* Restricted Information: Aldalië only

The Lore of the Aldalië


Table of Contents

  1. The Cult
  2. The Secrets
  3. The Purpose
  4. The Trees
  5. The Media
  6. The Languages

1. The Cult

The Aldalië (“Tree People” in Quenya) are a Druidic Cult amongst the Calaquendi (High Elves) who specialise in using the magic of the trees.

There are other such Cults known to the Aldalië: the Galadhwaith amongst the Sindar of Taur-Galen, the Servants of the Trees in the North West Forest (who were practically wiped out, or worse, by the abomination that was the Dark Forest), the small group of Druids based at the Hidden Grove of the North East Forest (who were also nearly wiped out by the Cold Ghosts), a number of small, fragmented Voodoo / Shamanic Cults amongst the Mabula of the Eastern Forest who are known to practise forms of Tree Magic, and the Moriquendi Druids of the Sequoia Grove in the Lost Country.  However the Aldalië are the most powerful and knowledgeable of them all.  They protect the Forests from mystical threats, whilst their Sindar counterparts of the Galadhwaith nurture and protect the physical forest of Taur-Galen.

2. The Secrets

What distinguishes the Tree Cults from normal Druids is their special relationship with NORRID, God of Trees, and their secret knowledge of the mysteries of the trees.  What distinguishes the Aldalië from other Tree Cults is their deeper knowledge and understanding of those mysteries.  This is the lore of the Aldalië.

2.1    The Tree Kingdoms

Key to such knowledge is the realisation that trees are much more than just a higher form of plants.  They have a complex awareness of their surroundings, which comes from being rooted to one spot throughout their long lives, and a high order of group consciousness, which comes from being part of a great forest.  Even isolated trees share this consciousness, with the wood from which they were seeded, with those which they have themselves seeded, and with others which they sense in their surroundings.  All that passes through their awareness is recorded and stored in the rings of their trunks.  The trees remember, and they remember much.

The shared consciousness of the trees is manifested as Alvarda, the Tree Kingdom; a spiritual plane which has been described as “the Dreamworld of the Trees”.  Here the great forests of the Overworld, and all the woods and lone trees of the Overworld and Underworld, are manifested in their spiritual forms.  Here is the secret domain of the Dryads, who pass to and from it at will.  Here the Aldalië may seek refuge, commune with the Dryads and the trees, and gain instress and power.  All magical transportation via trees is achieved via Alvarda.  Other Druids, unaware of this, pass through in an instant.  But the Aldalië may stop off, and gain immeasurably as a result.  Alvarda counts as a separate Plane for Spell Casting purposes (see "Casting Spells between the Planes" in the General Magic-Using System.  It may therefore be reached by using Tree Door or Transport via Trees, but not by using Pass Tree.  See via Trees may also be used to see into Alvarda from any tree (at 2/3 throw).

The understanding of the Aldalië goes beyond that of most Galadhwaith to realise that each species of tree has its own Kingdom, which together form Alvarda as a whole, and that at the heart of each such Tree Kingdom is a Sacred Grove, where on the first day of that Tree's associated Month (see the table of associations below) the Higher Powers and Ents of that Kingdom gather for a ceremony to celebrate and renew the power of the Tree and its Kingdom.  Much wisdom may be gained by the privileged few who attend such ceremonies.

The Aldalië also understand that each Tree Kingdom has its Dark Side, the Nightmares of the Trees, which form part of the Dark Forest.  As with Law and Chaos, Light and Dark must be kept in balance, and much of the secret and mystical work of the Aldalië is devoted to maintaining that balance.  Every Midsummer’s Night Oberon and Titania (as the King and Queen of the Calaquendi are known) perform a Ritual with the Aldalië at the Heart Grove of Mírlinnyrn to maintain the Balance.  At that time the Ways (mystical portals between the Otherworlds) are Open between the Heart Grove and parts of the City and the Otherworlds, and it is believed that if the Ritual should fail, the Dark Forest would effectively manifest in Minduinath.  This is considered to be the price they pay for the benefits that derive from the Light of the Mallorns.

2.2    The Sacred Sites

The Aldalië are masters of the Mysteries of the Circles.  Their understanding goes deeper than that of most Druid Elders.  They realise that the Circles provide the structure which binds the Forests of the Real and of Alvarda together and which is key to maintaining the Balance between the Light and Dark Sides.

