Monster Specification


also known as Tree-Men or Shepherds of NORRID


Typical Monster Level ("ML"): 5 to 15 (a very few ancient ones with high original Dx(Ph) may have ML up to c18)

Typical Number Encountered: 1 to 3 (roll d6: 1-3 = 1, 4-5 = 2, 6 = 3 + there is a 30% chance they will be accompanied by a Walking Wood of (no. of Ents) * (total ML of all Ents) * d6 Huorns

Usual Alignment(s): N/N

Description: like a sturdy tree, walking on its roots, with a face in the trunk.  Each Ent will resemble a particular species of tree native to its Forest, and has a personality that reflects characteristics of that tree.

Habitat: Green Areas, in wooded areas only

Language: Entish, Old Speech (F), some may speak local elven / human tongues

Chars: St 3d6+ML, Dx(Ph) 3d6-ML (min 0), Hd Amb, Co 3d6+ML, Sz 3d6+ML
Sg 20-ML, Hr 20-ML, Tc 5+ML, Sm 5+ML, Ts 5+ML
In 3d6, Dx 3d6-ML (min 0), Wp 3d6+(ML/2), Ft ML in NORRID, Nt 3ML
At (Co+Wp)/2

Dx(Ph) & Dx(M) have 2d6 in common.

Inscape = ML

Movement: Walk at up to Dx(Ph) ft/sec.  When Dx = 0, become rooted to the spot.

Fighter Abilities:

ML/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5ML) %    RD = 5 + (5ML) %    5 + (5ML) HP

Attack Modes:

Branch @ A = 150-5ML %, P = 150-5ML %, DAM = d8 @ ML5-6, d10 @ ML7-9, d12 @ ML10-13, d20 @ ML14-15

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area

where H = 5(Sz+10)


45% of H

Trunk 40% of H


15% of H


HitLoc Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


ML-2 ML-2 ML-3 ML-3 ML-4 ML-4 ML-3 ML-3 ML-2 ML-2
Trunk ML ML ML-1 ML-1 ML-3 ML-3 ML-1 ML-1 ML ML


ML-1 ML-1 ML-1 ML-2 ML-2 ML-2 ML-2 ML-1 ML-1 ML-1

Effects of Specific Damage:

Hit Loc Area %age HP Damage taken Effects


per 30% -1 AMR
Trunk 100% Death


per 20% Dx(Ph)-1

Do not Bleed.

Thievish Abilities:

M on Th Activities:

Defensive ThL = 0

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Ents are servants of NORRID, God of Trees, charged with shepherding and guarding the trees.  They are friendly with the Tree Cultist Druids of their Forest.  Normally gentle, they can be fierce and implacable when roused by outrages committed against the Forest.
  2. Saving Level = 2ML
  3. Function as Tree Cultist Druids of DrL = ML, SP = 20 + ChMod(At) + 5ML
  4. Have Pass Through Overgrowth as an innate ability.
  5. Shapechange to Tree at will
  6. Control up to 6ML Huorns as a Walking Wood using light concentration.  Ents can use light concentration to make Huorns do things like fighting that would require a Druid using Walking Wood to use heavy concentration.
  7. Fire Vulnerable
  8. Brew Ent Draughts (Potions of Extra-Healing, giving an extra St+5 and ADS+2 for Potion Duration, and with a 2 * (no. of HP rolled to Heal)% chance of permanent Sz+1).
  9. Ents have a lifespan of c1000 years.  They do not earn Experience, but gain 1ML per 66.66 years, taking 333.33 years to reach maturity of ML5.  Immature Ents are indistinguishable from Huorns.  On reaching Dx(Ph) 0 (when ML = original Dx(Ph) on 3d6), they put down roots and turn gradually into trees.  As Dx(M) reduces they become ever slower and more deliberate.  On reaching Dx(M) 0, their thoughts become one with the Forest and they become incapable of reaching independent decisions.

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