceed the maximum Throw of which it is capable (see the table in 2. above).
Spell Roll ("R") = 3d6 (RUD)
R represents the Spirits element of discretion in producing Spell Effects. It must be in the range of 1 to 20 (inclusive), and the 3d6 rolling up or down on 18 or 3 represent the average spread of results Spirits are supposed to give. However, Spirits are of a somewhat mercurial temperament, and R can therefore be affected by subjective factors. A proper respect for Nature and a good working relationship with the Spirit are therefore advisable on the part of the Dr.
Drs may get +s or -s to R for their relationship with a particular Spirit, as may Elementalists with Elementals, but as Spirits tend to live for the present, this is a more short term effect, which may be gained (and lost) fairly quickly. The effect is longer term with higher level Spirits, particularly those with more senior responsibilities within their Forests.
If R is rolled up or down to 20 or 1, continue rolling up or down, as Spirits may ignore or overlook the usual rules.
Calculate a Drs Base Plus on each Druidic Spell he has learned as follows.
DrL gives +(2*DrL) FRD on all Druidic Spells
i.e. the Dr gets a +1 bonus to all Spells for each 0.5 of a DrL.
Spell Level gives a + of -(Level of Spell) on all Druidic Spells
Note this is applied as a negative plus (before ratios) rather than as a minus (after ratios).
Chars give +s or -s on Druidic Spells as follows:
The above +s are cumulative, but are applied separately (so any -s are applied after ratios).
Each 2 Overlearnt Spell Levels, FRU (i.e. SLL learnt in excess of those available) give -1 on all Druidic Spells. See 6. above.
Fluency in Old Speech gives + (Spell Level) on all Druidic Spells.
Part fluency gives +s as follows:
10 |
20 (K) |
30 |
40 |
50 |
60 |
70 |
80 |
90 |
100 (F) |
1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
2 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
3 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
4 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
5 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
6 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
7 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
8 |
+0 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
9 |
+0 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
10 |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
+10 |
SL/LP = Spell Level is in left-hand column / Language Points towards Know & Fluency are in the top row.
The above +s for part fluency are new in this version of the system, but have precedent in practice.
There are no Experience pluses and bonuses on Druidic Spells, as there are on El'ist Spells.
Calculate a Drs Casting Plus on each Casting of a Druidic Spell as follows.
The base cost of a Druidic Spell = ((Spell Level) + 1) SP & 5*((Spell Level) + 1) IP
As with all Magic-Using, Spell Points are expended by mental and physical effort put into Casting. IP are expended the same way (see 5.1 above).
Extra SP and IP expended over base cost give +s as follows:
+ on Spell |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
+10 |
+11 |
+12 |
+13 |
etc. |
Extra SP |
3 |
6 |
10 |
15 |
21 |
28 |
36 |
45 |
55 |
66 |
78 |
91 |
105 |
etc. |
Extra IP | 15 | 30 | 50 | 75 | 105 | 140 | 180 | 225 | 275 | 330 | 390 | 455 | 525 | etc. |
[prior to 26 Oscow / Day 177 2503 the above read as follows:
Extra SP and IP expended over base cost give +s as follows:
+ on Spell |
+1 |
+2 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+6 |
+7 |
+8 |
+9 |
+10 |
+11 |
+12 |
+13 |
+14 |
+15 |
etc. |
Extra SP |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
11 |
13 |
15 |
18 |
21 |
24 |
27 |
30 |
etc. |
Extra IP | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 35 | 45 | 55 | 65 | 75 | 90 | 105 | 120 | 135 | 150 | etc. |
Reducing SP below base cost gives a ratio to T of (SP used) / (SP required).
Reducing IP has the effect of preventing SP from being effective. Only an expended SP for which a whole 5IP are also expended counts towards the Casting. (Previously a ratio was applied.)
The Incantation for each Spell is in Old Speech, and is learnt with the Spell (even if the Dr has learnt no other Old Speech). The Incantation must be clearly declaimed (unless cast by thought or reflex). Silence Spells and like effects which prevent the Incantation being heard do not affect Casting, provided the Dr has clearly declaimed the Incantation before such effects are applied.
The base casting time of a Druidic Spell = ((Spell Level) + 1) seconds.
There are no Druidic Word Spells.
Extra casting time gives -n(n+1)/2 to the Spell for n extra sec.