They maintain a complex web of Light and Dark Circles and Links across Taur-Galen and the other Tree Forests whose Guardians no longer maintain the Circles (principally the North West Forest since the time of the manifestation there of the Dark Forest in 2502, but also since 2504 in the North East Forest, where they have been seeking to establish Circles that had never been properly established before, and in Valdrea).  At the centre of this web are their twin Sacred Heart Circles of Mallorns in Minduinath at Nen Sirithon (Waters' Meeting) , at the confluence of the Caladuin and Miriduin, and the Heart Grove of Corinenda in Mírlinnyrn.  Together with the Galadhwaith Sacred Heart Circle at Cor-Galen in Taur-Galen (which includes just the two mallorns) these three Sacred Hearts of the Major Forest of Taur-Galen give great strength to the mystical power of the Forest and backup for each other if necessary.

The preferred physical manifestation of a Sacred Circle for the Aldalië is a circular plantation of 12 trees, as these have inherent Links to Alvarda through their Dreams and enable them to connect straight to the power of the Sacred Grove of their Tree Kingdom.  To protect these vital Circles (and, more widely, the mallorns and trees in general and the Aldalië themselves) the Aldalië have an elite fighting force known as the Aldatirnor ("Guardians of the Mallorns"), whose Magical bows and arrows are carved from wood taken from Alvarda, enabling them to perform such feats as shooting through trees without harming them.

2.3    The Beings

The Lord of the Tree Kingdom is NORRID, God of Trees, to Whom the Aldalië commonly refer by the honorifics “Hîr” (“Lord”) or “Aran” (“King”).  All Druidic power in relation to trees derives ultimately from Him, though it is channeled through the Dryads as intermediaries.  He has granted to the Tree Cults a special Druidic Cycle of Magic, the Sered Cycle of the Tree People, which is concerned exclusively with Tree Magic, and includes Spells not available to other Druids.  However certain Spells commonly available to other Druids are not available to the Aldalië, or are available only at higher levels.  Instead of the usual Druidic Power to Shapechange to Others there is granted to Aldalië of the Sixth level of Druidism and above the Power to Enter the Tree Kingdom.  Such benefits are by special favour of NORRID.  He is accordingly revered amongst the Aldalië, though He is not worshipped as such in a Clerical fashion.  There are no temples of NORRID, for “every tree is His fane”.

An important conduit for relations between people and the trees are the Dryads, or Tree Spirits.  These are Druidic Nature Spirits who serve NORRID.  Typically, a Dryad is associated with a particular tree, which will be an important specimen in the local woodland.  The Aldalië enjoy close relations with the Dryads, who will often manifest to, and converse freely with, them in a way they would not do with ordinary people, or even with other Druids.

Also known to the Aldalië are a number of Higher Powers under NORRID, but above the Dryads.  HAGENTI, Demon of Trees is often Summoned by the Binders amongst the Aldalië.  There is a Demigod of each of the major forests too.  For Taur Galen this is TAURON.  For the North West Forest this is THE WALKER IN THE FOREST (Who escaped the coming of the Dark Forest, but only at the cost of some of His sanity and therefore needs to be treated with caution).  The Demigod of the Jungle has many names.  BA’NUL is one known to, and most commonly used by, the Aldalië.

Amongst the servants of NORRID there are beings of Monster class too.  Most of them take the forms of trees, but are quicker of thought and have mobility, animal senses and the power of speech, to various degrees.  Despite being Monsters, they count as the appropriate species of Trees for Spell Casting purposes, and are affected by Spells that affect Plants, Trees or Monsters.  Of these the highest developed are the Ents, and the lower forms are known as Huorns.  The Ents are commonly referred to by the people of the forest as “Tree Men” or “Shepherds of the Trees”, and are therefore sometimes confused with the Galadhwaith.  The Ents have a close association with the Galadhwaith, who are the only Tree People to have really won their trust; though the Aldalië also enjoy cordial relations with them.

3. The Purpose

The Aldalië exist to serve and protect the trees and to maintain the Balance between the Light and Dark Forests.  They have all sworn an oath to this effect upon initiation, by the wood of the oak.  Their power bases are at their twin Sacred Heart Circles of Nen Sirithon and Corinenda, but they operate from subsidiary Circles throughout Minduinath and the wider Forests.  Many of them are powerful Dreamers and some are Adepts at wandering the realms of Madness.

They ensure the forest is not wantonly felled or burned, and dispense instant justice to offenders.  The reward for taking the life of a tree without good cause is the forfeiture of one’s own life.  This is seen as a “reward” because it is commonly believed that the feller will be reincarnated as a tree to learn the error of his ways.  The Aldalië are too sophisticated to put much credence in such folklore, but they understand the wisdom of encouraging such beliefs to act as a deterrent.

But the true concern of the Aldalië goes far deeper than such matters.  The forest is part of a delicate natural balance of life and death, of Reality and Dreams, of Sanity and Madness, of Light and Dark.  The trees and all life within the forest are all interconnected, in the physical world and in their dreams.  Night follows day, months and seasons pass, leaves bud and fall, and the cycle continues.  It is the sacred duty of the Aldalië, and of their kindred across the forests of the world, to ensure that it is ever so.

