* Restricted: Moriquendi Druids initiated into the Mysteries only

The Sacred Sites of the Sea of Mizzin and Lost Deserts

Sacred Sites

The following are the Sacred Sites of the Forest of the Sea of Mizzin and Lost Deserts, as known by the Moriquendi of Tavas Taulė:

No. Rune & Sindarin
Tengwar equivalent
Valdrean Name Quenya Name Sindarin Name Description
0. ore ('heart' or weak 'r') The Lost Oasis (Sacred Heart) Airėnda Ainaorė circle of palm trees in desert oasis
1. thule ('spirit' or 'th') Star / Song of Spring Circle Elenorindė / Tuilélindorindė Elacor / Corethuillinn stone circle inscribed with runes
2. lambe ('tongue' or 'l') Song of Summer Circle Lairélindorindė Corlaerlinn stone circle inscribed with runes
3. yanta ('bridge' or 'y') Song of Autumn Circle Yįviélindorindė Coriavaslinn stone circle inscribed with runes
4. arda ('region' or 'rh') Song of Winter Circle Hrķvélindorindė Corrhīwlinn stone circle inscribed with runes
5. 'e' Stone / Sand Circle Litsorindė Erucor stone circle inscribed with runes
6. ungwe ('spider's web' or 'g') Sea Circle Ėarorindė Gaerocor stone circle inscribed with runes
7. ure ('heat' or 'w') Ash Circle Lithorindė Lithicor stone circle inscribed with runes
8. malta ('gold' or 'm') Grey Circle / The Circle of Law Sindarindė Mithicor stone henge
9. umbar ('fate' or 'b') Dreaming / Fairy Circle Olórorindė Ōlthacor varies; e.g. fairy circle of toadstools
10. nwalme ('torment' or 'ngw') Lost Circle / The Circle of Madness Hecilorindė Vanwacor vraries; e.g. open-mouthed gargoyles round bottomless pit
11. alda ('tree' or 'lh') Circle of the Great Trees Taulėrindė Galadhcor circle of giant sequoia trees in pine forest
12. silme ('starlight' or 's') Circle of Starlight / Chaos Circle Tindómėrindė Silmecor ring of pools reflecting starlight

Only Sites 1 to 7 are known to the Moredhil (Lindar) and comprise the Sub-Forest of Vanwanor. 

Sites 9 & 10 comprise the Sub-Forest of the Sea of Mizzin..

Site 11 is effectively the Sacred Heart of the Sub-Forest of Sindalóna, also comprising Sites 8, and12, which are the only other Sites regualrly visited and maintained by the Moriquendi.  Site 7 is also under the influence of the Sub-Forest of Sindalóna, though it has recently (Year 2504) been reclaimed by the Lindar.

Sites 8 and 12 are the corresponding Light and Dark Circles to each other.  Sites 9 and 10 have a similar correspondence, but each can itself manifest in Light or Dark form.

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