* Restricted Information: Druids initiated into these Mysteries only

The Mysteries of the Circles

Do you feel the connection?

"Stones stand in circles in the head"
    from Akilia's vision of Sylva

  1. The Circles
  2. The Mysteries
  3. The Sites

1. The Circles

The Druids of old built or grew Circles to mark the Sacred Hearts of the Forests under their care.  Usually these were circles of twelve standing stones, sometimes with a central altar stone.  Sometimes (particularly amongst Tree Cults) they were circles of trees.  Sometimes (particularly amongst Beastmaster Cults) they were circles of totem poles.  Many of these Circles remain as the Sacred Sites of the local Druids, and are maintained and protected with care.  Others have fallen into disuse, and may be in a state of ruin.

Typically each stone/tree/totem (the word "stone" will be used in this document to denote any of these) in a Circle is designated to represent another Circle in the same Forest, and often marked with a symbol or rune to indicate this.  Thus each stone in the Circle of a Sub-Forest represents the Circles of the other Sub-Forests of that Forest, together with the Sacred Heart Circle of the Forest.  Each stone in the Sacred Heart Circle of the Forest represents the Circles of the Sub-Forests of that Forest, but also has an alternate representation of the other Major Forests of the Overworld or Underworld, as applicable.

2. The Mysteries

The above can be deduced by any Druid of an enquiring mind with access to the Circles.  The following Mysteries may be learnt from senior Druids or gathered from further experience of the Circles.  They are given in ascending order of secrecy, with indications of the Druid (or other) Level at which an initiate may be ready to receive them.  (However, this will always depend upon the judgement of the Druid Elders, and there is no right to this knowledge.  Attitude and respect for the Cult are at least, if not more, important.)

3. The Sites

The Circles of the Major Forests of the Overworld and Underworld respectively are as follows.  They are listed in the orders in which they are commonly Linked from Sacred Hearts (counting deasil in the Overworld and widdershins in the Underworld - from Dark Hearts count widdershins in the Overworld and deasil in the Underworld).


  1. The Icelands
  2. The North East Forest: Historical (* Restricted: sages and historians of the area only) / Proposed (* Restricted: Aldalië and their allies only)
  3. The Mountains of the Dwarves (Khazâd-Valga) and Eastern Mountain Range
  4. The Jungle
  5. The Caspian Mountains
  6. The Great Desert
  7. The Grasslands
  8. The Inner Sea (Great Ocean)
  9. The Outer Sea / Sea of CASPIS
  10. Taur Galen (Greenwood the Great)
  11. The Valdrean Plain
  12. The North West Forest


  1. The Icelands
  2. The Sea of CASPIS / Outer Sea
  3. The Mountain Ranges
  4. The Desert of Fire and Trikāf
  5. The Far Lands (Far Hills, Flerrig and Kargen)
  6. The Lazy Lands (Vale of Vclo, Harrig and the Desert of Torpor)
  7. The Blasted Lands and Great Orcish Empire
  8. The Great Desert
  9. The Sea of Mizzin and Lost Deserts: Moriquendi / Lindar versions
  10. Gurdor and Zarmator
  11. The North Western Deserts
  12. Hulmo & The Lesser Orcish Empire

The following are some of the Circles of the Sub-Forests and Minor Forests:

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