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The Temple

Holy Symbols

Many Clerical Spells require as Materials a Holy Symbol Sanctified/Consecrated/Desecrated to the Cleric's God.  These are produced using the Sanctify/Consecrate/Desecrate Object Spell on an object of a design appropriate to the God.  All Clerics receive one during or on completing Initial Basic Training (so when designing a character Players may specify a Holy Symbol for free).

Many worshippers also carry such Symbols as a mark of devotion.  The cost (based on the guidelines below) ought to be a minimum of 150GP for a single Cast of Sanctify/Consecrate/Desecrate Object.  However, it is possible to produce several with one cast, and Temples tend to have good stocks of such items and subsidise them.  The guideline price for equipping a non-Cleric with a Holy Symbol of the God in Whom He/She has Faith is therefore 5GP.

The typical weight of a Holy Symbol is 2 wt pts.

Holy Water

Holy Water is also produced by the Sanctify/Consecrate/Desecrate Object.  Many Temples will keep a font full of it.  They will often let worshippers of their God help themselves for a modest donation.  The guideline price is 1SP per fl. oz. (1 fl.oz. weighs 1 wt. pt.).  A glass vial to carry 5 fl. oz. may cost 5SP (so 1GP filled with Holy Water) and weighs 1 wt. pt. itself.  Treat a Consecrated vial as a Holy Item.

Casting Spells

Many Temples will Cast Clerical Spells in return for a "donation" to Temple funds.  Their willingness to do so will depend upon the Alignment of the applicant, his or her degree of association with the Temple, the nature of the request, and the availability of Clerics able to Cast the requested Spell.  For higher-level Spells it will be necessary to go to a larger Temple in a more major town or city.

The Temple of KOROS is well-known for being the most ready to Cast Spells for cash with the fewest questions asked.  Good Temples are more likely to Cast Healing Spells to help the injured and to discount or waive fees for the impoverished.  Lawful Temples tend to have strict charging policies, Chaotic Temples are more variable in their prices.  Evil Temples may do anything for cash with little reservation, but can be dangerous to deal with.  Many Temples will vary their prices depending on the perceived wealth of the applicant.

Recommended "donations" can vary widely.  As a guideline price, assume 10GP per Clerical Spell Level.  If the Clerics need to expend credit to Cast the Spell with the required Throw, the price will increase: assume an additional 1GP per 1 cr expended.  They will usually prefer to Cast the Spell using Prayer, and will invariably require the applicant to join them in praying.  This can take hours, and a non-Cleric's prayer has no system effect (except that the God may refuse the purchased Request if the applicant does not show sufficient respect).

Some Spells are priced by results, e.g.:

For the standard lists of Clerical Spells Castable by the various Temples follow this link.  Note that non-standard Spells are highly unlikely to be available for general purchase.

Clerical Items

Gods will provide Clerical Magical Items in a Commune in exchange for Clerical credit with Them: see Section 11 of the Clerical System.

Such items may therefore be obtained by purchasing a Commune (as above) and paying one's own credit with the God.  Some Temples may also sell items, especially to worshippers of their God.  As such items are rare, the guideline price for these is 10GP per 1 credit expended.  As the minimum cost for a Magic Item is 100 cr, the minimum price is therefore 1,000GP.

For a worthy quest favoured by the God, a Temple may donate items for free.  However, the God will deduct their cost in credit from the credit earned in the quest.

Message Service

Most Temples (like Guildhouses) will accept letters addressed to their clerics or Faithful, and will hold them until that person collects them.  A donation of 1SP is customary on leaving a message.

Temples will also pass on messages for clerics or Faithful in other towns next time they Contact their fellow Temple in that town.  The normal guideline cost for a Contact Spell is 100GP, but most Temples will provide this service, provided they have other things to say and are not doing a special Cast, for 10GP.

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