* Restricted Information: initiated Druids of Kyr only

The Stone Circles of Kyr

Stone Circles of Kyr

The following are the Stone Circles of the Island of Kyr, as used and guarded by the island's Druids:

  1. North East - also known as "Wolf Circle": Sacred Circle of the Wolf Cult of Kyr

  2. North West - used as a scouting camp by the Druids in the war against Glersh's subversion of the Wolf Cult, Spring 2503

  3. Western - sometimes known as "Bear Circle": a refuge and sanctuary protected by Bear Cultists

  4. Southern - in poor condition, reflecting the encroachment of agriculture and felling in its area

  5. Central - subverted by Radino and the Starweb, Lastra 2504

  6. Far Skerry - also known as "Sea Circle": a reef of jagged rocks protruding from the sea at low tide.  Also a Sacred Circle of the Inner Sea.

The Sacred Heart Circle of the Minor Forest of Kyr is on the Hidden Crannog of Lake Kuor.  Here and on the nearby lakeshore is the hamlet of Kuorz, where the main Cult of the Druids of Kyr are based.

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