On the shore of the Shining Sea, where the mighty River Lethe debouches from the Great Plain of Zenda, lies mighty Khalkan-Jho, the City That Never Wakes, capital of the Dreamlands of Anarea. This jewel amongst cities is both splendid beyond compare and keeper of the most dark and dangerous secrets. In this it simply reflects and focuses the Dreamworlds in which it sleeps.
Amidst the burnished cupolas and dreaming spires lies a great concourse. This marbled square is the central Plaza of Khalkan-Jho. Here beats the very heart of the city. Most visitors end up in the Plaza, to haggle with its vendors, to sip exotically spiced beverages or heady wines in its cafes, to seek the latest news from a rumourmonger, or to visit the High Temples of the Gods of Dreams.
These most splendid of edifices rise up in prayer to KASHAT, God of Nightmare, MELLIA, Goddess of Fancy, HALCYON, Goddess of Daydream, SURGAT, God of Prophecy, and ORORO, God(dess) of Imagination. In the Waking World, these Beings are known as the Dream Demons, but here They rule as Gods. Inspiring as all of the Temples undoubtedly are, it is the Temple of ORORO that always catches the Dreamer's eye. For each time it is visited it appears in a new form. Today is no different.
But its novel, and no doubt bizarre, appearance must be left to your own imagination. For we must press on, into the Temple itself, in search of the fabulous Hall of Mirrors...
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