* Restricted Information: Mist Warriors only

The Mist Warriors

Grasslander braves on horseback

"Out of the Mists a Pilgrim came..."
(opening words of the Saga of Akilia)
  1. The Cult
  2. Paladins
  3. Thievish Abilities
  4. The Sacred Sites
  5. Druidic Media
  6. Elementalism
  7. Shamanism

1.    The Cult

The Cult of the Mist Warriors originated around the Year 800 as a Paladinic Cult of Warrior Priests of ORIL amongst the Grasslanders.  They always had a strong Druidic element, and as they assumed the role of Protectors of the Grasslands they also became the Guardians of the Druidic Sacred Sites.

The Mist Warriors were organised into Bands, who rode all across the plains, of no tribes and of all tribes.  Each Band was selected to have a mix of adventurer abilities, and each member named (in Indi) after a different animal or bird of the Grasslands.  Their main base and Temple was at the Druidic Sacred Heart, on an artificial island (crannog) in the Misty Lake, reached by a secret winding causeway just beneath the water, which all Mist Warrior horses were trained to follow even in dense mist and at speed.

The Creed of the Mist Warriors, both as followers of ORIL and as Druids, placed great emphasis on being in tune with the world, and respectful of the land from which sustenance derives.  Like all Grasslanders, they were respectful of the creatures they hunted.  They were in tune with the land and drew strength from the Mists that are such an important factor in the Grasslands climate, lending them an air of secrecy and mystery, and being an important element in their Magic-Using.

When ORIL died on 7 VI 2501, resulting in a failed harvest and stillbirths of animals, the Mist Warriors were thrown into confusion and despair, and many Bands broke up.  They turned to a variety of Clerical and False Gods, some bands even turning to Evil.  The new Good / Chaotic Gods, OPSOR and TIPRE, with Their messages of Hope and Luck did not so readily appeal to the Mist Warriors many of whom had the strong fatalistic streak in their temperament typical of Grasslanders.  The Cult dissipated, with many of its former members leaving the Grasslands, in search of new truths elsewhere.  Only a few Druidic Guardians of the Sacred Sites and a handful of Bands who had chosen to put their Faith in OPSOR and TIPRE carried on.

But gradually the prodigals returned and new members were recruited.  By the Autumn Gathering of the Year 2504 the Mist Warrior Bands were reforming.  But they were now of several Faiths, and the Mist Warriors were no longer a Paladinic Cult, of ORIL or any other God.  They had also absorbed a number of outside influences discovered during their wanderings.  What they now had in common was their Druidic role.  The Mist Warriors, who had always had some unique Druidic Spells, Powers and Media, were now becoming a fully-fledged Druidic Cult, with elements of Beastmaster lore together with their traditional emphasis on Mist Magic.

2.    Paladins

From c800 to 7 VI 2501 Mist Warriors who were both Fighters and Clerics of ORIL could obtain in Commune with ORIL the following Paladinic Powers.  These were the standard Powers Delegated by ORIL to Her Warrior Priests, and were not limited to the Mist Warriors.

  1. Immunity to Disease up to Disease Level = PlL
  2. Saving Level + (SP allocated) up to a maximum of PlL SP
  3. Spell Turning @ (1-100%) - works involuntarily but is an aura effect, so can be circumvented by touch

SP are allocated (and de-allocated) at will by 1 sec's heavy concentration with indefinite duration.  The allocated SP count towards SP available (e.g. for calculating when one goes below 1/2 SP), but do not count as used (e.g. for the same purpose) as they are not expended.  They are not available for use in Spells.  If the number of SP used in Magic-Using reduces total SP available to less than the number of SP allocated, the number allocated is reduced accordingly.  See the FAQ re Paladins for explanations of the Powers.

Warrior Priests were expected to earn at least 5 ORIL credit per Caeriad, and maintain a healthy positive credit balance.  If they failed to act as shining examples of followers of the Creed of ORIL they were heavily punished by peer pressure and made to undergo penances.

All the above Powers were lost upon the death of ORIL.  Neither OPSOR nor TIPRE has yet granted Paladinic Powers.

