* Restricted Information: Grasslanders only
The Grasslands is a vast area of steppe lying between the Forest of Taur-Galen to the North and the Southern Desert to the South East. It is a land of mists but low rainfall, almost entirely covered with grass, which grows up to 4½ feet high in places. There are few trees, except at the fringes and along the riverbanks. The only significant river is the Lightwater, with its two tributaries, the Silverlight and Goldwater. There are several creeks, which often run dry in Summer, and various lakes and waterholes dotted across the steppe.
The Grasslander people are nomadic hunters and herders of cattle and horses, living in tented camps. Where they plant and harvest, they do so in proportion to the needs of the land, moving on before the soil is exhausted. Their culture is tribal and shamanic. Although the Southern Free City of Tehmor lies on the coast of the Grasslands, the city dwellers have a completely separate language, culture and government. The town of Lightwater Crossing is the largest true Grasslander permanent settlement; being a trading post and caravan stop where the South Road crosses the River Lightwater by chain ferry. There are also a few small coastal fishing villages. The Gathering Place, at the confluence where the Silverlight and Goldwater become the Lightwater, is a temporary campsite where the Grasslander tribes come together for their annual Gathering at Mid-Autumn Night (12 Garrack). This is a sacred time, and for 24 hours from noon to noon no man may harm another, and all must come and go in peace. Many take this opportunity to put ancient feuds to one side, trade some horses and cattle and arrange marriages.
The Grasslanders are respectful of the land and of its creatures. They are of all Faiths, usually depending on their tribe. Their Churches are sacred sites of consecrated ground at favoured campsites scattered across the Grasslands, usually marked with a single totem pole. Traditionally ORIL had a strong following amongst the Grasslanders, who related strongly to Her promise of Fertility and the Harvest. Her Cult of the Mist Warriors were the Protectors of the Grasslands, of no tribes and of all tribes. Their base was on an island in the Misty Lake but Mist Warrior bands rode all across the plains. When ORIL died on 7 VI 2501, the Mist Warriors were thrown into confusion and despair, and many bands broke up. The new Good / Chaotic Gods, OPSOR and TIPRE, had difficulty establishing the same sort of following amongst the Grasslanders as ORIL had commanded, as Their messages of Hope and Luck were not so readily espoused by a people many of whom have a strong fatalistic streak in their temperament. By the Year 2504 the Mist Warrior bands were reforming, but as more of a Druidic Cult, worshipping a number of different Gods.
Cultism is prevalent amongst the Grasslander Tribes, each following its chosen Totem Animal.
The language of the Grasslanders is Indi. The people of Tehmor speak Southern.
The principal export of the region is horses. Grasslanders know their horseflesh, and are expert breeders of light and medium horses - though they are said to keep the best ones for themselves. They are skilled with Bows (especially Horse Bows, which they fire from horseback), Whips, Bolas & Lassoos.
The principal Grasslander Tribes are as follows:
The Way of the Horse teaches speed, stamina and kicking out fiercely at one's foes. Horse Tribes dwell mostly in the Central Plains around the Misty Lake and the Gathering Place but are great travellers, preferring to camp on the open plains. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of HIPPOLYA and Rangers (mounted Fighter/Thieves skilled with the Horse Bow) amongst their numbers. They sell breeding stock to the stud farms of Tehmor, but keep the best horses for themselves (though the very best White Horses choose whether to let themselves be ridden and are not owned by anyone but themselves).
The Way of the Cougar teaches stealth, power and explosive attack. Cougar Tribes dwell mostly in the Northern Plains, especially along Cougar Creek, and are great hunters, preferring to camp in warm, rocky spots. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamenesses of SIMBA and Cat Warriors (Fighter/Thieves) amongst their numbers. A few of them are Red Cougars (ChaosMasters - the colour varies, but "Red" is most commonly used to refer to them).
The Way of the Coyote teaches teamwork, loyalty and also playfulness. Coyote Tribes dwell mostly in the Eastern Plains to the South West of Tehmor and are great tricksters, preferring to camp in hidden places where ambushes can be laid. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of JAKK (COYOTE) and Dog Warriors (Fighter/Thieves who track and fight with Coyotes) amongst their numbers. Some tribes are infected with Werecoyote (Werewolf) Lycanthropy.
The Way of the Bear teaches strength, stamina and fierce defence of one's own . Bear Tribes dwell mostly in the Southern Plains and in the foothills of the Misty and Thunder Mountains and are generally peaceful but are formidable warriors if roused. They prefer to camp in secluded, defensible positions, by rivers or in caves, and often keep bees (a few tribes keeping Giant Bees), some of their honey being sold in Tehmor (where it commands the highest prices) through the agency of the Merchants' Guild of Tehmor. The Bear Tribes include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of URSO and Bear Warriors (Berserking Fighters) amongst their numbers. Some tribes are infected with Werebear Lycanthropy. A Bear Totem is generally a warning to keep away from the area.