4. The Trees

Certain common trees have special significance in the Magic-Using and Dreamweaving of the Aldalië, deriving in no small part from the power of their respective Tree Kingdoms.  Their table of associations is as follows (Elvish names are indicated by "S:" for Sindarin and "Q:" for Quenya):

Broadleaved Trees

Palms & Conifers





Birch (S: Brethil)

Joint Pine




Inception, Law

Rowan (S: Luith)





Quickening, Growth, Illusion

Ash (S: Nion)

Larch / Tamarack





Alder (S:Féarn)






Fire, Divine Will

Willow (S: Tathar) (Q: Tasar)





Enchantment, the Moon

Hawthorn (S: Uath)




Lapis Lazuli

Cleansing, Chaos

Mallorn (S: Mallorn) (Q: Malinornë)





Dominion, the Sun

Oak (S: Dúir) (Q: Norno)

Pine (S: Thôn) (Q: Aicassë)




Endurance, Loyalty, Truth

Holly (S: Ereg) (Q: Ercassë)

Cypress (Tree of Life)




Healing, the Body

Hazel (S: Coll)

Aruacaria / Monkey Puzzle




Wisdom, the Mind

Elder (S: Ruis)



Dark Green


Fate, Prophecy

Blackthorn (S; Straif)

Douglas Fir





Aspen / Poplar (Q: Tyulussë)







Yew (S: Idho)




Death, Reincarnation

The trees specified above are species or genuses (not families) of plants.  E.g “Oak” includes all Oaks of the genus Quercus of the Beech family Fagaceae, including the sessile oak (Quercus petraea), the pendunculate or English oak (Quercus robur), the holm oak (Quercus ilex), the kermes oak (Quercus coccifera), the cork oak (Quercus suber), the scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea) and the pin oak (Quercus palustris), but not the tan oak, which is classified in the genus Lithocarpus, or any other members of the Beech family Fagaceae.

Generally, the broadleaved trees are more powerful in the Light Side whilst the conifers are more powerful in the Dark Side.  Because the Aldalië generally favour the Light (whilst understanding the importance of maintaining a balance) and because Taur-Galen is a predominantly broadleaved forest, the Aldalië favour the broadleaved trees in their Magic-Using.  But (as they have demonstrated in the North West and North East Forests) they are also adept at using the Magic of conifers.

5. The Media

The Aldalië may use the above trees, or their associations, as Druidic Media for Spells associated with their respective attributes as follows:

5.1    The tree specified for the Spell in the Druidic Spell List of the Aldalië has full effect.  A sprig must be harvested from a live specimen of the tree.

5.2    Either the broadleaved tree or conifer specified in the Spell List may be used as the Medium.  It is preferable to use the Medium that is more prevalent in the local Forest.

5.3    Where “[species used]” is specified in the Spell List as being the Medium, a sprig of the species being used in the Spell is the appropriate Medium, even if it is not a species listed in the above table of associations.  However, the sprig must have been harvested at least 1 full Caeriad previously.  The actual trees being used in the Spell cannot be used as media, unless a sprig has been harvested from them at least 1 full Caeriad previously.  This rule applies in any case where a tree of the species specified for the Spell is used as the subject of the Spell.

5.4    The usual media (privet / holly / ivy / mistletoe) have half effect (FRD) for Spells within their respective Cycles, except:

    5.4.1    Where holly is the tree specified for the Spell, it still has full effect;

    5.4.2    Privet, holly and ivy have no effect on Spells of the Sered Cycle of the Aldalië, unless holly is specified for the Spell;

    5.4.3    Mistletoe has one quarter effect (FRD) for all Spells, except within the Druid Cycle, when it has half effect as above.

5.5    Mallorn or sequoia have half effect for all Spells (FRD), except for those for which it is specified (for which it has full effect).  As mallorn is precious, it is considered appropriate that it normally only be used for storing pluses in gold (as per 5.7 below).

5.6     The harvesting bonuses specified in paragraph 9.2 of the Druidic System apply as normal,  except that the Caeriad for harvesting for maximum bonuses from a tree in the above table is the first day of its associated month.  Holly may be harvested for maximum bonuses on 1 Lastra in respect of Spells for which it is the tree specified or on 26/25 Iarom for half effect in respect of Spells in the Yribt Cycle.  It is not necessary to specify which when harvesting, but it may give different bonuses, depending on how it is used as a Medium.