3.    Thievish Abilities

Mist Warrior Thieves count as Scouts and have certain special Thievish Activities, as listed in the Restricted section of the Thievish Activity List.

4.    The Sacred Sites

Sacred Sites of the Grasslands

The Sacred Sites of the Mist Warrior Druids of the Grasslands and their associated Totems are as follows:

    Sacred Heart = Misty Circle (Horse or Owl)

  1. Northern Plains Circle (Cougar)
  2. Eastern Plains Circle (Coyote)
  3. Southern Plains Circle (Bear)
  4. Western Plains Circle (Raven)
  5. Lonely Mountains Circle / Eyrie (Eagle)
  6. Coastal Plains Circle (Buffalo)
  7. Green Hills Circle (Deer)
  8. Dry Circle (Scorpion)
  9. Southern Moorlands Circle (Snake)
  10. Blasted Circle (Lizard)
  11. Haraduin Vale Circle (Rat)
  12. Source of the Caladuin Circle (Heron or Fish)

Each Site is marked by a Circle of Totem Poles, representing the associated Totem animals.  Sites 1 to 6 represent the Inner Circle, of the principal Sites of the Forest of the Grasslands, whilst Sites 7 to 12 represent the Outer Circle, of the lesser Sites.  Typically the Totems are arranged with the Heart Totem in the centre (being that of the present Site) and an Inner Circle of Totems for Sites 1 to 6.  The Outer Circle is either laid out in a further ring around the Inner Circle, or is not present (being represented instead by an alternative set of connections from the Inner Circle).  Alternatively all 12 Totems may appear in a single ring around the Heart Totem.  The Mist Warrior Druids are concerned mostly with the Inner Circle and rarely visit or maintain the Outer Circle Sites.

The Sacred Heart and Inner Circle Sites were Consecrated to ORIL until Her death on 7 VI 2501, and functioned as open air Temples of the Mist Warriors as well as Druidic Circles.  Some have subsequently been re-Consecrated to other Gods.

5.    Druidic Media

As there are few trees in the Grasslands, Mist Warrior Druids operating within the Forest of the Grasslands may use the following steppe plants as alternative Druidic Media:

The Mist Warrior Druids have a special Cycle of Mist Spells, all within the Ranian Cycle.  Astragalus lentiginosus (Loco Weed) is the particular species of Vetch favoured for these Spells - especially ones such as Mists of Confusion, Mists of Oblivion and Mists of Death.  Some say the Nature Spirits give them additional pluses for using it (or if they are of a more pessimistic bent, that the Spirits would give them minuses for not using it).

On reaching DrL 7, Mist Warrior Druids are Delegated the additional Magical Power of Shapechanging to Gaseous Form.

6. Elementalism

Mist Warrior Elementalists favour Air Spells - especially Mist Spells.  They are typically able to negotiate for Mist and Fog Spells at one Spell Level lower than other Elementalists, and to obtain such Spells more readily than others.

7. Shamanism

The Mist Warriors believed that ORIL sought to communicate with and guide them via the Dream Forms of Animals.  Since ORIL's death, it appears that other Powers have sought to influence the Mist Wariiors by similar methods.  Principally this has been OPSOR and TIPRE, but it is rumoured that certain Darker Powers have also employed such methods.

Each Mist Warrior Band (like most Grasslander tribes) included a Shaman, an accomplished Dreamer who communicated in Dreams with the Totem Animals that were the messengers of ORIL.  Now that there are a number of potentially conflicting messages from the Totem Animals, the task of Shaman has become significantly harder, as he attempts to guide his Band by following the wisdom of the correct Totem Animal sent by their Sponsor, whilst avoiding the messages of opposing Powers.

But even before the death of ORIL the more perspicacious Shamen realised that they needed to be cautious of messages received in Dreams.  For many years TERRIK (in particular) had been sending His Troublemakers into the Grasslands, seeking to turn the more susceptible Mist Warriors to the Darker Side.  Only when they fell into Despair upon the death of ORIL did He achieve any significant success with this strategy, but the danger had been there for some 1500 years beforehand.  Many Shamen were of a superstitious bent, and especially cautious of manifestations of the Darker Creatures (Raven, Scorpion, Snake and Rat) or that old Trickster, the Coyote.

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