* Restricted Information: subjects of Empire only
The Great Orcish Empire is the breeding and training ground for orcs to fuel the wars of Hell. The Emperor of the Orcs himself is a WAGREN (formerly LOFIR) worshipper, but the Empire has long been allied with Hell (It has always been careful to make the distinction from owing allegiance.) and the Temples and Faiths of all the Gods of Hell are permitted. Worship of DALA and MIRIMI is officially prohibited (as is that of any God of Good), but is not strongly suppressed - except when doing so is a convenient excuse for personal agendas. The Emperorship itself is inherited, but there are frequent family squabbles and coups.
Traditionally the Empire wars with the Goblins of the Overworld, and the conflict flares up from time to time, giving the Orcs useful combat experience. And when Hell goes to war the Empire always sends a large force, receiving favourable trading concessions in return. When there is no official war, or civil war to take sides in, the orcish veterans sign up as mercenaries in the various wars of the Underworld. The Place of Mercenaries in the capital of Ashazôrg, run by the Mercenaries' Guild (a single operation across the Underworld and Hell) is the largest clearing house for mercenaries in Anarea. The Emperor officially disapproves of his subjects signing up to fight for the Lesser Orcish Empire (as its self-styled Emperor refuses to swear allegiance to him), but in practice many volunteer when business is slow in wars elsewhere. Fewer still volunteer to fight for the humans of Hulmo, to whom all orcs are enemies - but the Guild still source deals to supply human mercenaries through Ashazôrg.
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