Reduced casting time gives -n to the Spell for n less sec., down to 1 sec, and then a ratio of the fraction of 1 sec. taken. E.g. a L3 Spell has a base casting time of 4 sec, so to cast it in 1/4 sec gives -3 and a ratio of 1/4.
Casting in £ 1/4 sec is as a Thought Spell.
Casting in £ 1/10 sec is as a Reflex Spell.
Most Spell Specifications require certain actions. The Actions for Druidic Spells usually involve rapid arm movements, designed to give the Spirit a visual representation of which Spell is being Cast, and sometimes to give some detail of what is required or to facilitate the carrying out of the Spell.
When Casting in £ 1/2 sec, Actions may be dispensed with. They may also be dispensed with where inappropriate or practically example, but this category is very narrowly interpreted by Spirits, who like to see some Actions (an example is where the Dr is Shapechanged into a form physically incapable of the Actions, but even so snakes, for example, are expected to use their tongues).
Pure Action Spells, with no spoken Incantation, are not possible for Druidic Spells as they are for El'ist Spells, due to the imprecision of Druidic Actions.
Spells may be cast one-handed, at a ratio to T of 2/3.
Spells cast in < 1 sec require finger movements only for Actions.
If Actions are required but omitted, ratio T by (Actions used) / (Actions required).
Materials are most important in Druidic Spells. They fall into two categories, each of which may apply to any one Spell Cast:
Most Spell Specifications require certain Materials in order to give the Spirit something to work on, described as a "basis" for the Spell (e.g. a flame for Spells of the Ranian Cycle involving Fire). In some cases the materials are essential, and the Spell cannot therefore be Cast without them (e.g. Sticks to Snakes requires dead wood or at least one snake).
When Casting in £ 1/2 sec Materials as bases may be dispensed with, unless they are essential.
If Materials are required but omitted, ratio T by (Materials used) / (Materials required).
Materials as media are used to give bonuses on Spells, and may be dispensed with without penalty. See 9. above for the pluses given by Media.
Each second of outstanding IST gives -1 to the Spell.
The variable parameters of each Spell are listed in its Specification. If no variation of the parameter is specified, the Spell will have the standard parameter given, where the variable = 1. Except where specified otherwise, the minuses for varying parameters are applied to T. FRU on all variable parameters, e.g. if the Radius parameter is:
10r ft -r(r+1)/2
to cast the Spell with a 35 ft radius, r = 4, giving -10 to T.
Parameters are varied by inflexions to the Old Speech of the Incantation.
For each SP Use Break Point, the Dr takes -1 on all Druidic Spells.
E.g. if he falls below 1/8 of his SP total, he takes -3 on Spells.
For each Fatigue Break Point, the Dr takes -1 on all Druidic Spells.
See the Specification for the Spell for the Effect of T. Each Spell has a range of results for T which give one of:
There are no Blowback or Insanity effects or penalties for failed Druidic Spell Casts.
Druidic Counterspells are of the Druid Cycle.
Pure Counterspells are freely available at any level from 1 to 10, but not in Word format. They succeed on the usual Throws, giving a Subtraction Effect of:
(T - ((Usual Throw for success)-2)) / 2 , FRD.
A Variable Parameter of:
Protection Period: 1p sec; -p(p-1) / 2
can be learnt at a cost of +1 to Usual Throw for success.
The Natural worlds of the Overworld and Underworld are comprised of a number of Forests. Although a number of these are actual forests, the word in its Druidic sense means an entire ecosystem, and may therefore include an area with very few, or even no, trees. The Deserts, Seas, and even the Icelands are therefore Forests. Mountain ranges may be Forests in their own right and/or mark the boundaries between Forests.
The Major Forests of the Overworld are as follows:
There exist lesser Forests, which are either Sub-Forests of the above (e.g. the Forests of the Kingdom of the North form a subsidiary part of the North West Forest) or Minor Forests in their own right (e.g. the Secret Isle is a separate Forest). Mount Anar has no Forest.
The Major Forests of the Underworld are as follows:
There exist lesser Forests, which are either Sub-Forests of the above (e.g. individual Lands, Deserts, Mountain Ranges and Seas within the above areas) or Minor Forests in their own right (e.g. the Forest of RAVAR is a separate Forest). The Great Desert, the Icelands and the Sea of CASPIS form part of the corresponding Forests in the Overworld. Some lands or Deserts have virtually no Forest left (e.g. the Great Orcish Empire, the Desert of Despairing), and Hell has none.
