* Restricted Information: Elvish Druids initiated into the Mysteries only
The Major Forest of Taur-Galen (Greenwood the Great) has the greatest number of Sacred Sites in the World. It comprises the following Sub-Forests:
Hobbit County is a Minor Forest in its own right, but is most closely linked with Taur-Galen.
Each of the Sub-Forests has its own Sacred Heart, but the greatest are the mallorn-grove of Cor-Galen in Taur-Galen and the glade of Nen Sirithon (Waters' Meeting) in Minduinath, at the confluence of the Caladuin and Miriduin. The Heart Grove of Corinenda in Mírlinnyrn is also a Sacred Heart of Minduinath. Opinions differ as to which is the Sacred Heart of the whole Major Forest. The Sindar say it is Cor-Galen, the Calaquendi say it is Nen Sirithon; though the Calaquendi of Mírlinnyrn may assert the primacy of Corinenda over Nen Sirithon. The Archdruids of other Forests generally recognise Cor-Galen as the true Heart, and it is to there that they Link their Circles.
There are varying numbers of subsidiary Circles in each Sub-Forest. So, for example, there are a total of 13 subsidiary Circles in the Taur-Galen Sub-Forest: one for each of the associated trees of the Galadhwaith other than Mallorn (which is represented by the Sacred Heart Circle of Cor-Galen, plus numerous lesser and forgotten Circles. The Heart Tree Links to Cor-Dúiren (Oak Circle) and the other 12 Trees Link to the Circles of the other 12 Trees. Alternatively, the Heart Tree Links to Star Circle in the Lost Country and the other 12 Trees Link either to the Sacred Heart Circles of the other 11 Major Forests of the Overworld plus The Old Stones (Sacred Heart of Hobbit County). There are also Links to the other Sacred Hearts of the Sub-Forests of Taur-Galen and (for those who know how to find it) to Cor-nu-Fuin, the associated Dark Circle. The Links from Nen Sirithon are even more complex.
Every Midsummer’s Night Oberon and Titania (as the King and Queen of the Calaquendi are known) perform a Ritual with the Aldalië at the Heart Grove of Mírlinnyrn to maintain the Balance. At that time the Ways are Open between the Heart Grove and parts of the City and the Otherworlds, and it is believed that if the Ritual should fail, the Dark Forest would effectively manifest in Minduinath. This is considered to be the price they pay for the benefits that derive from the Light of the Mallorns.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of Sacred Sites of Taur-Galen and their associated Forests and Cults.
Tree |
Circle | Forest |
Month |
Colour |
Stone |
Attribute(s) |
Birch (Brethil) |
1. Cor-Brethiliath (Circle of the Birches) | Emyn Brethiliath |
Aval |
White |
Crystal |
Inception, Law |
Rowan (Luith) |
2. Cor-Luithien (Circle of the Rowans) | Taur-na-Luithien |
Destri |
Green |
Tourmaline |
Quickening, Growth, Illusion |
Ash (Nion) |
3. Cor-Nionnien (Circle of the Ashes) | Taur-na-Nionnien |
Kemel |
Turquoise |
Aquamarine |
Water |
Alder (Féarn) |
4. Cor-Féarniath (Circle of the Alders) | Taur-na-Féarniath |
Varech |
Purple |
Garnet |
Fire, Divine Will |
Willow (Tathar) |
5. Cor-Tethair (Circle of the Willows) | Taur-na-Tathren |
Sarm |
Silver |
Moonstone |
Enchantment, the Moon |
Hawthorn (Uath) |
6. Cor-Uathien (Circle of the Hawthorns | Taur-na-Uathien |
Jerem |
Indigo |
Lapis Lazuli |
Cleansing, Chaos |
Mallorn |
7. Cor-Galen (Golden Circle) Sacred Heart |
Taur-Galen |
Oscow |
Gold |
Gold |
Dominion, the Sun |
Oak (Dúir) |
8. Cor-Dúiren (Circle of the Oaks) | Taur-na-Dúiren |
Estender |
Yellow |
Diamond |
Endurance, Loyalty, Truth |
Holly (Ereg) |
9. Cor-Eregion (Circle of the Hollies) | Taur-na-Eregion |
Lastra |
Red |
Ruby |
Healing, the Body |
Hazel (Coll) |
10. Cor-Colliath (Circle of the Hazels) | Taur-na-Colliath |
Numist |
Orange |
Topaz |
Wisdom, the Mind |
Elder (Ruis) |
11. Cor-Ruisien (Circle of the Elders) | Taur-na-Ruisien |
Garrack |
Dark Green |
Olivine |
Fate, Prophecy |
Blackthorn (Straif) |
12. Cor-Straithien (Circle of the Blackthorns) | Taur-na-Straithien |
Tekrim |
Black |
Jet |
Earth |
Fir (Thôn) |
13. Cor-Thônniath (Circle of the Firs) | Taur-na-Thônniath |
Weven |
Grey |
Opal |
Air |
Yew (Idho) |
14. Cor-Idhothien (Circle of the Yews) | Taur-na-Idhothien |
Iarom |
Blue |
Sapphire |
Death, Reincarnation |
Tree |
Circle | Forest |
Beech (Neldor) | Corbîn-Neldoreth | Taur-na-Neldor |
Cherry (Aebin) | Corbîn-Aebinniath | Taur-na-Aebain |
Elm (Lalorn) | Corbîn-Lalornien | Taur-na-Lalornien |
Pine (Thaun) | Corbîn-Thaunniath | Taur-na-Thaunnniath |
Maple / Sycamore (Mablanthos) | Corbîn-Mablanthos | Taur-na-Mablanthien |
Animal | Cult(s) | Circle | Forest(s) |
Bat (Quildarë (Q) / Pillor (S) | Quildarië (Q) / Pillorgwaith (S) | Ba. Quildarirond (Q: Batcave) / Pillorgroth (S: Batcave) | in Emyn Thonion |
Bear (Morco (Q) / Graw (S)) | Morcolië (Q) / Grawaith (S) | Be. Morcorindë (Q), Corbîn-Medlin (S. Lesser Circle of the Honey-Eaters) | Tauremorcoron (Q), Taur-na-Medlin (S) |
Boar (Carcapolca (Q) / Hunc (S)) | Huncwaith (S) | Bo. Corbîn Telumglân (S: Lesser Circle of the Glade of White Truffles) - moves about Forest near border with Grasslands | Taur-na-Telum |
Owl (Hó (Q) | Hólië (Q), of the Lindolië (Bird Cults) | Ow. Hórindë | Taurekholon (Q: Forest of the Screechers) |
Rat (Nyarro (Q) / Nâr (S)) | Nairgwaith (S) | R. Cor-Nair (S) | in Elven Roads of Taur-na-Tathren |
Snake (Leuca (Q) / Lŷg (S)) | Leucalië (Q) / Emlyghwaith (S) | Sn. Cor-Emlyg (S) | in Edhelven (Elven Roads) |
Spider (Liantë (Q) / Ungol (S)) | Liantelië (Q) / Ungwaith (S) | Sp. Cor-Ungolath (S) | Taur Ungolath |
Wolf (Narmo (Q) / Draug (S) | Rácalië (Q) / Draugwaith (S) | W. Cor-Drogath (S) | Taur-na-Drogath |
Some Quenya Beastmaster Cults are based in or beneath the Temple Trees of the Heart Grove of Corinenda in Mírlinnyrn.
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