5.7     An item of the associated colour gives +2 on Spells for which its tree is specified.  A gold item gives +1, or +2 on Spells for which mallorn or sequoia is specified.  This is not cumulative with any other media plus.

5.8    Instead of harvesting a sprig to be used as a medium from a live tree, the Druid may touch the associated stone to the tree, incanting in Old Speech to the effect that he foregoes taking the sprig, and expending SP equal to the plus on Spells the sprig would have given (depending on the means the Druid had available to harvest it, and which he demonstrates and refers to in the incantation: e.g “I forego cutting a sprig from you, O Bright Birch, with this golden sickle, into this golden bowl, on this First day of Aval!).  The plus is then stored in the stone, to be expended later.  No more sprigs may be foregone during any Caeriad than could properly have been harvested from the tree without harming it.  The total pluses that may be stored in a stone (aggregating their values) equal its weight (in weight points) times its value (in gold pieces).  Gold is always worth its own weight (one gold piece weighing one weight point).  Pluses must be expended in amounts equal to the pluses that would have been given by the sprigs that were used to store them.  Each stored plus decreases in value by one on each new moon.  Stored pluses also decay as per paragraph 9.3 of the Druidic System.  However a new plus may be stored in a stone in excess of its capacity, and the oldest stored pluses, sufficient to allow the new one to be stored, are automatically erased.  Already harvested sprigs may be stored in stones for half effect (FRD), but at full SP cost.  Where a stone is used in a case where a sprig must have been harvested at least 1 Caeriad previously (see 5.2 above), its harvesting must have been foregone at least 1 Caeriad previously, or a sprig harvested at least 1 Caeriad previously and stored in the stone may be used.  Pluses expended from stones are not cumulative with any other media plus.  Note that the associated stone is always considered to be of the associated colour, and can therefore be used for colour pluses if empty or if the Druid does not wish to expend a stored plus.  It does not make the stone more effective to carve it into a particular shape, even that of its associated tree.  A golden mallorn is its weight in gold, not a mallorn.  However it is often considered appropriate for aesthetic and mystical reasons to store the power from mallorn sprigs in gold carvings of mallorns or sprigs. 

5.9    The Aldalië receive +1 on all Spells for which a particular tree is specified in that tree’s associated month, or +2 on the first day of that month.  Conversely they receive -1 on all such Spells during the tree’s opposite month (i.e the one 7 months away: the opposite to Aval being Estender, etc.), and -2  on the first day of the opposite month.  Although this is a kind of media plus, it is cumulative with other media pluses, and applies irrespective of whether any media are actually used.

5.10     If the opposite medium were used for a Spell (e.g. that associated with a month seven months away from that which is specified for the Spell, irrespective of the month in which cast) it would have a negative effect equal to its normal plus.  The Druids of the Aldalië are of course too wise to ever do such a thing, but it has on occasion been done by over-hasty Galadhwaith.

6. The Languages

A glossary of Elvish words (names of trees are given in brackets in the table of associations)

Aldalië (“Tree People”), Quenya for Druidic Cult of NORRID amongst the Calaquendi; guardians of the mallorn

ALDARON (“Lord of the Trees”), a Quenya title of NORRID, sometimes also used of TAURON

Aldatirnor, Guardians of the Mallorns

Alvarda, Quenya for the Tree Kingdom

Aran (“King”), an honorific of NORRID in Sindarin and in Quenya

Ard-Galadh (lit. “Realm of the Trees”), Sindarin for the Tree Kingdom

Cor Galen (“Green Heart”), Sindarin for the Sacred Grove of Taur Galen

Cor-nu-Fuin ("Circle under Darkness"), the alternate Dark Circle for Cor Galen

Falmar, Quenya for Nereid

Forthonion (“Pinewood of the North”), Sindarin for the North West Forest

Galadhwaith (“Tree People”), Sindarin Druidic Cult of NORRID

Hîr (“Lord”), an honorific of NORRID in Sindarin

Mallorn (plural Mellyrn), Sindarin (and Valdrean) name for the golden trees of Minduinath, sacred to the Calaquendi (Malinornë (plural Malinorni) in Quenya)

Minduinath (“The Land Between the Rivers”), Quenya for the heartland of the Calaquendi, where grows the mallorn

Nandin, Quenya for Dryad

Nolwë, Quenya for secret lore

Olorvairë, Quenya for Dreamweaver

Taur Galen (“Greenwood”), usually known by this, its Sindarin name; else as Greenwood the Great

TAURON (“The Forester”), Sindarin for the Demigod of Taur Galen

Tavor, Sindarin for Dryad

Taur Rhúnen (“Eastern Forest”), Sindarin for the Jungle

Go to Spell List of the Aldalië

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© P.R. Wild, 5 May 2011, last updated 13 October 2013