The Druids are the Guardians of the Forests. Each Forest has its Druidic hierarchy, led by a High Druid or Archdruid. It is said there are also Great Druids of the Overworld and Underworld respectively. These hierarchies serve and protect their respective Forests. Their organisation varies from Forest to Forest.
Not all Druids belong to these hierarchies, just as not all Clerics belong to particular Temples. But most Druids have a connection to the Forest of their origin, where they grew up and/or completed their Initial Basic Training. Particular Forests often have their own non-standard Druidic Spells, which may be learnt by Druids connected to them.
Each Forest has a Sacred Heart, which is the centre of its life and growth, and is often marked by a Circle, of stones, trees or other markers appropriate to the Forest. Its hierarchy is based around, if not necessarily at, its Sacred Heart. The mysteries of the Sacred Hearts are known only to the initiates of their respective hierarchies.
Circs Mods are a measure of the state of Naturalness of a place. They are expressed as the modifier they give to the Instress formula (see 5.4.2 above), but are also applicable to certain Spell Specifications. The Circs Mod of an area may be increased by the Naturalise Place Spell.
Typical Circs Mods are as follows:
The highest Circs Mod recorded is 5, at the Sacred Grove of the North West Forest on its regeneration at the beginning of Spring and banishment of the Dark Forest on 3 Kemel 2501.
In areas of high Circs Mods the unwary (and non Drs in particular) risk falling victim to the Trance of the Trees.
* Restricted Information: relevant Cultists and High Druids only *
Some Forests have their own unique Druidic Cults, which are adapted to their particular nature. Cults have their own custom versions of the Druidic System and their own standard Spell Lists.
If a Forest has a Cult or Cults, not every Druid in that Forest will be a Cultist. Some Cults are elite organisations (e.g. the Galadhwaith / Aldalië). Others are so adapted to their particular Forest that all Druids of the Forest are necessarily Cultists (e.g. the Readers of the Pattern, the Dolphin Riders).
The most well-known Cults are:
These are Tree Cults, who specialise in using the magic of the trees. The most prominent are the elite Elvish Tree Cults of Taur Galen: the Aldalië of the Calaquendi and the Galadhwaith of the Sindar. Other known Tree Cults are the Servants of the Trees in the North West Forest (who were practically wiped out, or worse, in the Year 2502 by the abomination that was the Dark Forest, and have effectively been replaced by the Elvish Tree People), and a number of small, fragmented voodoo Cults amongst the Mabula of the Jungle who are known to practise forms of Tree Magic.
These are Animal Cults, who specialise in using the magic of animals. The most prominent in the Overworld are the elite Beastmasters of the Jungle. Some shamen have established animal magic specialities, though they are not organised into formal Cults. There are also rumoured to be specialist Druidic Animal Cultists amongst the Snake, Scorpion and Rat Cults of the South and the Wolf Cults of Kyr and elsewhere.
The Seekers of the Lost were a enigmatic, spiritual and most elitist Cult sought enlightenment in some of the deepest mysteries of the North West Forest; the Trance of the Trees, the Will o' Wisps and THE WALKER IN THE FOREST. It is said they specialised in mist and mind magic. They were revered for their ability to recover those lost to the Trance. They are believed to have all gone completely insane in 2502 during the time of the Dark Forest, when they became 'Anti-Druids', and the Cult was wiped out. It was subsequently slowly rebuilt with the help of the Aldalië of the Calaquendi.
The Sandwalkers are Druids of the Deserts, who instress and are said to gain their media from the shifting sands. They include Animal Cultists.
The Readers of the Pattern are Druids of the Icelands, who instress and may gain their media from the patterns of ice crystals. They are one of the more mystical Cults. They include shamen with Animal Cultist abilities.
The Dolphin Riders are the Druids of the Camari, who specialise in using the magic of fish. They all have Faith in LLYWELLA and are the priesthood who support Her bid for Clerical status, pending which She grants their Spells using a custom Druidic system (which is rumoured to include a Druidic credit system).
These are Druids of the Khazâd-Valga, who instress and gain their media from organisms. In the tongue of the Dwarves they are known as the Keragund. They use the magic of Oreads, and are said to be able to operate underground.
Most Druids do not believe such things as Anti-Druids exist. The first to come to the notice of Overworld Druids were those Druids of the North West Forest who were driven Insane by the coming of the Dark Forest, but certain Druidic Cults of the Underworld have practised the Dark Arts of Anti-Druidism for many years.
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© P.R. Wild, 1979, 1999
last amended 17 November 2012