* Restricted Information: initiated Druids of the Lost Lands only
The following are the Stone Circles of the Lost Country, as known by the Tribe of the Lindar ("Singers"):
Star / Song of Spring Circle (Sindarin: Elacor / Corethuillinn)
Song of Summer Circle (Sindarin: Corlaerlinn)
Song of Autumn Circle (Sindarin: Coriavaslinn)
Song of Winter Circle (Sindarin: Corrhîwlinn)
Stone / Sand Circle (Sindarin: Erucor)
Sea Circle (Sindarin: Gaerocor)
Ash Circle (Sindarin: Lithicor)
B - Isle of Dreams?
NGW - Isle of the Lost?
Only the seven principal Circles are situate within or on the borders of the Lost Country itself. The runes marking the remaining five stones of each Circle are indicated above, with some possible interpretations.
The Sacred Heart Circle of the Sea of Mizzin and Lost Lands is the Lost Oasis.
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