The Way of the Raven teaches strength of mind, openness to new ideas and looking through the Third Eye. Raven Tribes dwell mostly in the Western Plains, around Raven Creek and up into the Misty Mountains, and are great mystics, preferring to camp near sacred sites where the boundaries to the Otherworlds are thin. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of CORVUS, Soarers (Gravity Elementalists) and Cacklers (Madmen Seers) amongst their numbers. Some of their Totems can be particularly disturbing.
The Way of the Eagle teaches observation, mysticism and the sudden descent upon one's prey. Eagle Tribes dwell mostly in and around the Lonely Mountains and are great seers, preferring to camp by trees or rocky prominences. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of SORONTAR, Soarers (Gravity Elementalists) and Dreamweavers (Dreamer Seers) amongst their numbers. Their headdresses have the finest feathers and their Totems are majestic, but always seem to be watching you (and some say the Eagle Seers use them to spy upon you). They are friendly with the Gnollish Druids of Hublor Circle and keep watch over the hidden Valley of the Gnolls in the South of the Lonely Mountains.
The Way of the Buffalo teaches calmness, wariness and strength in numbers. Buffalo Tribes dwell in large groups mostly in the Coastal Plains around the Bay of Mafast but are great wanderers, preferring to camp on the open plains, where the Buffalo provide everything they need for food, clothing, shelter and tools. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Maidens of THE GREAT WHITE BUFFALO and Strongcasters (Enchanters) amongst their numbers. They have some master carvers of Totems, but are not above producing cheap copies for sale to outsiders.
The Way of the Deer teaches caution, alertness and speed. Deer Tribes dwell mostly in the Green Hills and along the fringes of Taur Galen and are great runners, preferring to camp in hidden spots with a good escape route. Their headdresses are typically made from antlers, rather than the usual Grasslander feathers. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of CERVIDA (who seek The White Stag) and Scouts (fast-moving Thievish trackers and readers of secret signs left by others) amongst their numbers. They are good friends with the Elves, who have taught them skills in bow making.
The Way of the Scorpion teaches resilience, quick reactions and surprising one’s foes. Scorpion Tribes dwell mostly in the Dry Waste to the South East of Tehmor and are great survivors, preferring to camp in barren, sandier areas. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of SKARZ and Scorpion Warriors (Fighter/Assassins mounted on Giant Scorpions) amongst their numbers. They are craft producers of specialist Poisons and Venoms, which are sold in the Poison Markets of Tehmor and Vavistor.
The Way of the Snake teaches elusiveness, strength of will and the sudden strike. Snake Tribes dwell mostly in the Southern Moorlands and nearby Plains and are great musicians, preferring to camp in the longer grasses. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamenesses of YSSA and Snake Charmers (Charmer Elementalists and controllers of Giant Snakes) amongst their numbers. They are craft producers of specialist Poisons and Venoms, which are sold in the Poison Markets of Tehmor and Vavistor.
The Way of the Lizard teaches camouflage, speed and fierce attack. Lizard Tribes dwell mostly out in the Blasted Waste and are great warriors, preferring to camp amongst sunny rocks. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of OUROBOROS, Flamethrowers (Fire Elementalists) and Lizard Riders (Fighters mounted on Velociraptors) amongst their numbers. Some tribes include or co-exist with Lizard Men.
The Way of the Rat teaches cunning, resourcefulness and taking what one needs. Rat Tribes dwell mostly in and around the Vale of Haraduin out near the Edge of the World and are great thieves, preferring to camp in secret places. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of RATTUS and Snifflers (Thieves skilled at tracking by Scent) amongst their numbers. The Giant Rats are their friends, and many tribes are infected with Wererat Lycanthropy.
The Way of the Heron teaches watchfulness, patience and the seizing of opportunities. Heron Tribes dwell mostly along the Rivers, especially around the Source of the Caladuin far to the South of Tehmor, and are great fishermen, preferring to camp by streams, rivers and lakes, and skilled with Spears. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of YELLIP and Mistweavers (Water Elementalists) amongst their numbers. Their Totems are always sited by water.
Amongst the lesser (or more secretive) Grasslander Tribes are the following:
The Way of the Owl teaches moving quickly and silently, observation, wisdom and the quick taking of one's prey. Owl Tribes dwell all across the Grasslands and are great seers, moving by night and preferring to camp amongst trees or in abandoned buildings. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of THE GREAT WISE OWL, Sages and Nightseers (specialising in Nightmares and the Dark Side of Circles) amongst their numbers. Their headdresses have the finest feathers and their Totems have great dignity, but always seem to be watching you (and some say the Nightseers use them to spy upon you).
The Way of the Fish teaches caution, safety in numbers and the quick seizing of opportunities. Fish Tribes are nomadic, following streams, rivers and lakes, and are great swimmers and fishermen, skilled with Nets, Spears and Harpoons. They include Mist Warrior Druids, Shamen of LLYWELLA and Piscomancers (Seers who read the entrails of Fish) amongst their numbers. Their Totems are always sited by, in or under water.
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