* Restricted Information: denizens of Hulmo and War Zone combatants only

Hulmo and the War Zone

Lesser Orcish Empire

Men are born to be free; to live and die with a little dignity, each with his own chance to find happiness.  Not to be the slaves of orcs; brutally abused and worked until they drop, or until the larder is bare of rat or dog.  The men of Hulmo have fought for that freedom for generation after generation.  To give up would be to surrender to an even worse death.  At least there’s some honour if you’re killed in battle.  The orcs do not give up.  They are too stupid, their lust for human blood is too strong, and there are too many of them.

To fight them has required many sacrifices from the people of Hulmo, but everyone knows the alternative would be worse, far worse.  The breeding programmes, the training schools, the trenches, the suicide squads; every young man knows what he must do, and every young woman too.  It’s not much of a life, but you take happiness where you can find it, and maybe sometimes you do find a little.

The people of Hulmo are Evil / Chaotic men.  The people of the Empire are Evil / Lawful orcs.  The two lands share an open frontier across the wide plain of the River Bleyn.  War was inevitable.  War has raged for over two thousand years.

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