Anarea: the Underworld

Icelands The Circles of Hell Gurdor The Lost Country Trikaf Zarmator The Far Hills Flerrig Hulmo Lesser Orcish Empire Harrig Kargen Great Orcish Empire the Underworld

This is the Underworld: a great bowl, with the Pit of Hell at its bottom. On the other side of the World is said to lie the Overworld, and beyond the Wall at the Edge of the World nothing but pure Chaos, the stuff the Stars are made of.

Basic Information on the Underworld

The Nations of the Underworld

The following is an outline of those basic facts about the World which are known to anyorc who bothers himself with such things. None of them is necessarily true.

The following information is common knowledge amongst the inhabitants of each Nation, and would be readily learnt by a traveller to that Nation. None of it is necessarily true.

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